Sometimes I get so inspired when I read about a runner and their journey. Which is why I want to start doing a weekly spotlight on a runners. One runner a week.
What is needed: I will email you a series of questions for you to answer. (Just FYI, they will be "get to know you as a runner" questions... (not everyone will get the exact same questions, I will check through your blog and select questions that look like will showcase you the most.)
You'll need to send the answers back to me via email, as well as a picture you'll like to showcase.
I'd like to link the post on my blog to your blog - If you have a twitter or facebook page, I'd like the information on those. So as readers discover your story they can begin following you.
Want to participate?
Send me an email, subject line RUNNER SPOTLIGHT.
My email: runawaybridalplanner(at)hotmail(dot)com - NOTE: you'll have to add the @ and the . - I wrote it this way to keep spammers from hitting my email:)
Tell me you'd like to participate in the email and give me a link to your blog.
I'll reply back to you with a series of questions. When you have the answers as you would like, send them back to me along with any photo you'd like. (I will allow 1-3 photos).
**IF you don't get an email from me within 48 hours, maybe the email didn't come thru. Leave a comment on this post on how to respond to you and I'll make sure you hear from me.
I will be doing these on a first come basis. I will send you an email with a link to your spotlight when it goes live so you can check it out.
Spotlights will be Tweeted out and announced on my Facebook, encouraging others to check out your spotlight and follow your runners journey if they are interested.
Additionally, soon you will see a RUNNERS SPOTLIGHT tab on my blog. Where all post spotlights will be archived.
If you have any questions on this, feel free to email me and I will respond!!!
I am looking forward to this, and I hope many of you will be interested in participating! It's going to be fun getting to know all my followers a bit better! Look forward to hearing from you!