
This could be a great week

So in two days, I find out if I only have 2 weeks left of slowly wearing the boot less and less over the next 2 weeks.  Additionally what my foot/ankles future will be for the next few months as far as physical therapy.
It will be sad to say goodbye to this beautiful accessory, I mean I can't tell you how many outfits this big beauty goes with.  Not to mention how fabulous it looks with my shoe(s) on my right foot.  It's not only absolutely fashionable, its also extremely comfortable!  Especially if you have to kneel down, or sit on the ground and try to get up. (You are jealous, I know:)
I have gotten a little used to it, and in the coming weeks I will miss waking up several times in the middle of the night to readjust it so it quits cutting off my circulation or untwist it all from my blankets and such:)

But seriously, although I am very much looking forward to my days without it.  I have to appreciate it, because it has allowed me to hopefully get through the healing process.
My only worries about my Dr. Appt are that my ankle has been swollen double in size since I put the boot on 6 weeks ago, additionally my toes have had that just fallen asleep tingly feeling for the entire time as well.  I called the doctor about it 5 weeks ago, and he told me not to worry about it, it was normal and would go away.  So the fact that it never did, has me slightly wondering....
But in all honesty, I think once I can start taking it off for a few hours here and there, I believe that should help get the swelling down.

So Wednesday morning, I guess we will see what the future holds.  No matter if I get news that I have a bit longer in this or I can start PT immediately I am excited for the news.  Because one thing I am fairly certain of, which is the main issue (the Achilles tendon part) I believe has healed, I have zero pain in that area anymore. (As far as I can tell in the 15 minutes a day I am not wearing this boot when I shower:)  The other issues, well are to be determined I guess:)

Additionally, I have been doing an evaluation on my life.  I have been inactive for about 6 weeks now and that has taken a huge toll on my fitness.  (Not that it was great the past few months before.)
I should lie and say I have been eating wonderfully and healthy. 
But I haven't been doing all that well with it.  That was until last week.
Last week, I began eating better I have been on the healthy Diet-To-Go meals, and I think that has given me a little jump start that I needed.
I have gained way too much weight, I don't want to admit this, but it might be better for me if I do.  Over the past 5 months I have gained 40 pounds....  Yeah, embarrassing!!!  I had a lot of success back in January and February when I tried out the DietBet games, so I have decided I am going to find one of those to enter in the next few weeks.
I have a long recovery process, and because I have been an idiot, I have just as long if not longer to get back to being healthy again! 
(10 months off regular fitness activity can seriously take its toll on your body!!)

I know once I can run again, that will be everything I need to get back into it all for good.  The only problem is I am likely still a month or two away from getting the okay to start doing that again.  So I really need to get on my own case and find some other motivation and get back into it!

Anyhow, that is a little update on my life.  Embarressing as it it!
Hope everyone else is having much better luck with staying healthy and acheiving their fitness goals!


  1. Wow only 15 mins a day. I don't blame you for the sarcasm, Having boot like that on all the time would drive me batty too.
    The weight will come off, once the boot is gone for good. So my fingers are crossed for you that you get the a okey.

    1. Yup, only 15 min a day without it in the past 6 weeks... But its going to be worth it if it fixes the problems and gets me back to what I love:)

  2. I'm so glad you are having no pain and you will soon be spending less time in the boot! I gained a little over 10 pounds in 5 weeks of being injured and I'm still working on getting it the other weight I had on me before that gain! Sheesh! Sending good-news-vibes your way!!

  3. It must be tough what you are going through. I am very disappointed when I got on the scale and it said what it said, I was supposed to be 13 pound lighter and I have 23 pounds still to go. But with the amount of alcohol I drink and maybe one too many carbs, I should not be so shocked at my progress. I would like to work on m goal and see some improvements. Hopping you get better soon too!

    1. Thanks Caroline! With as much as you run, I think if you can cut out the alcohol you'll likely drop that last 23 in a month or less with no additional effort! Good luck!!!!


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