
Updates on my Blog

First, if you are interested in a fun way to find new blog followers for your blog, and other social media accounts.  It's not too late, you still have time to join the growing list of bloggers in a large Blog Hopping Giveaway just in time for the holidays.
READ HERE and make sure you understand the rules before signing up with us below.

Second, I am really exited to tell you about some changes you'll be soon noticing on my blog.
Even though I have had a blog for years, I used to only blog once or twice a month and I would only blog about a marathon I had just run.  However, this year (thanks to my injury) it opened me up to other idea's and I started exploring the fitness world of blogging, and realized I could do so much more. (Thanks to all the fun I've had reading many of your blogs this year:)
Little by little this year, I have tried out different things, to see what works and what doesn't and what all of you as my blog viewers and visitors like and don't care for:)

The new changes I am making are gradually happening you may have already noticed a few.  But I will say I am really excited about several of them!
One of which is, I have a graphics designer gal working on a new blog header for me, she has some great idea's and I am really excited about how it will turn out.

As for the rest of my blog, you'll notice a few changes in my posting schedule.

Monday's, used to be Motivational Monday's and I had a link up.  But other bloggers also do this, so I decided I needed something new and different for my blog.  So soon you'll be seeing "All About ME Monday's" this will be a post that I will share more details about me, and what has been going on in my life, things I am doing, trying, goals I am working on, my successes and my failures, the good, the bad, and the funny (even if I am the only one who does find it funny:) 
Additionally there will be a Monday link up for any of you who blog, who write posts about your own life and going on's and have things you'd like to share....  You will be allowed to link up any post, as long as it is content that any audience can view.  Additionally, anyone who links up will have my guarantee that I'll visit your blog and leave a comment on the post you link up.

Tuesday's, will remain Travel Tuesdays.  I might be adding a few differences to how I do them, but so far it seems like many of you enjoy viewing these posts.  Occasionally instead of focusing on a specific destination, I may write posts on other travel related tips and suggestions to help people out, with the focus always on if your a runner and you travel.  

Wednesday's, I will continue to do Wedding Pics or Book Reviews.  Because weddings are what I do for a living and on occasion I love showing off my work:)  I am also a book addict, I pretty much make sure I read at least one or two novels a week, and I only share the ones I actually like (because I don't think bad books deserve any extra advertisement:)  so you can always count on seeing great books to choose from, and since I have a wide taste in books from YA, Adult Fiction, Romance - Historical, Suspense, Thriller etc..  There can be something for everyone!

Thursday's will continue to be Spotlight Thursdays.  Previously they have only been Runners Spotlights.  However, with a twist, I am also going to start a "nominate a spotlightee"..  As a way for a people who have a family member or friend who is an incredible person/runner/athlete of any sport and they would like to surprise them with a day they are spotlighted.  I'd like to do at least one of these surprise spotlights a month.  So if you know someone, a family member, friend or co-worker let me know and I'll get you details on how I plan to do these and what will be needed of you.

Friday's, I really enjoy linking up with others who already do Fitness Friday link ups.  So now that I am getting over this injury I plan on using these days to go over my progress as I continue to heal and get back to running all while sharing the ups and downs of my journey.
But also a few of you have asked for my advice and opinion on various running topics.  So additionally, I will start sharing some of my knowledge and experience on different aspects of running.  In time (late spring, lets just hope I can start sharing some marathon race reports with ya all too:)

For now Saturday and Sunday's will not have a specific topic and quite often may not even post on those days.  However, I may start Giveaways or Product Reviews on these particular days.  Or occasionally, you may see me spotlight some of my favorite bloggers and why I enjoy reading their blogs.  I am leaving these days open for any content and whatever my brain comes up with:)

I blog a little different than most, which is why I like to give you a schedule of what to expect.  A book lover may love reviews, but not much care for listening to me talking about my running.
A traveler may enjoy reading travel posts, but not care too much about my daily life.  Others may have a wide taste palette and enjoy a bit of everything.  Regardless, this is how I enjoy planning my blog posts.


Also, depending on the success and how those who sign up to be apart of my giveaway hop feedback goes.  These might be something that will be continued in the future.  I have no plans to do them monthly, but if it works out well.  I'll likely be hosting one in January to bring in the New Year, and another in Spring, Summer and so on.  Although this is all to be determined, if the plan goes into effect you'll see a tab on my blog that will take you to all the giveaways I am planning to host and you can sign up well in advance for any you choose to.  Additionally, I will be looking for co-hosts for this.  Mainly the job of the co-host blog will be to help me get the word out so bloggers can sign up if their interested.  If your interested in co-hosting a giveaway hop with me, reach out to me!

Well that's probably a long enough post for now:)  I have really enjoyed getting to know you all, and reading your blogs.  I appreciate each and every one of you who take time out of your day to come and visit my blog and see what I am up to:)


  1. I love the changes you are making to your blog, they all sound really great! Your giveaway blog hop sounds good too - I'll have to check it out and enter some. I have a giveaway but it is ending today, so my timing is off! Look forward to keeping up with your posts on your new schedule! congrats!

    1. Thanks Lea! I'll have to stop by your blog and enter your giveaway:)

  2. The changes to the blog sound great. I do a Weekly Report about everything that happened the previous week and goals for the following week so I will enjoy the link up on Mondays. Also, I would love to co-host a giveaway bloghop with you. I look forward to the coming year!


    1. That would be great Heather! I'll keep your information handy and reach out to you when I have the details on when I will run the next one:)

  3. Fun and exciting things coming your way! I may be hitting you up for some wedding advice because my oldest is getting married in May. You're a girl of many talents. :)

    1. Thanks Kimberly:) Your welcome to hit me up anytime:) Good luck with your wedding planning for your oldest:)

  4. Love the About Me Mondays! Now that my marathon is over, and so are Marathon Mondays, maybe I'll join in now and again.


Thank you for visiting my blog! I love my readers, feel free to share your comments and opinions!