
Motivational Monday - Fresh Start, New Goals

(Link Up Your Blog Today at the end of This Post)

     Over the weekend, I did a lot of thinking about... Well everything.  Once I laid it all out in my mind I realized I need to make some positive changes.  My injury has been (because it's going on 4 months) getting a bit more depressing.  I can't change the fact that I can't be working on my marathon goal.  But I CAN change a few other things.

     I realized, I am getting a little lazy.  It apparently happens when you go from running everyday, to well not...  This year, I have lost 18 pounds to date.  I have a few more I want to shed.  I realized with not being able to distance run right now, this is the perfect opportunity to shed the additional weight.  (Because for me, when running and training for marathons, it's been near impossible.  I have succeeded in not gaining weight during them, but I get so hungry, I haven't been able to lose much while training for them.)

So I have a few new goals, I am going to start working on.  Some are life related, and some fitness related.  I hope to share my progress each week for a while on my Motivational Mondays.

1.  Drop 10 more pounds.
2.  Figure out a way to start getting some cardio workouts in again (that won't hurt my injury).
3.  Lose a few inches on my waist and work on strengthening my core.
4.  Eat healthy and cut the Pepsi down to only 1 a week.
5.  Get more organized with both spring cleaning, and some business cleaning.
6.  Become injury free, and stay that way!

For me when I make goals, I also need to create rewards.  So these are my rewards for when I achieve the above.

1.  Buy the new running skirt I have had my eye on for a while now:)
2.  No reward needed for this, the reward will be in the exercise itself!!!
3.  When the tummy is flat again, buy a new awesome swimsuit:)
4.  When I have dropped to 1 a week and held it for 3 weeks.  I am going to take all that saved money and go buy some new fishing equipment:)
5.  Once all area's are cleaned out, I am taking myself on a camping trip to relax!
6.  Once I am injury free, I get to pick where marathon #40 will get to be, and start training for it, YAY!!!

That's it!  It may not sound like much, but sometimes in life you need to throw in a few mini goals, that hopefully will help you with your long term goals!

So tell me, do you have any mini goals you are working on right now?  

This is Motivational Monday, you can link up in the linky right below.  The purpose of a link up, is to take a few minutes and visit other blogs in the link up and show some love by leaving a comment.   Other purposes, share the Link-Up with others, so they'll know to join up too!  If someone leaves a comment on your blog, make sure you take the time to visit their blog!  It's all about Linking Up and sharing the Love:)


  1. I love having goals to work towards. It keeps me motivated.

    1. Me too! Sometimes I find I get too many at once, but mini goals like this just keep life interesting and like you said motivating!!!

  2. Marathon number 40?!? Holy smokes -- that's awesome! Newbie here so what injury are you battling?

    1. Thanks - ya I hope to hit #40 this fall! I have peroneal tendinitis with some bursitis in my ankle/foot. So not fun, and I am really ready for it to be over:)

  3. Good luck with your goals! I think you have a great reward system in place.

  4. Great goals and you have the right attitude to crush them! When I have goals like this the motivation to accomplish them keeps me motivated!

    I'll join Motivational Monday next week!

    1. Thanks Jill! Ya, just the thrill of accomplishment is generally enough for me too!


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