
Run with a Purpose

I quite often come across runners or friends who will tell me they are losing their running mojo, or things just aren't going like they would like.

There are several things we can do to get past running plateau's or  boredom, but when all else fails there is one thing ANYONE can do.


What purpose is that?

Well that is for each individual runner to decide.  Maybe your purpose is a race you registered for, or need to register for.  Possibly it's to get healthy, lose weight.  Or to raise money for an awareness or cause that is dear to your heart.

Maybe it's time to create a crazy excuse, because Monday's just became run to 80's famous movie tunes day.  Or Rock and Roll Tunes Thursdays.  Trail running Wednesday's or bring a friend with you Tuesdays:)

Possibly your writing a book and each day is a new chapter.

Your purpose doesn't even have to have meaning you can explain to others.  It could be to just clear your  head.  Have 60 minutes to yourself, your daily ME time.  To wash though your stresses and clean out your thoughts and ready yourself for the rest of what comes next in your day.

It could just be because YOU CAN, and you know not everyone is as lucky to be able to lace up their shoes on any given day and head out and enjoy the beautiful earth God created for everyone to enjoy.

The great thing about creating a purpose is, you can create as many as you need.  There is no rule that says, you can only go out and run for this... or that....  You could have a dozen, or two, because there is no limit on how many lucky charms you can keep in your pocket to use when you need them!

Write them on a board you walk past several times a day, or put them in your journal.  So you can look at them when you need a reason to go for your run!

Whatever your purpose, no matter how defining, crazy or amazing it is.  It's important to have one, its your meaning to get past any boredom, any plateau, any excuses.  It's YOUR purpose to run!

What is your purpose to run?
Do you have lots of them?
Or do you need to come up with new ones?


  1. Great post! Finding your "why" is so important. As a running coach, some people come to me with a goal in mind, but if their purpose is not compelling, they drop off. Some do this repeatedly. At the end of the day you have to do it for YOU.

  2. Great post, Kristy! Everybody's purpose for running is different, and its so important to remember why it is that you're lacing up your shoes. Focus on your own purpose instead of other people's purposes.

  3. I love the thought of creating theme run days! This will give me an excuse to make an 80's playlist! Thanks for the idea!

  4. I think we all go through phases of losing our mojo. Theme days sound fun I may give that a try with our group.

  5. Thanks Marcia! I have found that with a few of my friends they take it up because they think it will be fun or someone talks them into it, and lose interest long before their first race. You are so right, you have to do it for YOU first!

  6. Definitely, I think that is kind of the beauty of it too, everyone has different reasons and there is no right or wrong, but having one and keeping it in our thoughts can get us past even the rough patches.

  7. LOL, I came up with that from my old high school cross country days, we would do fun and different things to get through all the runs the coach would put us though! Have fun with it if you do it!

  8. I think its only human to go through these phases!
    Your group may like it, especially the youth girls you help coach. In fact the idea was put in this post as I remembered things we did in high school cross country to help get us through our runs and have more fun with them. Granted that was the days before Ipods (ya I just aged myself) so their may have been a bit more runner singing involved LOL

  9. I love this idea... I need to get a white board & put it in my bathroom & use it to write all the reasons so I can see it in my face every day!

  10. Great post! Sometimes I have to motivate myself out the door, and I'll do something like you suggested - go for a trail run, listen to fun music, run somewhere new, etc. But most of the time I go running because I love it! I love the feeling of being outside, running through the forest or along the coast, and just getting rid of all the stress that built up over the course of my day. This post was such a good reminder that we can always find a reason to go out for a run!

  11. I love this post! I sometimes wonder myself and then I realize that it is all about me! Yup, I said it! It is one thing that I can do for myself! :) Today was #dontstandmyselfupWednesday

  12. Great tips on running with purpose. It is sometimes hard to get out the door but when I think about what I'm running for definitely helps!

  13. I actually have one, but just bought some fun new colored markers for it, to make it a little more fun to look at, LOL
    But your right, having something in front of your face to see daily, makes a huge difference!

  14. I think that is why most do it, because they love it and how it makes them feel. But that alone is a great reason/purpose to get out the door!

  15. Nothing wrong with that, I think it is awesome that we do things just for ourselves. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how would we ever be aware when others need us, at least that's how I look at it! In fact I do all my running for ME, and I am not ashamed a bit of it. Someone asked me a while back when I was working on my 50 states goal what I was doing it for, and I said for myself. They said, so no charity or anything, I said nope. They walked away stunned, and I didn't feel guilty about it at all:)

  16. Oh I think we all have those days, I have more than I'd care to admit where it's just hard to get out the door. But when I realize my purpose the reason's I am doing it, it makes it a tad easier!

  17. I love the lost my mojo..I have been there a lot recently. Hopefully I can get it back sooN!

  18. Oh no, I hope you can get your Mojo back soon too! Never fun to go through that part of it!

  19. This was definitely needed!! I used to be an avid runner but life has just gotten so busy!! I am going to restart, thanks for the mojo boost ;)

  20. Great post! My purpose is ME time for sure. I lose my mojo a couple of times a year and then I get it back. It's a natural cycle that I go through.

  21. Life does get busy and in the way at times, its so easy and the loss of mojo happens to everyone I think! If you get back into it, hope you enjoy it!

  22. Your purpose is the same as mine, I love my ME time and sometimes its the best way for me to keep my sanity:)
    I think it's a natural cycle for many!


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