
This summer I will...

I am excited to participate in the DC Trifecta's Friday Five Link Up.  This is my first time linking up, if you haven't heard about it before, you can click on their logo above and it link to one of their sites where you can learn more.

1.  Take my nieces and nephew's hiking.  This is just as much for them as it is me.  I love the outdoors and spending as much time up in the mountains as possible and I am always looking for someone to hike with.  They love to go with me, so it's a win win:)

2.  Get back to running, and begin getting my body conditioned.  After this injury and my recent set back about a month ago, things are looking like I have the GO.  I am more than ready to start pounding the pavement and enjoying the summer months on foot again!

3.  Go camping and fishing as much as possible!  If I had my way I'd spend every week of the summer up camping, but life....  I'll settle for as much as possible instead:)

4.  Continue to read at least one novel a week and more if time allows!  I love to read, so this is the easy one for me:)

5.  Be happy!  It took me many years to learn, but being happy is the absolutely most important thing a person can do for themselves.  Life is way too short to be negative or dwell on the things that aren't the most uplifting.  I try to look for different ways every day to make myself happy as well as any others who are around me happy too.  The more I practice, the easier it becomes (even on the bad days:).

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