
All About Me Monday's & Link Up

So I came up with the idea of All About Me Monday's a few months back, but with the holidays and crazy busy wedding booking season that started a little earlier than normal, needless to say I got a little behind on rolling it out.

So what are All About Me Monday's?  Well exactly like it sounds, it's just a day that I will talk about anything and everything about the going on's of my current life.
Additionally, I am doing a link up, where any of my lovely blog followers who have their own blogs and want to link up posts and updates about themselves can also link up.

I have really no requirements on the link up, you can even link up older posts if you'd like.  All I ask is you keep them family friendly, appropriate for any audience. (Otherwise I may just remove you from the link up.)
If you link up, it's not required but you are free to visit any of the other blogs.  However, if you link-up you'll have my guarantee that I will come and visit yours and share some comment love within 48 hours.


So what's been going on in my life...  I'll start with the work injury update.
I had an MRI a couple of weeks ago, that not only myself but even my Dr.'s were sure it was going to point towards surgery.  See I waited until Jan. 2nd, to hear the results, because I was having so much bad luck in 2013, I figured I would have better luck in 2014.  It rang true (I think).
The MRI showed no damage anywhere near where I have been having all the pain, and they could only assume at this point it was residual pain from the Achilles tendon.  Even though it didn't make much sense, I decided to take it as a good omen.
The Dr.'s suggested I put the big ol' boot back on for a week or two, just until the pain has left and then I was given the okay resume Physical Therapy.
On the bad news, I now have Achilles tendinitis in my other foot as well, it's crept in and been bothering me for the last 8 weeks.  I just haven't wanted to mention it on the blog til now.
(Yes, I have the worst luck lately)

Craziest part is, the other day I had a wedding and I sort of over did it, carrying lots of heavy stuff over and over.  My foot was so swollen that night, it took 3 hours of icing off and on and elevation to just get the swelling down a bit.  I was sure I would be in severe pain the next day and pay for it for weeks.  Well the next morning, I woke up and practically no pain.  It is the craziest thing, my only guess is maybe pushing it way too much was actually a good thing!  The next day when I was dealing with all the washing and folding of all the wedding linens, I knelt down on the floor and really stretched my foot, in a way I really wasn't supposed to.  But nothing happened, in fact all that happened is I am now in even less pain.  Of course I am not going to do this every day, and for now I am not going to mention it to the Dr's.  But I don't see what a little experimenting could hurt, as long as I don't go too far.  I think I will try a few new things every other day, as long as I am in no pain!


So I mentioned one of my goals I am working on right now is to loose weight.  Yes, I have packed on way too many pounds since I haven't been able to do really anything most of last year.  It was all my fault for not eating the best at times.  I am not prepared yet to tell you my weight (yet).
But I will say, I have officially hit my heaviest ever.  (No I am not proud in the least to say that!)
I almost cringed the other day when I stepped on the scale to weigh in.  No wonder all of my clothes are literally borderline saying loose weight, or buy a larger size!
I have gained 35 pounds this year, and I will admit I had a few more to loose before those even came on.  I can't believe I even admitted that much.

Well, I have been preparing mentally to get my head in gear.  I know I am drinking to much soda, my beloved Pepsi...  I also have eaten out once or twice a week too many times.
You add that in, with an occasional snack and complete lack of cardio over the past 6 months, and well I get what I got!
But I am making some changes, I have a few idea's to help me keep up the motivation.
I joined a DietBet again, I did pretty well with that last year when it helped me drop 28 pounds.

Additionally, what will help me stick to it better than ever???  Me having to be forced to wear a swimsuit in public.  So when my friend contacted me and asked me if I wanted to take a cruise in March, I said heck yes, for more than just the luxury of taking a vacation.  A Caribbean cruise, means I will be in a swimsuit, because knowing myself I will be signing up for diving, exploring and other activities that clearly will need a swimsuit.  Hence a great reason to loose some weight fast!

So my goal, as unrealistic as it may sound.  Is to drop 30 pounds by Mid March.
It's not completely impossible, I have the weight to loose, and if I can start adding cardio in the coming weeks, it should help significantly!
Additionally, eating better will likely be the biggest key to it all!
My theory and knowing myself, the first ten will probably drop pretty quick, but I am going to have to really be diligent to drop the rest.  If I don't hit the goal in time, that is fine.  But I'd rather aim high, and deal with not hitting it.  Than aim lower and actually achieve it and slack off:)  (I know myself well.)

