
Adding More Miles

Just returned from a short camping trip. Even though it was short it gave me a little time to think things through and re prioritize and regroup.
This being a new week, and having seen some slight but additional improvements to my healing injury as I have been pretty much each week for over a month now. This particular week I am excited to bump up the mileage a little bit more and see how the tendon handles it.

To help keep the surface a bit softer and avoid cracks and surface shifts that my ankle might not be ready for, I am still running on a track.
But I am hoping to slowly and gradually break away from that little by little and get back on the roads again in the coming weeks.
However, this weeks I will just concentrate on increasing the mileage. So far I haven't run further than 2 1/2 miles during this injury recovery process.
Coming from being a distance runner who prior to this injury ran 40-60 miles depending on the week. Let me just say, this has been quite hard! However, if I didn't do this, likely I could be suffering from this injury for years or damage myself for life. So sometimes sacrifices have to be made...

This week, I plan to hit the 3 mile marker and if things go well possibly even 4. But I am going to play it day by day and judge what do do based on the pain levels... The only unfortunate thing is, this week is a very heavy work week for me where I will be putting in close to 60 hours. And 37 of those will be on my job that created this injury in the first place. The other part will be weddings.
So I am hopeful but at the same time, we'll see how things go!

Anyhow, that is a quick update on what is going on. Now that I have things back on track and my schedule a bit better, I plan on starting up Motivational Monday Blog Link-Up again next week and I hope to start up Runners Spotlights again this week.

Additionally, I am beginning a new weekly series on Tuesdays - Travel Tuesdays which will start tomorrow. I'm excited about working on this new weekly series as it will be fun for me in many ways:)

The pictures above were all taken in the Utah Wasatch Mountains while I was on my short camping trip:)


  1. Your camping trips looks awesome. Your forests are very different to ours, but that's what I love.
    Can't wait to read the new blog series tomorrow.

    1. Thanks Matilda! When I was younger I used to watch the Australian movie The Man From Snowy River, and for most my life wanted to visit the famous Snowy River Mountains in Australia. But yes, your mountains and forests are different than ours, but with their own unique beauty too! Can't wait to visit there one day (hopefully in the next few years:)

  2. I'm happy to hear your mileage is going up! Injuries are so difficult, but you are coming back just the way you should, slow and steady. It's so hard not to push when that's part of what we like as runners, but I think you'll look back at this period and be grateful that you did it the right way. Can't wait until you injury is a distant memory for you!

  3. Good luck with your longer run this week! Fingers crossed you won't have a bit of pain.


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