In fact, so much so that the past four days the pain and swelling has gone down so much, it is the best it has been since the whole thing started almost two years ago.
I've also cut out working jobs where I am standing on my feet too much right now, and that has also seriously helped the tendon inflammation to go down. (If you don't know, that is what caused the original injury.)
This whole year has been a year of recovery. Full of its ups and downs. I remember back in July when I met with the Specialist the last time. He wasn't sure if I would ever really fully heal from this, because it had gone on too long, he said the odds might be against me.
Of course at the time, I was bound and determined to prove the odds wrong. But the past 5 months, I had sort of let that thought go and I was okay to settle with the fact that it might not heal all the way, but if I was careful I could resume and get back to running and the stuff I love. Just keeping off my feet at work was the key.
I had even gotten to the point that I was okay with dealing with the pain levels and pretended that they didn't bother me too much. I had the perfect daily PT and Icing routine that kept things going my way.
The flare up of bursitis a few weeks ago, at first I thought was horrible. But in actuality it was a blessing, because now I have not only figured out how to keep the bursitis fading. But the same things I am doing have been helping the tendon. I haven't had actual tendon pain in almost 2 weeks now, that is huge for me!
On a scale of 1-100 on my pain levels and swelling levels (100 being worst, 1 being gone.). If you asked me a month ago, I would have told you the best it has ever gotten this year was about a 35.
However, the past week has been such a significant change, that I can say it has dropped down to around a 15. I am beyond hopeful of full recovery again!
Sorry I know I sound like a broken record on this work injury subject. But I just couldn't help but share the great and promising news!
As for the rest of life, things are also going pretty good. I think I finally have almost everything ready for Christmas.
The 2015 wedding season has already started. The brides are already calling and trying to get first dibs on all their spring and summer wedding plans. Which it's too early to tell, but if this is a sign of things to come. Especially after everyone gets engaged at Christmas and New Years, this could be a great wedding year for me!
I am going to really start looking for another full time job come January. I keep saying that I am, but this time I am completely serious! Yes, I plan on continuing to run my wedding company. But years ago I did it, and worked full time and I managed.
I really love working at the library, but the job injured me so its best I let that one go in the next month or so.
See, with things going well right now, my hopes are higher than ever that I will be back to marathons come spring.
But in the financial sense, well lets just say I blew my entire remaining 19 state marathon budget on medical bills, PT and the other treatment things.
So I need money, which means taking on other jobs and a full time job would give exactly the income needed to possibly run 6-10 marathons next year.
I have no idea right now where to go, but I will say it's going to be something I will enjoy, life is too short to work a job your not happy doing!
So you may have noticed a few less posts lately. I decided with the holidays, and the extra hours I am putting in to get some good money saved up for a down payment on a new car. To cut back on the blogging a little.
Although you may not see too much on here between now and the end of the year. I will tell you this, next year I have some great things in store.
One of which, is a Grow Your Blog Hop. I actually almost did this last July, but held back because I wanted to work on it a little and do some more thinking to get it ready.
I am pretty excited about it, and it will need at least 25 interested and dedicated bloggers to join if not more, to make it work.
So if I can find the bloggers who want to participate it should be highly beneficial and rewarding for all who join and participate. I'll be rolling this out the first week in January with all of the details and the sign up, for those who might be interested.
Merry Christmas Everyone
Wishing You All a Joyful Week
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