
The Hunger Games Book Series Review

Okay, it is true sometimes I am one of the last readers to finally pick up and catch onto a GREAT book series. However, I have made it a goal this year to keep up on new releases, rather than waiting for years...  Of course waiting has its benefits too.  If I had read The Hunger Games when it originally came out, I would of had to wait a couple of years to see how it ends.  This way I was able to read book 1-3 right after each other.

     WOW, I loved this book series and I completely recommend it to anyone.  Not only are the books well written, interesting and full of action.  They combine just the right amount of science fiction with reality.  The first book The Hunger Games, had my attention at every page.  Seriously made my mind go alive and the book ended exactly how I would have wanted it too.  I couldn't wait to start Catching Fire, which I also thoroughly enjoyed.

     After the first book, I thought I had guessed exactly how the series was going to end.  However, Catching Fire threw in a spin that not even I had guessed would come.  (And I am usually pretty good at guessing where an author is going.).  Just as good of book as the first and ends at a great cliffhanger.  Which is why I was really glad that after I read the last sentence, I could just pick up the 3rd book and read on.

     MockingJay, a great book too, but to be honest my least favorite in the series.  I hate the thought of leaving a spoiler for anyone who hasn't read these yet, so I won't.  But I am going to say, MockingJay to me was much more like a book which could easily be a movie on the Sci Fi channel.  It was JAM packed with lots, and lots of constant action (which I loved).  Although, I won't say anything about the book on what happens, I am going to say I did find the ending a little on the sad side.  However, as someone who loves the occasional Sci Fi movie, I understand like most science fiction doesn't end with the "Happily Ever After, Life is Great" ending.  With that knowledge I wasn't exactly disappointed.

Overall, I highly recommend this series, I am always a sucker for a good love story, and love triangle.  It was fresh and different, and even though there is a lot of death and murder.  The author wrote it in a way that didn't leave me disgusted.  Surprisingly all the books were clean and perfectly written for YA and adults.  I am looking forward to The Hunger Games movie that comes to theaters in March!!!


  1. I'm actually listening to the audiobooks for this series right now. I've just started the second book, Catching Fire. They're so addictive!!! I finished the first book in a little over a day. Like you, I can't wait for the movie!

  2. I completely agree Maggie, they are VERY addictive!! Glad I am not the only one who waited to read the series! But yes, I can't wait for the movie, I am impressed with the previews so far too! Happy reading, you'll probably not be able to put them down until you are finished...:)


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