
No Sugarplums or Unicorns Today

When I first started this blog, I always attempted to be truthful but also try to not come off as negative. Because lets face it, no one wants to hear negativity. People come to blogs to either be educated, humored or a little or uplifted, not brought down. Today is not one of those days for me, so I promise I won't be offended if you stop reading now!

The truth is, sometimes life isn't always sugarplums and unicorns. I am really struggling right now. This issue I am having with my back, is well lets say it is excruciatingly painful each and every minute of my day/nights now.

I haven't been just lying around either. I put in a 30 hour work week last week, that literally I believe almost killed me at one point. I've been trying to keep happy and positive, but to be honest. Anyone who crosses my path or bugs me (dumb library patrons) have experienced my short temper and overly bluntness this past week.

If I shared those with you, they'd probably make some of you laugh. But since it's probably not the best idea to advertise my occasional rudeness, I will keep them to myself.

Although the Dr's have given me their educated guesses, later this morning I FINALLY get to go in and go over the results of the MRI I had a week ago and find out what is really wrong. I can't tell you how I wish I had that appointment like a month ago! I am really really looking forward to getting whatever is wrong fixed so I can get back to my life. It's quit discouraging to be in so much pain, and having to play the waiting game with appointments with Specialists.

I do want to extend a special thank you to everyone who has left kind thoughts and heal quick notes to me. I also want to thank a couple of you who emailed me privately to see how I was doing. Truly meant the world to me, and brightened my day! I have really grown to appreciate so many of my incredible blog followers and the friendships that we have!

On a positive note, I have been working a little on putting together what I am going to be teaching in the community beginning bloggers class I was asked to teach. It's coming up the first week in February. I rarely prepare things in advance so this is kinda a first for me, LOL I'm more of a last minute gal, LOL Just ask the youth group I teach every other week.  Although they seem to enjoy what I put together even if sometimes I throw it all together last minute or on the spot. For some reason my brain has always worked out better that way.

Additionally, I finally got around to ordering business cards for my blog. Originally I was going to go with something a little more straight business like. But then after asking a few people their opinion, blogs are supposed to be fun so I decided to go with a more fun, if you look at my card its pretty clear even without reading anything on it, who I am type of card.
I may change my mind for the future, but for now, this is what I chose to go with.
You'll have to let me know what you think about them. Even if you don't like them:)

I am looking forward to the Grow Your Blog, Hops coming up in February. I put a little more prep work into it all than in the past, and I've had to turn several away already because they don't fit the requirements. I hate doing that part, but it's the only way to help insure that we have serious participants who are in it for the networking and have the time to do so.

In the end, hopefully it will help these to be even more better for fun/successful to everyone participating.
The first option I had, the slots sold out around noon opening day.  Which was kinda cool.
I do still have a few slots open in Option #2 and in Option #3 if anyone is still interested. They will be open to join until January 29th or the slots are filled. You can find the information and sign up HERE.

I am loving all the snow lately, it's so beautiful. It's kinda killing me not being able to go play out in it as I want. But I've enjoyed taking the new car out to empty parking lots and enjoying some fun donut's in the snow. (Yes, I do that even when I am alone. I mean that is really the only fun thing to do on your way to work in the morning, right!) At least, for me that's the only reason to not hit snooze a few dozen more times if I have to work on a snowy morning.

Although now that I own a car, it's a little less fun playing in the snow with it than a truck is. It's a bit more difficult to plow through snow banks that are a few feet high, than it was in my old truck. I also normally love to take the path less cleared and track free, and sometimes I have to remember that my car sinks a bit lower in those, than the truck, but that has yet to stop me. Gotta have some fun driving in the winter huh!

Oh, and now I actually have to find cleared parking spaces, because it's not as easy to create your own on the side of a snowbank as it was with a truck. Although, I've tried it with the car, it just doesn't sit as pretty on one, ha ha.
But so far my sporty little red car has held it's own. We haven't been stuck once this year and I can't say the same for a lot of others on the road, LOL So, I am not completely disappointed to be driving a car this winter. But definitely next time I buy, I am going back to owning a truck!

So that is pretty much it.
I don't normally post further updates on life later in the week. But Depending on what the Dr's say today, I may decide to share a quick update on Wednesday.

Oh, and I have a Birthday coming up this week. I love my Birthday's, I never work on them. Usually I like to play and just to fun stuff. This year I am just wishing for help for my back. But I fully plan on splurging that day and going out to lunch and dinner with family.

