
Runner Spotlight Let Me Introduce Michelle

Today is Spotlight Thursday

This week I'd like to introduce Michelle.
I asked Michelle several questions, to tell part of her story and introduce you all to her
Michelle Blogs At:

Tell us what distances you like to run?
I love running all distances however I find training and executing a marathon to be the most challenging and rewarding!

How long have you been running? Or when did you start running?

I started running in elementary school in a run club where we would earn shoe charms after so many laps completed. Then in middle school and high school I ran track and cross country competitively. Now in college I have focused on the longer distances - half and full marathons. I guess you could say I've been running for about 15 years!

What has been your favorite race and distance you have ever run? Tell us why?

My favorite race was probably Marine Corps Marathon this year. It was my first time qualifying for Boston and I felt great (read: as great as you can feel after running for several hours) throughout the entire race! My family was there and the weather in DC was gorgeous. Couldn't have asked for a better day!

If you could run any race in the entire world, where would it be and why would you pick it?

Either the Athens Marathon or the Drei Länder (Three Countries) Marathon which runs through Germany, Austria and Switzerland! Athens because it's the original and Drei Länder because I think it would be awesome to say that you ran through three countries in one race!

Do you enjoy running in the spring, summer, fall or winter the best?

Definitely Fall. The atmosphere in NYC during this time is exhilarating and you get motivated just from the sheer amount of other people being outside and training too. I also feel like the Fall is "marathon season"–many of my favorite marathons are in this time period: NYC, Chicago, Philly, Marine Corps,

Tell me what goes through your mind when you cross a finish line?

THANK THE LORD. Give me water. I need to sit down.

Do you have a specific distance and PR that you are proud of? Tell us about it.

This goes sort of in conjunction with my answer above, but I am most proud of my run at Marine Corps this year because it was the first time I got a Boston qualifying time. It ended up being a 15+ minute PR from my last time (3:42:00--->3:26:48). I never imagined myself being a 3:20 something runner so seeing my time was surreal.

What is your favorite kind of running, solo running or running with a friend or group?

It all depends! If I need to get a speed workout in, I typically fly solo but if its an easier relaxed run OR a long run I would much prefer having some accomplices.

Do you have a favorite running buddy?

My sister and I run frequently together in NYC! I had agreed to run California International Marathon with her which is just 6 weeks after Marine Corps Marathon. We've both been dying to get a BQ for the past few years and we both ended up BQ-ing at CIM with PRs of 15+ minutes! It was an amazing day and we're looking forward to running Boston 2015 together!

Do you listen to music while you run? Give us the top 2 running songs on your playlist.

Almost always, I hate to say it! Instead of two songs, I'll give you two albums. This fall I really liked Avicii and Fall Out Boy's new albums–I always find great deals for albums on Amazon and with the amount of running I do, its better to invest in the whole album!

What is your must have running gadget, or item?

Anything with pockets! I always run with my phone and keys (and often cash or card) so the more pockets the better.

In your spare time What other hobbies or sports do you love do?

I love watching documentaries and painting with watercolor.

Do you have any tips of suggestions for someone who is thinking of starting up running?

Get on social media! It is full of tips, tricks, and people looking to help and inspire you!

Any New Years goals you have set for 2014?

Read more–I'm graduating from NYU in May so I'm thrilled to have more time to read what I want. Pick my battles. None really running related. Taking this year more relaxed and not going crazy with trying to PR.
I also want to work on my yoga and be able to do a split and headstand pose!

Do you have a great accomplishment you have achieved in life?

Life balance! Each semester at school I am typically working an internship, babysitting on the side, training for a marathon, attempting to maintain a social life, and loving the ups and accepting the downs of a long distance relationship (all in addition to regular school work!).

Tell us something unique about you.

I'm from Finland and all of my relatives except immediate parents/siblings still live there!

If you are a brand ambassador, do you want to give a shout out to those you represent?

As of 2014 I'm a Nuun ambassador and a Brooks Fanatic! Run happy and stay hydrated :)

You Can Find Michelle Blogging at:

Also on Facebook pawsitivelydelightfulblog
Twitter & Instagram @elleroos

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