
Back At It With a Smile on My Face

     This was my first week back running again in more months than I would like to think about right now:)  Even though I have to take it slow, really slow as far as mileage goes.  I am pretty happy with how it is all working out so far, and I'd like to share my week with ya.

Monday - 1/2 Mile Run - Only mild pain for the most part, had a few odd sharp pains in the feet but I believe those were just a few area's getting used to running again.
3 Reps of 10 with the tendon strengthening exercises.

Tuesday - 1 Mile Run - Again only mild pain with each left foot step.  Today was a hard day to force myself to stop at one mile, because the rest of me was feeling too good.  But I was good and stopped when I should have.
4 Reps of 10 with the tendon strengthening exercises.

Wednesday - 1 1/2 Mile Run - Mild pain to start, moderate pain in the middle, and mild pain by the end.  The pain was from work the previous night, not from the running itself. 
1 Rep of 10 tendon strengthening exercises.

Thursday - Rest day - But I worked, and unfortunately 10 hours of work has given me quite a sore tendon today.
No reps of tendon strengthening today, didn't want to push it with the other pain.

Friday - 2 Mile Run - Mild pain to start, it actually felt like the pain subsided a little each lap today as the tendon stretched out.  Little sluggish running in 100 degree temp, but still loved it!

Saturday - TBD - Likely will go 1-2 miles - It's all going to depend on any inflammation or pain.

Sunday - Will be a rest day.

(Note:  I am still icing my tendon 3-6 times a day for 15 minute intervals as needed for the pain/inflammation.  Additionally, taking Naproxin to keep the inflammation down from the hours working on it.  I've also been using Kinesio taping on my injured tendon - Jury is still out on if it actually is of any benefit or just a useless method...)

     So that is it!  Not very impressive but truthfully it doesn't really matter, the fact is I have been able to run which is better than not!  
My theory that the injury will not get worse by running (since I didn't injury it running) has proven correct, and so far no amount of running has made the inflammation or tendon pain worsen (luckily).

     Work, well that is another story.  I am attempting to do all I can to avoid working on it in ways that aggravate it so much...  Additionally, I am considering finding a different 2nd job.  I might suck up my pride and go back to Marketing or Advertising.. desk job.. Arghhh....

     The only downside, I have my appointment with the Specialist Monday.  He's highly recommended by the other Dr's I have previously seen, additionally he's a runner and specifically works with a lot of professional athletes.  (Just FYI I only trust doctors opinions who are runners themselves!)  
There is a chance when I meet with him, he may tell me to hold off on running for a bit longer.  I'll hate it, but I plan on listening (since I will be paying him a small fortune to advise me:)

Tendon injuries can last years or life if not treated properly, and at this point I have been off for so long I'd rather just get it healed and move on with my life and the things I love to do pain free!  So whatever he recommends I'll comply!  I plan on being a lifelong runner, I'm not going to ruin it by ripping apart the tendon.   

     I look forward to the day that I can take a step, or run and not have pain each time my left foot hits the ground:)  I know I sound like I am in a lot of pain, and yes it hurts.  But truthfully the pain has subsided extensively from a month ago, right now on a scale of 1-10 the pain is around a 2-3, whereas before it was at a steady 9 or 10.  So significant progress has been made!  What I have been doing therapy wise, has been working!

     One thing I know, when I start getting into higher miles.  I need to get used to getting my butt out of bed earlier in the morning again:)  This week I have been hitting the track at 9 or 9:30.. Which puts me at around 95+ degree temps and next weeks supposed to be 100-102... Yup, I've gotten a bit too lazy since I haven't had to get up to run and beat the heat:)  Oh well, I'll work on it!  Setting an alarm is the least of my problems at this point:)

Did you all have a great week or running?  

Have you ever had to take a long time off for injury?  Did you find it extremely difficult to hold back and take it easy to start with too?  

Do you want to take a guess at what the Specialist is going to tell me Monday:) 



  1. I know it doesn't seem like much and can be soooo frustrating to start all over again, but you're definitely doing the right thing by taking it nice and easy. Welcome back to running!

  2. In 1995, I gave up running because of tendonitis in my foot. I took up biking that summer and it was a summer in Chicago. The heat killed over 500 people. No regrets, I had been running for 17 years by then, so I felt my running days had come to an end.

    1. I'm not ready to give it up. But tendonitis is so discouraging I can see why you did! Its quite an annoying and painful injury!

  3. I'd say very impressive!! You're returning to running slowly and that is so smart! Yes, very impressive!

    I had a stress fracture and after no running for what seemed like forever I was actually fearful of running. I never wanted to go through that again! I worried about returning too soon and re-injuring. I let my worries kind of suck the fun out of my return to running in the beginning.

    Welcome back to running! So excited for you!

    1. Thanks I am glad to be back! Oh, I have worries, I guess I am just hiding them right now, until after I see the Specialist. But ya, it's always worrisome coming back after an injury! Thanks Jill!

  4. Great job and smart running :) Hope the specialist gives good news and answers on Monday!

  5. Great job!

    I'm working on finding my running mojo! Better find it quick cuz I'm doing a Spartan race on Sunday!

    1. Yes, you better! Good luck on your Spartan race this weekend! They look like a lot of fun!

  6. It's so hard getting back into running after an injury. Well done on you runs. Every little counts. Can I just say WOW on running all those full marathons. That is amazing. Can't wait to hear what the doctor says to you Monday. And Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Thanks Caroline! I can't wait to hear what he says too, I have this crazy itch to get back to finishing my marathon goal:)

  7. I'm glad you can ease back in- it's so hard to be injured. Hope the new specialist let's you continue- you're definitely easing in gradually, which is so smart!

    1. Me too! As long as it won't injure me worse or cause long term problems I am thinking positive thoughts for Monday:)

  8. I'm so glad you were able to get in some runs this week! You should be very proud of yourself and I hope tomorrow's run is awesome.

    For what I was able to run, I had a great week.

    I will be off at least two weeks due to my surgery (not an injury), which feels like a lifetime. Not happy.

    I hope the specialist has some good news for you. Keep us posted!

    1. I feel for you, it's hard to lay off running! Best wishes for your Surgery and a quick recovery so you can get back at it soon! Thanks Jennifer!

  9. That's great that you're back to running, and I think you are smart for easing back into it! I've had a couple of IT band injuries (with me it always seems to be IT band) and it is definitely tough to find the discipline to back off and let it heal. I hope your appointment goes well Monday and you are fully healed up soon!

    1. Thanks Gina! I'm sorry you've suffered with IT band, I haven't had problems with mine but I know a lot who have and I know it is quite a painful battle!


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