
Book Review For Every Season By Cindy Woodsmall

Having read the previous books in this Amish series, I was really looking forward to the third installment in this series, For Every Season.  It did not disappoint!  I loved every page, every character and just ate up every situation and romance in the story as it unfolded.

Rhoda, is my favorite character in this series, also the main character.  While waiting for this sequel, I had my fingers crossed and was so hopeful that she would get together with Samuel.  The last book left us with a cliff hanger where Rhoda was caught when Samuel surprised her with a kiss at the same time while her finance Jacob walked in and caught them.  This book picks up right where the last left off, as Rhoda has moved out of the Amish house she lived in with her brothers family and Jacob and Samuel and into the Cranford's house.

Rhoda isn't like other Amish women, she's a bit more headstrong and opinionated.  Which is not exactly a characteristic that other men in the Amish community appreciate or allow.  Luckily for her she is surrounded by men who welcome her opinion and value her for it.  She is part owner of a new Orchard in Maine that she moved out to with her brother and the King's to start up a new business as well as a new Amish community.
Just about everything that could go wrong has, and in the first few chapters of this book, you'll realize their luck hasn't started to change for any better.  Her fiance Jacob still has serious legal and personal troubles he is trying to resolve as well as an English woman and her child to help take care of.  Then there is the fact that Rhoda's fiance won't speak to her because of walking in her her kissing his brother.  Rhoda is forced to avoid her fiance's brother whom is also her best friend as she tries to mend things with Jacob.

Additionally, she continues to receive visions, and has become absolutely certain her new friends the Cranford's have a granddaughter out there that they need to find.  Those aren't the only ghosts, as her sister Emma continues to appear at specific times pushing her to determine her fate. 

Also, Leah who is Rhoda's fiance's sister, has a bit more of a role in this sequel as she struggles with the decision to remain Amish or join the English and follow her heart that is pushing her toward Landon.  Leah also takes things upon herself to hire a new hand for the orchard, a young single Amish girl Iva.  So that her brother Samuel will have someone to pine over besides Rhoda.
But like all the books in this series, nothing goes exactly as you think it will.  There are new surprises in each chapter that keep many questions unanswered and raise a few more.  But I hate spoilers, so I don't plan on letting any of those out to you.

New York Times Best Selling Author Cindy Woodsmall knows exactly how to write an Amish romance, she keeps you guessing throughout.  You'll laugh, smile and your heart will ache with their heartaches.  At the same time you'll absolutely love them all.  If you love Amish fiction or want a change of pace to read something new.  For Every Season and all of the Amish Vines and Orchard's books in this series are one's I absolutely recommend!  As for myself, I cannot wait for the next installment in the series Every Season Brings With It Change!  Too bad I have to wait until next spring!

Will you Please Take a Minute and Rank My Review?

  Disclaimer:  I was provided with a copy of this book to read for review.  I not asked to write a positive review, only for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Thanks for the review. Looks like a book I would love reading.

  2. I loved your review. It was great. I love Cindy's books, tho I don't have all of this series yet. I will eventually. Thanks for loving them too. Was surprised tho, for I thought this was the last one. If you should contact me, please use this email address. I would love to win this book. MAXIE mac262(at)me(dot)com


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