
Chick Flicks, Girls Day Out and Family Fun

I have to tell you, I am seriously loving our fall weather.  It's been borderline almost summer still, we've had very few days in the mid or lower 60's and most days are still hit 70-80's!  Frankly, it could stay like this for another month, I am not ready to start shoveling snow just yet:)

This has also been a busy week, I have been working hard to get all the final things done for the Grow Your Blog, Hop that starts today.  Officially after a few dropped out, we have 78 blogs participating! I am so excited to get to know the bloggers in it, and visit each and everyone of their blogs.

Originally, I was going to go back to blogging 4-5 days a week, like I prefer.  But then after a little thought, I have decided for the next month to blog a little less, more like 2-3.  I am pretty sure I am going to have a hard time keeping up with it all, just with that!  But even so, I am so excited for all the fun that will go with the crazy busy blogging!

I am still not walking/running much.  That flare up that started back before Labor day has just not healed as I would have hoped by now.  I did get out walking more on it this week, and one day when it started hurting I decided it was going to hurt whether I walked or ran on it, so I did a little slow run back home.  Oddly, the running made it quit hurting temporarily, LOL
Just going to keep on pushing on with the PT and slowly building it back up, after talking to the specialist there is just really not much else I can do for it right now.  But it's quite discouraging!

I went to do a favor for a person, which kinda blew up in my face.  I won't go into the details on that. However, when I finished with favor, I decided to call one of my nieces that I haven't hung out with much lately.  We decided to have a spur of the moment girls day.
I picked her up, and we decided to eat popcorn for lunch over a girly movie.  We saw the new Jem and the Holograms movie.  WE LOVED IT!!!!
(FYI: I loved that cartoon growing up:)
My niece loved the movie too!  We went to an early show, so were were the only ones in the theater, so ya we sat and danced in our seats and she even got up and ran around the theater a bit, to the music because she said she had always wanted to do that, LOL

Then we headed to a local amusement park for Frightmares, we rode I lost track of how many different types of roller coasters, including what has become one of my favorites, one of their newer rides.
The lines were long, since it was a nice afternoon/evening and while we waited we danced and skipped around and had a blast!
She was so cute, she has never been to an adult haunted house before and she asked me to take her to Zombieland, and then after we hit up another one that was more of a hotel/theater one.  She was seriously freaking out, it was awesome!

Who is the aunt who gets her 10 year old niece back home by 1am?  Ya, that would be me, I am sure her parents were loving me the next day LOL!  It's just a good thing it wasn't a school night:)

My dad had a birthday so the whole family got together and went out to dinner.  When you have 8 young grand kids, lets just say it can make for one noisy dinner:)  But it can also make for fun times!  I always sit on the kids end, they make it so much more fun.  That and it's so easy to get them to dump things into their mom's purses, LOL  Let's just say there are a ton of mints and sugar packets and maybe a bunch of straws in them. Ya, I am such a great influence for those kids:)

Great times with the family this past week!
Today, is actually my day off and other than a last minute interview thing I need to do, one of my sisters and I are going to go out and have a sisters fun day:)  Ya, I think I see more roller coasters in my future today, LOL  It's the last week the amusement park is open for the summer, so we kinda plan to take advantage, but today, no kids:)

So tell me something that went on in your week that you enjoyed.
Do you love getting together with your family too?


  1. Sounds like you're making a smart decision about your blogging frequency. I've been having trouble keeping up with 4 posts a week lately, and will likely have to drop down to 3 soon. Its hard to maintain a solid presence on my blog when I have so many other things also going on!

  2. I have also scaled back a little bit on the amount of times I blog. Wednesday is a rest day from blogging, and sometimes Fridays fall by the wayside. I still read and comment on other blogs, but sometimes I don't have topics to write about.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun family time! I love getting together with family too. I really enjoyed the Jem and the Holograms cartoon when I was a kid so I've been kind of afraid to see the movie.

  4. I think it's truly, truly, truly outrageous that you got to see the Jem movie!! I grew up on the cartoon and can't wait to see it myself! So excited to be part of the blog hop! Thank you for putting it together!

  5. Sometimes it just gets to be too much, and I am huge like you into the interaction part, I like to visit as many who visit me, and there are only so many hours in the day with the rest of life. I am hoping since I will be less frequent, maybe they will be better quality than quantity, LOL

  6. I used to blog every Friday, but as a wedding planner Fri & Sat are my busiest days, so Friday was the first day I stopped. and now I am thinking Wednesdays may also be a break day, we can only do so much! I am hoping less will be more in terms of quality for me:)

  7. I think you should go see the movie, if you like girly movies it's a blast! I was disappointed to hear it had such a bad opening weekend number, I was hoping for a sequel, but then again they did't do a very good job of getting the word out originally in my opinion:)

  8. LOL, isn't it just Truly Outrageous:) I grew up on the cartoon too, you definitely have to see it. I was hoping for a sequel, but they didn't have the best opening numbers, which is odd because it really is such a cute girl power movie:) I am still singing one of the songs in my head, LOL

  9. I am sticking to 3 x week for blogging with the occasional weekend post because I'd like to keep the quality or quantity. I am loving this weather too! Looking forward to meeting all the new bloggers in the hop

  10. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I have Jem on my list of movies to see so I'm glad to hear that you liked it! I loved the cartoon as a kid so think the movie will be great :)

    Sorry to hear you are still having problems from the flare up. i hope things get better soon!

