
Goals - Career Updates - Weddings

This past week was a little crazy, I had so much going on and I was working so many hours that I barely had time to spend blogging or one of my favorite things which is reading my other fellow blogger blogs.  I don't know about you, but I always have a tad bit of a disappointment when I can't get around to a few blogs I love each day.

There may be some major changes coming up in my life.  So I have a goal this week and this may weird.  But I need to get a little ahead on blogging, so that when things come up I will still be able to have a post worth reading (I hope.) Even if I don't have time each week to write them.
So with book reviews, and my Travel Tuesday posts.  My goal is to get 1-2 months written in advance.
I'd love to keep 3-4 weeks out on my Runner Spotlights too, but that is a little harder because that is something that completely depends on my readers and those who are interested in letting me spotlight you.
So if you do want to be spotlighted, feel free to shoot me an email and I will send you a questionnaire.
As for Monday's and Friday's, I'll just need to make time each week for those!

As for running, I worked too much last week to get any in.  I know, that's not good.  But with the current job at the library, I get too much swelling standing all day.  Therefore, it's best I not go run on it after, but I did keep up with the Physical Therapy.
However.  This week that will be much different as I should have time to go for a run/walk every day.

Weight loss, I was doing amazing on this before my trip.  I did okay on the trip, but I have really dropped the ball the past 2 weeks.  So I plan on getting back on track this week and using my Fitbit to help motivate me each day to beat my day prior:)

What is the crazy turn I mentioned above that my life may take?
Well, it will be with a new job.  I received two amazing job offers last week.
I am hoping for the possibility of one more, early this week.

Have you ever listed your blog on your resume?
I better be careful as I say this since potential jobs might actually read my blog this week.  But I did include my blog on a couple of different resumes I put out.
Some of the jobs I applied for, having a blogging and social media background wouldn't really matter, so I did not include it on those.  However, on any job that it may apply I did place my blog on the resume.
Even crazier, we've talked about blogging in my interviews.

What choices will I make?  I seriously have no idea even as I write this.  I am a little torn, and a few factors play into it all:  One is which job will make me the happiest.  Which will bring in the best salary and which has great benefits.  As well as which one will allow me to grow and enjoy what I do the most.  There are a few other factors, I will not mention at this time.  However, after it is all said and done, I will tell you all which job I have chosen and why I made my decision.

This week, I may not be working much at the library.  But my job doing weddings, which is what I love the most.  I have one coming up later this week and another next week.
The one this week, it was a first for me.  I met with the father and the groom's father only, and planned it all with them.  I am not really dealing with the bride or mother of the bride at all for this, I will say though.  When you are only working with the fathers, the details and planning goes so much faster!
Next week, I am decorating a wedding for a friend I work with's daughter.  Sometimes I don't exactly enjoy doing weddings for people I know.  But this particular one, I am going to enjoy it and I think the bride is going to absolutely love the results.
It started out as a crazy busy wedding year, but then a few cancellations by grooms calling of the weddings kinda slowed things down the past month.  But April and May will be a bit busier, so you might see a few more wedding pictures in the coming months:)

Since it's "Me Monday", if you have a post you'd like me to come check out.  Make sure to leave me a link to it in the Comment Luv below and I will definitely stop by!
So have you ever included your blog in a resume?  Would you?
What are your weekly goals/plans?

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