Also, would like to announce that I have officially been accepted to be a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador.  I am excited to join their team and help represent them by being a positive influence to others who are working to achieve their goals and ambitions in the world of sports and healthy lifestyles!


So one thing I probably have never mentioned on this blog, I love painting my nails and coming up with new idea's each week.  I thought I'd share of picture of what my nails look like this week:)  Can I just say this particular color(s) is so fabulous, I set up, decorated and took down an entire wedding with hardly any wear or chips:) Hmmm now what colors should I paint them next week:)
FYI- Since I haven't shown Wedding Wednesday pic's in a while, I will post some this week:)

I had a little fun the other day, sledding with my nieces and nephews.  I was pretty protective of my foot (of course).  It was a lot of fun, except since I didn't dare use my feet to stop me, and one time we veered to far off into the wrong direction on the hill, I had to turn my body so the sled would spin so that I would hit a tree instead of my cute 2 year old nephew:)
I must love him, because I have quite the huge bruise all across part of my shoulder and arm, from the slam.

My sister and her two adorable kids

Hopefully that wasn't too much to bore you!  I'd love to hear whats going on in your life, feel free to link up!  Or comment below about something great or not so great that is going on in your life!

Have a blog post about you that you'd like to share? Link-Up here:


  1. Swap Pepsi for water with Cola Nuun and save a TON of calories plus get electrolytes and stay hydrated. It is a no brainer and you will lose weight just from that!!

    1. Your so right! I'm actually swaping it for just straight water, well trying:) Last week I made it a few days without a Pepsi, and this week I hope to make it even more, to eventually dropping it other than the rare occasion!
      Ya, soda has a lot of sugar, so I am sure I'll drop some quick pounds from that for sure!

  2. It's so hard when you know what you have to do but its so difficult to move forward and do it! You've been successful before and I am sure you will be this time too! Looking forward to reading about your journey!

    1. It's true, I think it mostly has to do with getting my mind in focus. I did okay last week, and I hope to do even better this week and going forward:)

  3. I'm glad to hear your doctor's appointment went well! I'm hoping that both of your legs feel better soon! I am with you in the weight loss journey. I gained some weight over the holidays and I have to get back into my groove. I'm trying to cut back on Pepsi (it's so hard!) by drinking more water and using water enhancers, but I do love Pepsi! You and I are on the same page when it comes to challenges. I say go big or go home. :) Losing 30 lbs by the end of March is a challenge, but you can do it. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it! Congrats on becoming a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador! It is exciting to be a part of such a great group. And I love the pictures of sledding with your nieces and nephews. So cute! I am looking forward to reading more about your journey!

    1. Thanks Laura! It am really excited to be apart of GGS, and the great group of women involved!
      Pepsi, is like an evil goodness, I love it, but the sugar just sticks to my thighs. I made it 2 days last week without it and I only had a few in-between, nowhere near what I was drinking, so it's a start.
      This week I am now a day and a half without one, and I am hoping to just get better and better each week! Unfortunately for me I was drinking way too much and the caffine I think I was addicted, so I am guessing that is why I have been having lots of headaches, but they are getting better! Good luck to you too, as you knock off those extra pounds you gained during the holidays!

  4. I'm so glad you got good news from your MRI! I hope that both your legs feel much better soon. That Caribbean vacation might just be exactly what you need. (JEALOUS!)

    1. Thanks! Ya, I think warm sand and beaches are exactly what I need!:)

  5. yay for good news, nay for the bad news.
    It's totally possible to loose weight without exercising, and it's not just about calories in calories out, cause a calorie is not a calorie.
    I love listening to jonathon Bailors Smarter Science of slim podcast. He pretty much eats primal/gluten free. It's because of him, I ditched the grains and went paleo, which has been the best thing for me, except I've been cheating lately, but it's the holidays.
    Love the nail colour, I hate having my nails painted, my hands feel dirty when I paint them, no idea why they just do.

    1. I agree with you on the, fact that its possible to loose weight without exercising, in fact some studies suggest its even easier that way:) But truth be told, I'll love it when I can!
      That's funny, I am just the opposite, I pretty much can't stand not having them painted, but I don't pay to have it done, I just paint them myself:)


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