
Runners Spotlight Let Me Introduce Emily

Today is Spotlight Thursday

This week I'd like to introduce EmilyI asked Emily several questions, to tell part of her story and introduce you all to her. 

Emily Blogs at
When did you start running, and why?

I started running January of 2012.  My (fiance) at the time and I made a deal that if he would start golfing (I was a college golfer) that I would start running.  And I guess the rest is history.

Do you run for fun, competition or both?

Both.  I'm not very fast so its hard to be competitive, but I just do it to stay in shape and I always have a race to train for.

What keeps you loving to pound the pavement?

I love the feeling when I finish a race.  I don't normally care much about my time, but that feeling is just the best.

What motivates you as a runner?  How do you use this motivation to balance life, work, etc?

Staying healthy is #1.  I have a condition that causes me to gain weight if I don't watch what I eat, so running keeps me in line.  I have that confidence in myself when I'm happy with myself and that motivates me to keep going.  I always try to find time to get a run in, even if I have a long day at work.

Have you ever won a race?  Or placed in your age division?

I finished first in my age group last year at a small 5K!  It was awesome!

What race distances to you run?

I've ran many 5K's, one 11.03 miler (17.75K) and 4 half marathons.  I'm running a full in October!

Do you have an all time favorite race you participated in?

I normally would say my PR half marathon last April, but my favorite race was Akron Half Marathon last September.  It was my first half, and I had a blast!  It was an extremely well-run race and I loved finishing in a baseball stadium!

If you could run in any race/distance in the entire world, what would it be and why?

I really want to run a Nike Women's race.  I don't care the distance, I just want that Tiffany box!

Have you competed in a race in another state?

I have!  I ran the MCM 17.75K in Virginia to get an automatic entrance into the MCM this fall.  It was nice to not have to register the day everyone else was trying to.

Besides running, what other hobbies, sports do you participate in?

I'm a competitive golfer and played in college.  I'm hoping next summer to actually play in some tournaments locally.  I like cooking and finding new recipes for my husband and I to enjoy.  I also like to sing.

Have you ever dressed in costume for a race?

If you count a Santa hat for a jingle bell run:)  I am really OCD about what I'm wearing while running so I don't normally dress in costumes.  Maybe someday!

What items are your "must have" while out on a run?

My oiselle rogas, spibelt, Huma Gel, ipod shuffle, and my phone.  As I increase my distance, I feel like I need to get a fuel belt or something.

When you go around looking for new blogs to follow, what types of things are you looking for?  What blogs/topics grab your interest and make you want to come back to read more?

I just like blogs that talk about fitness as a whole, but also talk about their daily lives.  I like to learn about people, not just about their workouts (Although those are important too!)

As runners we know we get asked some unusual questions, by non-runners or people who just wonder why we do what we do.  What is the most unusual question you have been asked, how do you answer it.

I get asked if I'm crazy a lot.  Why would you run a marathon?  I guess I'll have that answer once I finish it:)

You enter a lot of races.  What is your favorite pre-run food, post race food?

Pre-run I always have a piece of bread with peanut butter on it.  My favorite post race food is probably some wings and beer.  Does beer count?

What is your favorite running or non-running activity you like to do?

As I've said before, I love golfing.  My favorite running workout is speed.  I love running around a track.  Totally should have done that in high school.

You just got married.  Is running something you look forward to doing as a couple?

Yes!  I love running with my husband.  However, I normally run separately from him so he can do chores when I'm out.  Or we run on our treadmill that we just got!

Tell us about your blog, what do you post about?  What topics do you cover?  What can people expect when they visit?

I post about my workouts, my daily life sometimes, and training for my first marathon.  I also have giveaways randomly!  I'm also going to start reviewing running products I try, so others can try them too.

Emily Blogs At 


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