
What's My Running Bucket List

Do you have a running bucket list?

I DO, and mine is actually entirely separate from my actual goals I am working on.  I think having a running bucket list is a great way to dream a little and who knows maybe those bucket list items may one day turn into a goal!

If you've read my blog a while, you already know I am working on a marathon in all 50 states and D.C. Thankfully 32 of those are in the books.  When I can finally get through this years long work injury I fully plan on getting back into it.
However, while I am waiting on that I have a lot of dream bucket list items and so I thought I'd share them.  Who knows, maybe some of these will become goals for myself one day too.

* Run a 100 mile Ultra endurance run.  I'd prefer to run the Wasatch 100, I hear its one of the toughest since its an all trail race.  Something about that just intrigues me to try at least once.

* Run a marathon on all continents.  You know if I ever become independently wealthy and can afford it, I would sure love it.  Especially hitting up Antartica!

* Run 2 marathons in 2 days.  I kinda hope I can pull this off while doing my 50 states goal, but if not then after I finish it, I totally plan on it.  Pretty sure I will have to head back east to do it, its too far to travel out west between races to pull it off.

* Run Boston.  When I finish my 50 states goal, I would really like to focus all my training one year to gear up for one race to qualify.  I think I would use the St. George marathon as the race to try qualifying.  It's hilly and a hotter race, but for some reason in the past, all the times I have run it, I have gotten some of my best times at it, so I think it's a good fit for me to use for it.

* Ironman, I just think it would be fun to try one at least once.  If I ever did it, I am pretty sure I would pick the one in Hawaii, because it's hello; tough and Hawaii:)

* I'd like to run New York City Marathon, Again.  I had such an incredible experience the first time, maybe it wouldn't be the same.  But despite the fact that its a crazy expensive trip, I think if I had the chance I would love to run it again!

* Run the Great Wall of China Marathon, no idea why although I am sure it would be beautiful. This one just stuck out to me the first time I heard about it and would love to give it a try.

* Pikes Peak Marathon.  I once had a guy describe this race perfectly to a lady while we were running the Myrtle Beach Marathon.  He said, "it's a pretty easy race, there is only 1 hill the first half, and the 2nd half is all downhill".
I got a great laugh.  I think I would love to do this just to see how tough I am, but before I do it I'd like to make sure I train well enough to finish around 4 hours, because longer would be such a massive beating on the body, well more than it will be already:)

* I'd like to run a race with all my sisters (4 of us).  I know this sounds funny, and I have run half's my youngest sis before.  (We are all runners.)  But oddly, we never plan races together.  So it would be fun to pick a half marathon or marathon and all run it.
Not run together as a group of course, that would be annoying for the faster ones to slow down for the slower ones (we are all different speeds). But it would be fun to do the same race on the same day. Maybe one day...
Or if not that, it would be fun to all enter a Ragnar together, and all their husbands as well as the older kids on one big team... But knowing my family we would all want to run double and skip 12 members for 6 members for the 200 miles and see how tough we are.  That would be fun!

I am sure I could have a dozen others, but that is my list that has pretty much always come to my mind when I think of running bucket items.

Tell me what is something on your Running Bucket List?


  1. A Ragnar relay is on my bucket list- I am eyeballing Key West 2017!!! Love your list :) I love races that my family is involved in- I would love to run just one 5K with my hubby but I don't think it will ever happen.

  2. The MCM 10k is on my bucket list. A marathon isn't in the cards for me and I'm OK with that.

  3. What a great list, Kristy! Running a marathon is on my bucket list. I'm contemplating if this would be a good postpartum goal to help me get my pre-baby body back.

  4. Great list. You could run a race just for fun with your sisters and that way the faster ones could hold back and run with the other ones. That is what my sister does when we run together.

  5. That would probably be a fun one. I have only done Wasatch Back but I hear they are all fun and beautiful courses.
    Who knows maybe oneday he will surprise ya:)

  6. Probably in most families that would work. But mine is super competitive. If we started out together it would only take a few mintes before everyone started pushing it faster lol. But thats good to, we are all great healthy competition for each other:) It would be fun though just to all travel together to run the same race:)

  7. I love this! Great Wall of China definitely sounds like something fun! I think I might consider making my own running bucket list! I've always wanted to do a obstacle course kind of run like Tough Mudder. I definitely have a lot of training to still get under my belt though for just simple 5ks.

  8. Tricia MissSippiPiddlinMarch 8, 2017 at 5:51 PM

    What a great list Kristy! I especially loved the run with your sisters. That would be very cool! Heck, I can't even get mine to read my blog every now an then so running would be out of the question for sure!! I do hope to scratch off not one but two bucket list items early in 2016. Do a marathon and do a Disney race. I'm signed up to do both.... we will see. :)

  9. Wow you are reaching big! I'd love to do Nike women's in San Francisco and a half in NYC. Maybe a few more Ragnar races in other locations. fun!

