
Let me introduce Bethany - Today's Runner Spotlight

Today is Spotlight Thursday 
Each Thursday I spotlight a different runner from around the world.

This week I'd like to introduce Bethany.
I asked Bethany, to tell part of her story and introduce you all to her.  So sit back and enjoy and gain some inspiration!

Bethany Blogs At:

What are your favorite distances you like to run?

I love half marathons.  The distance is enough of a challenge, it takes quite a bit of training, but I'm not absolutely dying at the end.  I haven't tackled a marathon (yet) but I think I have my mind set in one... this year!

How long have you been running?  Or when did you start running?

I started running a few years ago, but 2013 was the year I said "I'm going to run".

What has been your favorite race you have ever run?  Tell us why?

The 2013 Rt. 66 half marathon was my first.  It was 22 degrees; I was absolutely miserable.  BUT I ran with friends, it's at home, the crowd/volunteers were AMAZING, I could go on and on.  It's a great race!

If you could run any race in the entire world, where would it be and why would you pick it?

The NYC marathon is on my bucket list, I love visiting New York. I'd also love to run in Hawaii!

You've got a busy 2014 half marathon schedule, what is it about the half marathon that has you hooked?

It is a challenge. I'm tired when  finished, but not dead. It takes a good amount of training. I feel proud when I say, "I'm training for a half marathon." It's a big accomplishment.

Have you experienced any trials/injuries/health issues that you have had to overcome? Tell us about them.

I had IT band problems while training and after my first half-I couldn't fully extend my right leg when I finished. I stretched, I foam rolled, nothing helped. I was really concerned it was something BAD, I went to an orthopedic surgeon, who decided it was not structural, but I need physical  therapy. 

I had a great physical therapist, who helped me strengthen my hips, and worked out the tightness in my IT band. (If you know what the Graston technique is, then you knows pain)

I'm happy to report, I had NO problems after my second half!

What goes through your mind when you cross a finish line?

Where's the water? Where's the Gatorade? Where's the food?

Then I think, WOW, I'm finished :) 

Mile 12 is emotional for me. I'm pretty much done at mile 12, but I still have 1.1 miles before getting my medal.

Do you have a funny running story to share? Or funny experience while running?

I've come across lots of animals on my training runs. Dogs tend to say HELLO when I'm in the neighborhood. I once saw a beaver with no tail, sitting on the river bank.

Do you have something different/odd/crazy/fun that you do race morning to get yourself ready to run?

I'm a coffee addict, I must have it. It is my number one priority on race day. 

After coffee, I move on to breakfast, then getting dressed!

What is your favorite kind of running, solo running or running with a friend or group?

I have a running buddy, I would not have made it through my first half training or race without her. I really like running with someone, but I also enjoy running alone.

 Running is very therapeutic, and the time alone is relaxing. I can think or not think, sing, dance, just be.

In your spare time what other hobbies, sports or activities do you enjoy doing?

I like to knit and crotchet, and I love reading. I have 2 kids, so much of my time is spent with them!

What is one of your favorite tips to give someone who tells you they may want to start running?

Don't give up. It's hard in the beginning, but it gets better. And once it gets better, you will still have bad days. Keep lacing up those shoes!

What is your favorite cheat food you love to indulge in, and you do it because you know you can just run the calories off, or you earning it?

I try to eat a paleo diet, so bread type foods are a big NO-NO....however,  I'm a sucker for bread pudding and pancakes. I get pancakes after a race, and bread pudding is a very rare treat!

Do you have a great accomplishment you have achieved in life?  Do you mind sharing?

Graduating from Pharmacy School/Becoming a licensed pharmacist. I had both kids while in pharmacy school, it was hard, but I made it through, and it totally worth it!

You can find Bethany Blogging at:  

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