Have you read Wurthering Heights? I am sad to say I have never read the actual story, however I have heard about the story. April Linder author of Jane has taken another Bronte novel and brought it to modern day life. When I saw it I had to pick it up, after all she did an amazing job with Jane. I absolutely adored her story of Catherine, so much! It has me adding Wurthering Heights to my summer reading list, it made me love the story that much!
Catherine is actually two stories in one, but yet those two stories have everything to do with the other. Chelsea was raised believing her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father who did his best but she has always felt like she missed out a little. One day while snooping around her fathers things she came across a letter that her mother had written her.
Chelsea realizes what her father had told her were lies, and the minute her father gives her the predictable birthday money she knows is coming on her seventeenth birthday. She runs away to New York, she is bound and determined to solve the mystery of where her mother.
Catherine's story is weaved in with Chelsea's, and when it is Catherine's turn the readers go back in time, to Catherine at the age of seventeen. We are invited into her live to see the story of her past unfold as it happened. We get to know her, love her. We find out how she fell in love with the only man who would ever have her heart Hence. We find out what happened, how their love began and what happened to them.
Chelsea goes to the place her mom used to live, only to discover it is a popular music club owned by a grumpy and rude man named Hence. She shocked him by appearing, and he shocked her by allowing her to stay a few days in her mothers old room while she does her searching.
It doesn't take long before Chelsea discovers Catherine's secret journal, and she begins reading about the life her mother had at the club, and her love with Hence.
The reader has the opportunity to fall in love with two different stories, and possibly even two different love stories. At the same time although different they are the keys to finding out what happened to Catherine and why she disappeared on a day that she had everything to look forward to a new future.
Catherine will have your heart wanting more, and loving every bit of it. As a modern day retelling of a classic April Linder did a great job.
This book is considered a Young Adult, however because of the content I personally feel it was written with an older audience in mind. There is a little bit of language and a few scene's that I wouldn't recommend for readers under 16. With that said, this is one on my "I highly recommend" list!
If your looking for a great summer romance read, you'll love Catherine!