  10. So many of these are on mine too! I'm not sure I'll ever attempt a 100 mile race again, but definitely a 50. But I want it to be as easy as possible!
    I definitely plan on doing the Great Wall of China Marathon someday. I think that's awesome that your sisters are Runner as well. I have 6 sisters and I'm the only runner! I would like to do NYC next year. We'll see...

  11. I love how ambitious your bucket list is! That's great how many marathons you already have under your belt. I definitely dream of doing an ultra endurance type trail run someday. I think the Family Ragnar idea is a great one for and your sisters. My husband and I participated in Ragnar Miami to Key West. The most fun part was that it was my cousin her husband and all awesome friends of theirs. Now we are all great friends even though they all live across the country from us. What an experience. It certainly didn't hurt that Key West is an amazing place for the after party! It would be fun if you picked a Ragnar in a place that you're not familiar with. Racing vacations are the best! Have a great weekend Kristy!

  12. Wow, these are awesome. 100 mile run is no joke!! The Pikes Peak marathon is also pretty hard core. We lived in Colorado Springs, CO for 4 years and I was always in awe of the folks doing that one! Boston is definitely on my list as well as Big Sur and the other Major marathons!

  13. While a marathon doesn't interest me, running a 50km trail run is something I would like to do in the future.
    You will totally nail all of these goals. Aim high, cause you will still fall among the stars.

  14. Obstacle courses do look fun, I've never done one yet either. You definitely should make your own running bucket list:) Who knows, you might just get a chance one day to do them!

  15. If it makes you feel any better, none of my sisters read my blog either:) I think they figure they text me 100 times a day, what more could they possibly want to know about me, LOL
    How exciting, I hope you do get to do a Marathon, that is my favorite distance of choice:) I've done 1 Disney Marathon, it was pretty good, but I hear they have made a lot of improvements since when I ran years ago:)

  16. I like to go big, or nothing at all, LOL Who knows, they are bucket list items so they may or may not ever happen. But it's nice to dream and aim for both the reachable and non so much so, right:)
    I'd love to do the Nike Women's as well, I forgot about that. I really just want to do that for the blue Tiffany box, LOL Yup, I'm a dork!

  17. I don't think 50 miles and easy as possible are even possible to put together, LOL 50 miles is probably killer no matter the course:)
    Hope you do get to NYC, when I did it, it was an incredible experience there is nothing like it. The amount of people you see from around the world, it's just amazing. I think that is why I wouldn't mind doing it again.

  18. Great list! I would love to do Ragnar some day, your family idea sounds fun! I have yet to do a marathon but have NYC and Chicago on my list.

  19. I have heard the Ragnar in Kew West is a lot of fun, and I bet having the beach so close to end by is amazing!
    I agree with you though, racing vacations are the best! I used to do a lot of them, have hopes for many more in the future. We live in such a beautiful country, there is just an endless supply to see and why not run a race at the same time:)

  20. I ran a race near Pikes Peak, I did the American Discovery Trail marathon in Colorado Springs, and I think when I saw the peak it made me realize I want that on a bucket list, just in case I get the opportunity one day:)
    I do hope you get to do your 3. Big Sur is amazing, it's one that is in my top 5 favorites the scenery is just stunning!

  21. Thanks! I haven't made them all goals yet, they are just bucket list hopes in case I get rich or have the time to do them:) But who know, right!
    I can totally see you doing a 50k trail run someday, and I hope you do get the chance to do it!

  22. Lacey@fairytalesandfitnessMarch 8, 2017 at 5:52 PM

    Wow. Those are some great bucket list goals. I would love to run a marathon in each star as well. I signed p for my first 50k but I couldn't imagine doing a 100 miler.

  23. I think you would have fun doing a Ragnar, they have a few out in California too:) Actually, I could totally see you doing one of their trail relays someday:)
    NYC is awesome I hope you do get to do it someday. Chicago is also on my list, I had to pass up on it a few years ago, and I am bound to make it back one day!

  24. Thanks Lacey! I saw that today, that you are registered for a 50k, and I think it is awesome! Your an amazing runner, I enjoy reading your race stories, I look forward to hearing how you like the 50k:)

  25. Wow, loving your bucket list!! Pikes Peak and Boston, along with NYC are all on my bucket list as well!! And wow a 100 mile ultra!!! So inspiring! MCM is also on my bucket list some day!!

  26. Like you, I also have Boston on my bucket list! There are also some shorter races on my list - Carlsbad 5000, Bix 7 and the Fifth Avenue Mile!

  27. That's awesome, I hope that we both get to tackle Pikes and Boston! You'll love NYC, that is why I want to do it again:) MCM is also an amazing race, definitely hope you get to do that one too, it is such a fun experience and the only marathon you get to have a pat down (weapons check) from a cute marine before entering the start area, LOL

  28. Awesome, I haven't even heard of the ones you mentioned:) But knowing you, you'll probably even take 1st in them:) Bucket lists are great to have I think!


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