
Running with my Tendon Injury

Linking up with Jill for Fitness Friday and Running Bloggers Fitness Friday

I feel like I am starting to sound like a broken record, because every fitness activity I do seems to revolve around the stupid tendon injury!  However, this week I have been running with the injury.

On the good note, every morning when I wake the injury is HARDLY noticeable.  I have been running daily this week and WHILE I have been running I've only barely noticed the pain and even then it's only on the uphill portions.

However, on the down side.  Between 2-5 hours after I run I can barely walk....  But all the icing and evening/night rest by each morning the pain is back down to hardly noticeable again.  So all I can say is thank goodness for high heels, because without them I wouldn't be able to walk at all in the afternoon and evening:)

Normally I would never push the running with the injury.  But with the appointment with the Surgeon 13 days away, I figure what more damage can I really do to it at this point, (in theory).

Regardless, I have felt great this week.  Even if my mileage is very small and maybe not worth mentioning - But I still will anyway:)

Monday - 1 Mile Running
Tuesday - 2 Miles Running
Wednesday - 1 Mile Running
Thursday - 2 Miles Running
Friday - 3 Miles Running
Saturday - Rest day - I've 2 weddings to decorate this day, so that will be enough Workout:)

On top of it all, I have successfully started working on a 2nd goal.  Which is to quit drinking Pepsi, except for 1 day a week:)  (Gotta have one splurge day:)  If I make it through today, then I will have gone 6 days without it.  I've had minimal headaches and I think this has also attributed a lot to my feeling so great!

All in all, it's not much.  But it's been a successful week for me, and despite the injury, its been great!!

So tell me, what successes have you had this week?  Any races this weekend you're looking forward too?


  1. I hope that your surgeon is able to help you. I'm sure you're very frustrated.

    Successes this week? Well, I kicked the allergy attack so I got my speed back up. I surpassed my 50 miles for August goal. Mr PugRunner is running a 3.5 mile race on Monday, and I'll be following at the 1 mile fun run with little man. I wish I was running the real thing, but I've got a 7 miler on Sunday and we don't have a sitter to watch him so early, so, we do what we can.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. That is awesome, glad to hear you surpassed your August goals:) Hope you had fun in your 7 miler!

  2. Wow you and I are on the same path. I am also coming back from an injury and I a also cutting back on diet coke.

    1. Hope your injury heals soon!!!! Good luck with cutting back on the diet coke:)

  3. I know how hard it can be to run with an injury. I hope your appointment goes well and that it offers some relief. I am in the same boat with running only short distances due to my shin splints and calf stresses. But at least it is something. You will get back to your regular routine eventually. Good luck at your weddings, that is surely a workout in itself.

    1. Good luck with your shin splints and calf stresses! I've never had those, but my sister does get them and so I know they can be quite painful!

  4. Glad you had a great week! Love the consistency in your workouts, mine have not been that way this week as I've been suffering from migraines. I suppose if I really wanted to I could work through it. I am concerned about the pain after you run that just seems pretty bad.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering from Migraines!!! Hope you can get over those soon! Yeah, I've been concerned about the pain for 8 months now, but next week I should have some better answers to the damage scenerio and some options to consider.... But I am hopeful!

  5. It's killing me that I have got zero milage this week, still getting over my chest infection which means my glorious return to spring running has been delayed.

    I know it medically irresponsible but I agree with your thoughts about what further damage you could actually do and running anyway.

    1. Sorry about your chest infection!!! Hope you can get back to it soon!!!

  6. Kristy you are doing so well. You may think the mile is low, but you know what a mile is still a mile, and it's better to have an active recovery than be stuck on the couch.
    You've come far, and I can tell you have really appreciated this not running aspect (well from my aspect).
    I've never been a soda drinker, I just find them too sweet. I'd rather stick to water.

    1. Thanks Matilda! I like getting out and running, even though I know its not the best for the injury. It just feels good! But keeping it low mileage I am at least able to keep the daily damage minimal!
      You're smart to stick with water! Wish it would be that easy for me:)

  7. I missed that you're having surgery. It will be so great to be pain free afterwards! Oh and by the way, every mile definitely counts!

    1. I'm not actually sure if I will have to have surgery. But I will find out next week. Basically in short, none of the other specialists have been able to point me in the right direction, other than to tell me working out and running isn't an option (which I don't agree with). So I have an appointment with a Sports Injury Surgeon, one of the best in our state, who deals with a lot of professional atheletes. its taken months to get the appointment, but I am very hopeful that he will be the answer I need!

  8. It is so hard to deal with injury! Hope you soon start to see some improvement.

  9. Congrats on your goal of cutting out Pepsi. I know so many folks struggle with that, and you're already rocking it 6 days in! Good job!!! Also, great job on the mileage. The # of miles don't count. Just the fact that you did them is enough. Have a great day!

    Jen @

  10. I think we both have a fighter spirit, you ran and showed your dedication ( That Is real character) I hope the best for your surgery, I took your advice and word a sweat wicking hat on my run Sunday to help keep me cool.

    1. Thanks, I do have a fighter spirit, and I just have to hold it back and keep low mileage until I find out all the damage that is done. Hope I don't need surgery, but if I do, it will be worth it if it means I can get back into marathons again!
      Hope the hat worked out great! I pretty much only wear a hat anymore, heat or cold I just have gotten used to them!


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