
Runners Spotlight, Let Me Introduce Tyly

Every runner has a story, which pushes and drives them to do what they do. It's fascinating learning about others, and in return it also inspires and motivates.

This week I'd like to introduce TylyI asked Tyly several questions, to tell part of her story and introduce you to her. 

Tyly Blogs at

Tell us what distances you like to run?

I have run way more 5ks than anything else, mainly because there's a local race series that offers them.  I sign up for all the local races I can find, because I absolutely love the race setting!  I have run one 10k, and I enjoyed it, and I also love the half marathon distance.  
How long have you been running?  Or at what age did you start running?

I started running in 2008, so that would make me 26 at the time.  Time flies when you're having fun!

What made you want to become a runner?  What is it that keeps you at it?

Initially I started running as a way to lose weight.  I was at my all time heaviest, and I was so unhappy.  I started with the couch to 5k program, and it was exactly what I needed at the time.  What keeps me going now is the sense of pride and accomplishment running gives me.  There's no better feeling than conquering something you never thought you'd be able to do!

What is the furthest distance or race you have ever run?  

The longest distance I've run is a half marathon. 

If you could run any race in the entire world, where would it be and why?

I would love to run a race at Walt Disney World!!!  I love that place so much, and I think it would be really neat to have an entirely different perspective of the parks.  I have seen recaps and photos from those who have done it, and it seems like Disney really goes all out to make it a special event!

Do you run for fun?  Or run to compete?  Both?

I run for both.  If I had to pick, I would say I run to compete with myself.  I am not fast enough to place in races, but I always try to do better than I did the last time.

Have you ever won a race or placed in your age group?

Actually, I have once!  I couldn't believe it!  It was awesome, even though I know it was just because it was a teeny-tiny race.  :)

You have an amazing weight loss story, tell us a little about it, what motivated you to do what you did and now become a runner?

Thank you!  As I mentioned before, I was very overweight.  I had never been so big in my entire life!  I let the weight slowly creep up on me, and it took me a long time to really see just how bad I had let things get.  I read somewhere that running was a great way to lose weight, so I decided to give it a shot.  The first few weeks of couch to 5k were so difficult for me even though I was only running one minute at a time with breaks in between!  Almost immediately after I started the program, I signed up for my very first 5k as motivation.  I knew the program was nine weeks long, so I picked a race that was nine weeks away.  Once it was race day, I couldn't believe I was actually at the starting line of my very first 5k.  I felt amazing the entire time and cried tears of joy at the end.  I had never been so proud of myself!  That feeling of accomplishment is still with me, and that's what keeps me running.

Do you have a specific distance and PR that you are proud of?  Tell us about it.

I'm most proud of the fact that one point, I consistently ran sub thirty minute 5ks.  I chased that dream for quite a while, and it felt amazing when I finally made it happen.  Unfortunately I let my training fall off for several months, and I'm not quite as fast as I once was anymore.  I'll get there again, though!

Have you ever ran a race in costume?  Would you?  

I did a Challenge Nation city wide scavenger hunt event dressed as Waldo, but I've never run a race in costume.  I totally would, though!  It would have to be a costume I could stay cool in, though.  I have run many of my races in crazy / themed long socks!  I love doing that.

Do you hope to be a lifelong runner?

Absolutely!!!  I intend to run for as long as my body will allow!

Do you listen to music while you run?  Give us the top 2 running songs on your playlist.

Definitely.  I have only run 2 races without it, and that was due to technical difficulties!  My two favorite songs to run to right now are Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke and Holy Grail by Jay Z.  They keep me moving!

Do you cross train?  What types?

Yep!  I take a Vixen Muscle class at my gym twice a week for weight training, and I'm going to start taking a power up weight lifting class as well.  I also enjoy taking spin class, cardio challenge class, and any other classes that are high energy and fun!  

What other hobbies/sports do you do besides running?

Other than my run and classes at the gym, I don't have time for much else.  I'm a teacher and a grad student, so I do well to fit in my runs and classes!

What do you do with your race t-shirts and medals?

I give most of my race t shirts to my family.  I run so many races that I'd have way too many otherwise.  I know they wear them, so it makes me happy to let them have them!  As far as medals, I really want a display rack for them!  I've seen some really nice, custom ones.  Now that I've collected several of them, I feel I have earned it!  :) 

Saw your a Steelers fan, do you try to go to the games?

Oh, how I wish!!!!!  I am a HUGE Steelers fan, and nothing would make me happier than to wave a terrible towel at a live game!

Do you have any tips of suggestions for someone who is thinking of starting up running?

Baby steps!  It's great to have big goals in mind, but if you try to take on too much too fast, you'll only end up discouraged. Do what you can with where you're at.  Don't worry about the pace or distance anyone else is running.  Do the best that YOU can do.  Run your own race and be proud of every single accomplishment along the way!

What is your must have running accessory?

My Garmin, for sure!

If you blog, tell us a bit about your blog.  What can readers expect to see when they follow you.

My blog is a mixture of all kinds of things!  I talk about my daily life, my running, my journey to lose weight and get fit, struggles, victories, and everything in between.  Nothing is off limits! 

Take a minute and go and check out Tyly's blog or Facebook page, or follow her on Twitter

You can also find Tyly on Twitter @tylyshab

Thanks for letting my spotlight you Tyly!!  I hope you make it to Disney World to run one day, you'll have a blast with it.  Your right, they do put on a great race!!!  I look forward to following you on your blog as you continue your journey as a runner:)


  1. Great story Tyly, love the pictures.
    Far out giving away race t-shirts to family, I wish I got that many free t-shirts, I've had to pay for most of mine. I've only ever been given 1 shirt for free. OH wait 2, if you include tough mudder.
    I see you running walt disney, and I bet you'll love it.

  2. Great post! Definitely enjoyed reading it and will check out of social networks!! Good luck making it to Disney! I live here (Orlando) and want to do one butttt they're just not in my price range! But one day :)

    The Coily Bombshell


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