
Add a New Positivity Into Your Life Today

Motivational Monday Blog Link-Up Day
(You can link up your blog today at the end of this post)

Although some dread Monday's, I think we should look at Mondays as a perfect day to start the week off right.  Set the week's tone, so to speak!
So today I picked a few quotes to use as motivation for this post.  As well as I have another Monday challenge for you all today.

I challenge you to do at least 1 Positive thing for your life:
(Below is just a list of idea's to get you started on the thinking process)

*  Do Something You've Been Putting Off
*  Do Something You've Been Wanting to Get Started Doing
*  Do Something That Will Make You a Better Person
*  Do Something Kind for Someone Else
*  Preform a Random Act of Kindness
*  Do Something That Will Bring Your Family Closer
*  Do Something That Will Help You Find a Career You'll Love
*  Do Something That Makes You Happy
*  Begin Breaking a Bad Habit and Start Changing it Into A Positive One
*  Find A Way to Begin Educating Yourself on Something You've Always Wanted to Learn
*  Clean or Organize Something You've Been Putting Off
*  Start Working on A New Workout Plan

That's it, pretty simple.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but if you give it a try I believe you'll see your day will be brighter, more focused.  You'll look forward to getting to the point in this Monday where you can go and begin this positive change in your life.
You're welcome to do more than one of course.  But picking just one is perfectly fine!  No sense in overwhelming yourself with new positive changes!  Good Luck and Have a GREAT Monday!!!

Link-Up YOUR Blog Today!
Try and Visit the Other Blogs in the Link-UP.
Share Some Love With Comments.
If Someone Comments On Your Blog, Make Sure You Return The Favor!



  1. Today I caught up with my podcasts.
    I also finished sewing some stuff for my daughters school that I said I would do.
    I also planned out my new workouts.

    For me creating smart lists helps me to stay motivated.

    1. Smart lists, sound like a great idea! Hope your day went great!!!

  2. I am in the process of breaking up with a habit that has been chasing me around. It has been one of those days that feels like it has just 'clicked'...
    If that makes sense!
    Thank you for the positive energy!

    1. That totally makes sense! Good luck, I have one of those myself I am working on, it's not easy. But anything is possible! Good luck!

  3. Thanks for this kick in the butt!

    Procrastination is always the biggest enemy, isn't it?

    1. I hear ya, sadly some days I am the queen of procrastination!

  4. Great set of challenges!


  5. Wish I had read this earlier today, could have used a little positivity!! I'll try again tomorrow :) Thanks!

    1. That is the beauty of life, right! We can start fresh in the morning! Hope your Tuesday is FULL of Positivity!!!


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