
Burning Sky By Lori Benton

Something you should know about me, I absolutely love stories about Indians and times during the frontier days.  After I read the first page, I knew I was in for something fabulous!  Lori Benton wrote Burning Sky with such passion, that you can tell she put a lot of thought not only into the plot, but as well in her writing.  Be prepared to be swept away to a different time in America, right after the Revolutionary War.  A time when destruction and harsh life are inevitable.

Willa Obenchain was taken from her home when she was fourteen by the Mohawk Indians, she learned to live among them for twelve years.  Content with her life, until illness and war take her husband and children from her.  Having her heart broken and the life she knows now taken from her twice. She decides to set out and go back to find her frontier New York home again.  But home is not as she remembered and Willa is not embraced with welcoming arms.

Willa is a white woman who is battling a life between two worlds, a life as an Indian and the life she was originally born into.  After she showed kindness and helped a man in need, she brings with her a new friend Neil McGregor.  After arriving home, she learns her circle of friends is nothing but quite small.  Hammered with questions, distrust and dislike, she is not at all welcomed back by the townspeople and she is finding it hard to find anywhere where she can fit in.

This novel takes you on a richly historical journey and will tug at your heart as Willa goes from one life to another and learns both self discovery and redemption.  You'll feel for her as she attempts to overcome her past and let the future and the possibilities of a new love into a new future.
This novel is quite long, filled with lots of details.  If you enjoy history, the American frontier as well as stories filled with hope and romance, then you'll love Burning Sky by Lori Benton.
I highly recommend this novel and found it to be appropriate for any age group, however because of it's size, it may be enjoyed more by readers ages 18+.

I'd love it if you'd take a minute and rank my review below:

Disclaimer:  I was provided with a copy of this book to read for review.  I was not asked to write a positive review, only for an honest review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Great review. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us :)

  2. Thank you so much for this review! What a blessing to meet readers who share my particular passions for frontier history and faith.


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