
Get to know Runaway Bridal Planner, Random Style

Funny things happen when I blog, like today for instance. A month ago, I had written a post specifically for my Spotlight day in this hop, and 11pm last night I decided it was a little too much on the duller side and realized that there was no way I was going to run it. At least not today, and definitely not as a way to introduce myself to some of you who may be stopping by for one of the first times and deciding if you want to keep stopping by in the future.

Instead I'm breaking one of my biggest blogging rules, which is creating a post just a short hour before I am going to run it. I'm also breaking my second biggest rule, which is running a post I wrote late at night, with no chance of correcting any grammar mistakes in time before others read it. I'm already cringing to myself, but hey gut instinct, gotta go with that right!

Anyhow, I realized sometimes whether you are a new reader to a blog, or a long time follower. The best way to get to know someone can really be just completely totally random things. Especially since this particular Awesome Bloggers hop, has such a fun variety of people/bloggers participating.

Maybe random is better to increase the odds that something about me and my blog could grab a new followers interest? Well that, or I am making a mistake... Which wouldn't be the first time. ha ha.

So whether this is a huge mistake, or not. 
Allow me to share 10 totally random facts about me.

1 I hate chocolate. I won't touch it. You could leave a pile of all the greatest candy bars on my counter and if you came back a month later, they'd still be there untouched.
As a kid, I used to save all my Halloween chocolate when I was younger and bribe all my siblings with it for months to do all my chores.

2 Thanks to being recently forced to take it easy and not work, for an issue I am having with my back. I have literally just in the past 6 weeks have read 15 novels and over 5,800 pages. Yup, if you can't tell, I love to read. But this is quite a bit excessive even for me!

3 Summer weekends, if I am not working a wedding I usually spend every free weekend up camping.
Additionally, even if I am working a week. I will go camping for the entire week, and just commute to work and drive back up in the mountains after. It helps to have access to my parents 5th wheel for showering purposes, LOL

4 My fun sisters and I get in crazy weird moods and the last three times we decided to dare each other to go skinny dipping they were all in places most would consider far to public. Apparently if there is no risk there is no purpose to do it?? That or we are just nuts... Probably a bit of both!
Not that we have ever been caught (that we are aware), but apparently we can't just go up to a lake in the middle of the night like normal people. 

One of my sisters husbands is a cop, and he shakes his head each time, because he does not want to have to explain to his co-workers the thought process of his wife and her sisters should we ever be caught. ha ha  (I just made it sound like we do this all the time, which is not true. The dares only come up once or twice a year.)

5 I'm a wedding decorator. I have owned my own business for over 7 years and I absolutely love it. I don't feel at all like my days spent doing it are a job at all. It's hard work, but I have been fortunate to have a job that feels more like a fun hobby.

6 I have a group of really great friends who I am lucky enough to say. Without question, and at the drop of a hat, if one needs the other we are there and willing to do whatever it takes no matter how long it takes, no matter what it is to be there for each other.
On that same note, I have a family that is exactly the same way. I am truly lucky!

7 My dad started teaching me to drive at age 12. We had a deal, 15 minutes of driving for every A. 10 minutes for each B and 5 minutes for each C. 
Because we did a lot of camping and 4 wheeling. The majority of all that saved up driving time was done up in the mountains on at times not the best roads. 

Because of that, I learned at an early age how to 4 wheel on various terrains and get myself out of a jams without tipping a truck over or tearing up the undercarriage. Which is why I have my dad to thank when guys give me a double, triple and jaw dropping looks when I'm up on the trails doing stuff even they can't.

8 I am a thrill seeker, and have been since as long as I can remember. I do live by the words that I will try ALMOST anything at least once. If I am being honest, I am really lucky that some of the stunts I have pulled haven't gotten me killed.

In fact, one of my dumbest things I have ever done was in college. I lied to some cute guys that I knew how to rock climb, so I could go with. I didn't think twice about jumping off and rappelling down over 100 feet on sandstone cliffs at midnight to be surprised at the bottom only to have to do a free climb (no ropes) back up in what they call a chimney climb. I copied what they did, nearly exactly and they never suspected it was my first time, and then invited me each time they went after. I think I was lucky it was dark and I never could see the ground and only had the moon to show me how big of trouble I was in each slow foot I took climbing back up.

