
My Review on ORAL I.V.

I received an amazing opportunity to test out and review Oral I.V.  In case your wondering what Oral I.V. is, like I did before I tested it out.  This is an amazingly different Hydration Recovery Product, that can also be used to help prevent Dehydration during a workout.

If you are anything like me, you are probably wondering how it tastes.  To be honest, when I received it I was expecting it to taste salty to some extent.  However, I couldn't of been more wrong!  It actually tastes just like water.

I actually tested this out back in August, and a few times since then.  In August I was still able to run a bit and I was doing a lot of hiking. 
One day that I was going hiking, I decided to take one of the capsule's with me and try it out.
I popped the top off, and couldn't resist taking a little taste, just to see how it was.  It tasted exactly like water, no after taste or anything. 
The directions say you can either take it alone, or with 16oz. of water.  So I threw a water bottle in with my other water hydration pack just for this purpose.  I took a couple of sips from the bottle to make room for the Oral I.V. and then poured it in and shook it up.

I decided to drink the water with the Oral I.V. first that day.  It was a hot day, and we hiked several miles and did a lot of climbing.  I won't say I noticed any major differences, but will say that even after a hot day I did not go to bed that night feeling any symptoms of dehydration from spending all day hiking around in the 95 degree temps!

A few weeks later I noticed I was experiencing some bad headaches, and it seemed like no amount of Tylenol or Excedrin Migraine were helping them.  For days I had a lingering headache that would get worse as the day wore on. 
A family member asked me if I was dehydrated.  It was then it occurred to me that I very likely could be.  It wasn't that I wasn't drinking water, but I really hadn't been drinking much each day.  We had been having several weeks of 90-100+ degree temps.  So a little dehydration made sense.
I remembered I had the Oral I.V. and thought this would be a unique way to test it out.

It was morning, and I had woken up with the same bad headache that I had been having for days.  So poured an Oral I.V. into a 16oz. bottle of water and drank it as I got ready that morning.  A few things to note, I did NOT take any pills for the headache, I only took the water with the Oral I.V. 
I can honestly say that my headache was near non-existent about 45 minutes after I finished the drink.
I didn't think I needed another Oral I.V. since it would already be in my system, so I just drank water normally through the rest of the day.  The remaining headache eventually left me entirely a few hours later, and did not return. 
Based on my previous days experience with the pills not working, and then taking the Oral I.V. I am pretty confident in assuming that the Oral I.V. helped rehydrate me faster than just drinking water alone!

Here is some pretty cool information about Oral I.V.
What is it?  It's a Hydration Aid - It is used to assist in hydration, not to be used solely as a hydration source.
Why DOESN't it have a bad taste?  It doesn't have Sugars, Caffeine, Stimulants or any additives, artificial ingredients.
So whats in it?  It's a formula of Crystaloid electrolytes and purified water.
Why/When should I use it? 
*  Use it to aid in Marathon Training, Cycling, Hiking, Climbing, Professional Sports or other Strenuous physical activity or even in your daily life, like on the job. 
*  It's small, can easily fit in a pocket or sports pack to carry with you.
*  Contains no sugars or stimulants.
*  Shorter your recovery times from exercise and exertion.
*  ALL NATURAL ingredients.

Want to learn more about Oral I.V?  
You can visit their website HERE

Disclaimer:  Oral I.V. Provided me with free samples to try for my opinion and honest review of this product.  I was not required to write a positive review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I have Oral IV to try for review. Your review has me even more curious to try it out.

    1. I am pretty sure you'll like this Jill. As I know from your blog you love natural products!

  2. Alright if it tastes like water I can probably do it but I'm finding I just don't like hydration drinks and all that stuff.

    I really like that it doesn't have any nasty stuff in it.

    1. That was one of my favorite features too, that it doesn't have "nasty stuff" in it:)

      It seriously does! If you did a blindfold taste test contest, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and water! Well worth giving it a try!


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