Tell me something fun you have been doing this winter. 
Most of us out west and back east got lots snow this weekend. Have you been having fun out in it?


  1. I hope that the appointment later today to go over the MRI results goes well. And I love the business cards. I absolutely agree that blog business cards can be more fun in design :) I hope that the class you're teaching goes well. I look forward to hearing more about it.

  2. I sure hope you get good news on the MRI. I think it's ok to feel down. I would! And this time of year is especially tough no matter what you have going on in your life.

  3. I hope your pain eases up soon and they figure out what is going on. It's ok to not be chipper all the time-- we have ALL been there!

  4. OHHH Birthday week - how fun!
    Cant wait to hear your results!!!
    Excited about being involved in the Grow your Blog Hop again - it was great meeting so many people the first time I did it.

  5. I really hope your pain eases up soon. Its okay to be honest here on your blog. I think that most of us appreciate honesty over things being sugar coated. Its pretty obvious when people have a right to complain about something vs. just complaining for the sake of getting attention. IMO, you fall in that first category, so nothing to worry about. :)

  6. I hope you will let us know the results. Hopefully one day soon you'll be pain free! You know I hate the snow. I can't wait till this is all over. :) Happy almost birthday!!

  7. Happy Birthday (a la Frosty the Snowman -- I hope you get the reference). I'm praying you received positive feedback at the doctor today. I know you will do very well with your blogging class. You've given me so many pointers over the last couple of years. Thanks for hosting the Grow Your Blog Hop. I realize you put a ton of work into it!

  8. I forgot about that class you were going to teach. Sounds fun and I bet you are going to enjoy it. Never know who you might inspire! I really hope you get some answers about your back today and that they are good ones. Happy birthday hope you are going to do something fun with your day off. Looking forward to participating in the blog hop again. They are always fun

  9. I'm glad they're finally telling you what's going on!! That must have been really frustrating. :[ I really hope they'll figure out something soon that'll help you to feel better!

    I love your business cards! I've been meaning to get some for mine, but...clearly haven't gotten around to doing that yet. One o' these days...

    Super looking forward to the grow your blog hop next month! :D!!

  10. Best of luck with the MRI results. I am so sorry you are dealing with so much pain :(
    Whatever the diagnosis, I hope they are able to provide you positive and healing options.

    Good luck with the course! I too am a procrastinator! I just operate better under pressure!

    Yeah blog hop!! So excited to be participating again ;)

    Uuugh snow-i like the peaceful look of it and the fact that it makes us slow down just a bit but other than that....uuugh! We ended up with 3 ft in my area of MD. It has shut us totally down. I am enjoying the extra time with the kiddies though :)

    Happy Birthday! I hope you get your wish! Enjoy the splurge!

    No fun this winter as of yet but hoping to plan a ski/snow trip with my football team soon.

  11. I hope you got some results and actual answers about what's going on.

  12. Tricia MissSippiPiddlinMarch 8, 2017 at 6:13 PM

    Well I hope by now you do have some answers and a plan of action. I hate you've had such a time with your back! I am very pumped again to participate in your Blog Hop, I've told you numerous times how much I feel like it has helped me and any discouraging blogging moments I have are strictly my own fault! I have been loving the snow pictures and it actually makes me want to schedule another trip to Stone Mountain before the Snow attraction leaves. Have a great rest of your week Kristy!

  13. I am a little behind so I am jumping over to the next post. I am excited to participate in you Blog hop as always, they are a lot of fun! I have loved everyone's snow pictures! I hope their is relief in sight for you!

  14. You know what, never feel bad about sharing your feelings here! This is YOUR space and you should be able to vent about what is going on with you without feeling bad! You are dealing with something pretty life changing at the moment and I can totally understand! I wish I could do the Blog hop this time around but the timing is just off for me. Studying for the GRE and trying to prepare for my graduate application is taking up so much time I just don't have extra time to dedicate. But excited for everyone who is participating! Hand in there friend! XOXO

  15. I like that you are honest and share your good and bad. I try to do the same - I think it is just life. I wish it could be all unicorns but it isn't. I wish you weren't going through all this pain. Hope you find something happy to do on your birthday-I love that you don't go to work lol hugs !!

  16. I'm hopping over to your Wednesday post next but had to read this one first so I would read the posts in order. Fingers are still crossed you received good news or at least hopeful news.

    P.S. I love your new business cards! They are adorable and definitely have some flair :)


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