
Runners Spotlight - Let Me Introduce Phaedra

Every runner has a great story, that pushes them and drives them to do what they do.  I find it fascinating to learn about others, and in return it also inspires and motivates.  I know I am not the only one who feels this way.  So Runners Spotlights are a weekly series I do every Thursday.

This week I'd like to introduce Phaedra.
I asked Phaedra several questions, to help tell part of her story and introduce you all to her. 

Phaedra Blogs at Blisters and Black Toenails

Tell us a bit about why you started running. 

I started running to lose weight. I led a pretty active life until I hit University then my activity level dropped a fair bit. After University I had become completely sedentary and subsequently put on weight. Running seemed like the easiest, least intimidating thing to do. Put your shoes on and head out the door. I like the simplicity of it.

You run mostly distance races, but I see even triathlons and Ironman have made your race list, do you have a favorite race distance? 

I’d say the half marathon distance would be my favourite. It’s long enough that you have to pace yourself but it’s short enough that I know I can push myself hard without worrying about blowing up.

What motivates you to want to run long distances? 

The “me” time. I love nothing more than lacing up my shoes and hitting the pavement for a couple of hours with a selection of good tunes.

Do you have a favorite race? Tell us about it. 

After doing it for a second time this year, I’d have to say Boston. The spectators make that race.

If you could run ANY race/distance in the entire world what/where would it be? 

The Marathon du Medoc in France.

Do you have any tips or suggestions for someone who may want to attempt an Ironman one day? 

Make sure you have the support system to train for it. It’s like having a part time job and if your partner / family aren’t supportive, it will make the journey that much more difficult.

Your also a pretty fast runner, I see your attempting to PR a 1:30 or faster half marathon. What is your favorite type of speed work training that you do? 

I do two speed sessions a week. One tempo workout and then usually an interval / hill workout of some sort. I love them both for different reasons but I think the tempo runs win out.

Do you have a must have running accessory? 

My Garmin 910xt

Noticed on your bucket list you have a Ragnar race on it (Probably because I love running Ragnar, so I am curious to know.) There are so many to choose from, so when you get your team together, which Ragnar race are you going to pick? 

If I could manage to coax a team to
travel somewhere I’d like to do the SoCal one but since Ragnar just announced a relay here in Southern Ontario, it will probably be that one, ha ha.

Since I am a marathon runner from the US who’d like to run one in Canada one day, can you tell us what is the best Marathon and or races of must do’s in Canada is? 

Well, believe it or not, I’ve only run 4 different marathons / half marathons in Canada. If you want something flat and fast, I’d recommend the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. If you want something a bit more scenic, I’d recommend The Vancouver Marathon.

I noticed you’re into soccer, what are your favorite non running hobbies, sports? 

Swimming and craft beer sampling. Not at the same time of course. :)

A saw on your blog you’re a “dreamer”, because this fits my own personality. I’m curious to know a few of your dreams, what plans do you hope your future holds in running or even off the road? 

I’m working on getting my coaching certification so it would be my dream to be able to coach people full time.

Being from the area in Canada that you are, you must live and run in some beautiful country and sometimes probably some really cold weather. What’s your favorite type of weather to run, cold/hot, what are your favorite types of courses flat/hills? 

My favourite weather is usually in early fall when the air is a bit cool and crisp but the sun is still warm. Days like that make me happy. I prefer running on flat courses. Hills kill me. Maybe because I don’t do enough hill training, ha ha.

When you are trying to decide what blogs to follow, what are you looking for in a blog? What types of things keep you wanting to come back and read more? 

I love blogs that are funny and that share the good and the bad. I really enjoy reading about other people’s training as well as their subsequent race experiences. It offers up all sorts of inspiration. And of course, if you’ve got recipes on your blog, I’m in. I love to eat and I’m always looking for new recipes.

Tell us about your blog, what types of things do you post about? What can a visitor expect when they follow your blog? 

I post a lot about my training and my goals. I post race recaps as well as the occasional recipe along with gear reviews. You will also occasionally find a creative piece or two (I like to write short stories) along with a lot of instagram pics.


YOU CAN FOLLOW PHAEDRA TODAY VIA Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest or Instagram

I want to thank Phaedra for being Spotlighted!  Phaedra I wish you the best of luck in getting your coaching certification!  I have a feeling you'll be great at it!  Good luck with your future races and training, and wishing you lots of enjoyable  "Me" time!



  1. Great interview! Phaedra, LMK if you're looking for a Ragnar runner :)

    1. TOTALLY! That is definitely a bucket list item that I want to check off sooner rather than later! :)

  2. Nice interview with Phaedra! I was one of those people cheering in Wellesley (mile 13) during the Boston marathon this year. Congrats on all your accomplishements!

  3. Love Phaedra- her instagram posts are so inspiring, and her speedy legs! :)


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