  11. I've been loving the weather lately too! Sounds like a great weekend with family!

  12. That's what I hope too, quality over quantity :)

  13. Sounds like a great weekend! Ha I remember Jem and the holograms. :) So fun that you had the theater to yourselves! So great that you hang out with the fam lots. That's what I'm looking forward to when we move back West. Can't wait to hang out with the fam more often and see my nephews and nieces.

  14. It was. Yes I am loving the fall weather too!

  15. Sounds like a great time with your niece!! I also loved Jem as a kid. JEM were my initials so I felt a special connection with her (LOL!). But I doubt my son would want to see the movie and my girls are too young to care. Oh well.

  16. Ya, we had fun having it to ourselves:) That is awesome that you have family out west, probably makes your move all that much more exciting:)

  17. When I was younger I would have loved if Jem were my initials, LOL Maybe you'll just have to take yourself to the movie and have a mom's afternoon out, one day:)

  18. Sounds like a great time with your niece, my niece and daughters aren't even two yet so we are looking forward to some tea parties in the near future. Can't wait to enjoy movies and theme parks with them!

  19. Oh yes, I do hope you get lots of tea parties when they get older:) I have a niece that every time I visit her house she takes me up to her room to have a tea party and she refused to pretend, we have to have real snacks with out tea (water) LOL so much fun, I just adore her and enjoy those times:)

  20. Our weather still is not cool enough, but hopefully once November rolls around. I love how you took your niece for the day and did things most parents would not do with their children. I bet you are a favorite aunt to her and many of your nieces and nephews! Your blog heading page is nice...I just noticed the change although as unaware as I sometimes can be, perhaps you changed it a while ago.

  21. Tricia MissSippiPiddlinMarch 8, 2017 at 5:53 PM

    You did have a fun! I am still rolling over the dumping things in their mom's purses. Can you just imagine them later this week or heck like me a month later when the dang thing gets so heavy, cleaning it out and saying what in the world is this doing in there??? Ha, love it! I'm very jealous your as close as you are with your sisters. I'm like night and day from my sister. :(

  22. I am so jealous that you saw Jem! I mentioned to my fiance that I was waiting to go see it and he looked at me like I had three heads. I love getting together with family! I live over 8 hours from my parents and my brother is a flight away so I cherish anytime I get to spend with them!

  23. I have never heard of Jem! Sounds like a great time with the family. I wish my family was closer so we could have more get togethers like this. My family did come into town for the marathon this weekend, so that was nice! It isn't often that my sister and her family come here to visit, so it was great to have them here!! Keep resting that foot!!

  24. We hadn't been very cool until today, I don't think it's going to get into the 50's so a little taste of what is to come:) If you want cooler, I hope you get it! Thanks! I do love spending time with my nieces and nephews, being an aunt is the best it's a great way to just extend my own childhood by playing with them and pretending to be a kid again, LOL Also, thank you on the header, it is newer. I spent a lot of time on it, and it makes me happy others like it too!

  25. LOL, ya I think my sisters get used to me doing things like that, but I will laugh if she doesn't check it for a while and the chocolate melts together, LOL.. This isn't the first, time I enjoy light pranks:) Now if you really want a laugh, you should see what I like to put in complete strangers grocery carts, LOL I am sure some even make it home before they realize they bought it, LOL

  26. LOL, I think you should just take yourself to see it. It really is cute, and I don't know why not many went to the theaters, but everyone I talk to who has seen it, just loved it and danced in the theater too, LOL

  27. What?? Never heard of Jem?? Okay, so if you weren't a kid in the late 80's then ya you probably didn't watch the cartoon:) My sisters had never heard of it either, but right after I walked out of the movie theater with my niece 2 of my sisters passed us on their way in, they loved it too! So if you need a check flick, check it out:)
    That is awesome your family came in for the marathon, I loved reading your re-cap today on it!

  28. I was a kid in the late 80's! I was born in 1976!

  29. What fun times! I had an aunt like you when I was a kid and to this day she is still one of my favorites! It as not cooled off here either, bring in the fall!

  30. LOL, well then you just missed out:) Maybe too many Full House episodes instead, haha, my other favorite show growing up:)

  31. Oh that is awesome! I just love being the fun aunt, it lets me be a kid!
    We actually did cool off over the weekend, got a little taste of winter, and I realized I already really want summer back, LOL


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