Thanks to EatPrayRunDC, YouSignedUpForWhat? & MarontheRun for hosting. Today I am linking up again with The DC Trifecta Friday Five again, I had a lot of fun with it last week and I hope to link up with them as often as possible.
Today instead of giving a topic we are allowed to pick our own topic. I thought about it and since blogging and growing my blog this month have been on my mind, I thought why not share five of my own blogging tips that I have found to be successful.
1. Networking - It sounds harder than it really is, but if you are a beginning blogger and you are looking to grow your blog your going to have to network. Seek out other blogs/bloggers who have topics you love to follow, or who have similar blogs to your own. Add them to your follow list and comment on their posts. The truth is, networking is a lot of fun. I have discovered and met a lot of amazing people in the blogging world. A few of them although we have never met I consider them my online friends and I actually feel like I know them.
Additionally on this, those bloggers that you Network with may end up being the key to help you get your blog out more, and may even offer opportunities that you never would have found on your own.
2. Be original - This is tough because there are millions of blogs, and millions of blogs just like yours. Although I love looking at other blogs to see what others are doing. I disagree with copying. But you can easily get idea's from others and make it your own. I once had someone leave a comment after they read one of my race reviews that said "you do your race reviews different, not like everyone else does them." That person doesn't know this, but I thought that was one of the greatest compliments I could get. Individuality and originality are key in blogging. If you are doing the exact same thing as a bunch of other blogs, why would someone want to spend the time reading it? What is going to set you apart from the others?
3. Social Media - You need this, and it is ever changing. When I first started blogging everyone said Facebook and Twitter are musts. Shortly after Pinterest became a runner in the mix and then it was Twitter and Pinterest. Now we've got Instagram, and some are now saying Pinterest and Instagram are the IT factors in social media. Regardless of what you use, you should spend some time building your following base in these areas.
A tip, it's not just a thing to build them, you must interact with your followers on them as much as possible.
4. Good Content - I've heard people say you have to post every single day to grow your blog. I disagree, I don't think you should just post to post. I believe you have to have something people may want to read. A lot of bloggers say they run out of things to blog about. I say, are you blogging about what things you are passionate about? Are you blogging about the things you enjoy? If not, then you should. Your posts will show a lot more passion and actually will be far more effortless to write if you are writing about what you know, what you love or like to do.
5. Join in link-ups - There are many out there and bound to be one that your content will fit under. Seek them out and link up. If you don't find ones you like, then start your own. They key to a successful link-up isn't that you just link your blog. What good would that do? You need to participate! If you aren't visiting other blogs in the link up, what makes you think they should stop by and visit yours? Visit at least 3 or more blogs in a link-up, comment on their blogs. Who knows you may have just met your next blogger networking friend!
There are lots more tips I could offer, but this is the Friday 5, so I will stop there! Feel free to share your own blogging tips in the comments below!
Additionally, I have to shamelessly :) promote my next Giveaway Blog Hop, there are only a FEW days left to join your blog with the rest of us in the hop.
Giveaway hops are a fun way to find new blogs, find new followers, have many more visitors to your blog to enter your giveaway than would normally visit if you hosted your giveaway solo.
What more info or want to sign up? Click Here for more details and the link up list to join us.
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