9 I love to run, and I prefer longer distances. My body doesn't really do well in distances under 6 miles, even if it's a mind thing. Not that I am some great distance runner, because I'm not. But my best miles are once I get up around 10, and the ones between that and 17. 
Another odd running fact, more often than not, I will run a second half of a marathon faster than the first half. I've been trying to work on that for years, eventually I will get this corrected, haha..

10 I like to learn random facts about anything and everything. So that no matter who I am in conversation with, no matter what part of the world they live in, or what their culture is. I can jump right in, and carry on a conversation about something I only know a spec about and pretend I know loads about and just learn more as the conversations go. This has been especially useful in job interviews, when on planes, and when traveling and visiting new places around the country.  My sisters, call that just me being a know it all, LOL They are probably right!

So there you have it, 10 totally completely random facts, that popped into my mind as I typed. I'm hoping most of these are ones I have not shared before on my blog, for those of you who have followed me for quite sometime.

A quick note for those paying their first visit: If you noticed on my ABOUT PAGE I blog about different things on different days. You can find a full schedule there on when I share things about me, travel posts, running posts and other things. I do try to keep specific days for certain things so viewers and followers will know what to expect if they are only interested in certain things I do on my blog.

If you like my blog an want to follow me, I would love it if you'd hit one of my share buttons and follow me in your favorite way to follow a blogger.  You can find my follow tools floating around in the right hand corner of my blog, no matter where on the page you are at.
Oh, and just FYI I do follow back!

So, now that you've learned probably more than you ever cared to about me. Why don't you tell me something totally random about you!

Also, I use the Disqus comment system. It's fairly simple to use, but if you have not signed up with a Disqus account will you please leave me a link to your blog so I can come pay you a visit too.


  1. fun post!! thats really funny about your sisters, im not that brave lol

  2. Great stuff here! So did you ever tell the guy that you didn't know how to rock climb that first time?

  3. The thing about running the second half of a marathon faster than the first is you have no idea how many people would KILL to be able to do such a thing. Myself included. Especially for a half marathon, my favorite distance. But NOPE. So, definitely jealous. It's something I'm working on.

  4. Stopping by from the hop - thank you so much for running this blog hop! It's been so much fun. I think it's awesome that you're a wedding decorator. I'm planning my wedding right now, and it is hard work! So many details to consider. One random thing about me is that I always wear my socks inside out. It's way more comfortable than the normal way! Blog:

  5. Omg you hate chocolate? i can't say i relate to that but i had a friend in middle school who did too! do you like any candy? if not you are lucky ;) its a curse to love the bad stuff

  6. Oh and here I was thinking we had a lot in common and now you tell me you hate chocolate. I am trying to figure out how to unfollow you now. KIDDING!!!!! But seriously, I love chocolate enough for two so it's okay. You can totally slide your chocolates over to me. I ate two large Godiva bars this week alone. What can I say, it was a high stress week. My niece also hates chocolate. I don't know who she gets it from.
    Loved your post though. Loved the randomness of if. It totally works.
    Have a great weekend, Kristy. Thanks again for hosting this blog hop. It makes for a really great week of blogging. We should have one of these every week. Haha.

  7. I can't say I hate chocolate, but I really don't care for it. I was allergic to it as a child but I grew out of it. However, it isn't my favorite so I avoid it. I am with you on running, I just can't get in to shorter distances. Ten to 13 miles is my favorite, and like you on my last two 10 mile races I ran the second half faster than the first. My coach though that was great the first time but not we are working to make sure I am more consistent.

  8. I dont think I've ever known someone who didnt like chocolate at all. That's mind blowing to me :)
    I so want a sister... who else will do crazy things like that with you :)

  9. We are a crazy but fun group of sisters, never a dull moment, LOL

  10. Nope,they already weren't that to into girls who didn't know what they were doing coming, and I wasn't about to let that happen me they were totally hot, LOL I ended up gaining a lot of new skills and got to see some pretty unique and incredible places in Southern Utah thanks to those guys. Of course I just as likely could have ended up dead falling off cliffs too. Thankfully all future climbs they brought the lines/ropes and I lived, LOL LOL

  11. You say that, but trust me you would probably disagree if it happened often. I hold back way too much in the first half and don't start picking up the pace until the second. If I would pick up the pace in the first half and just go with the gut and push through the pain in the second, I'd probably get some much better times. It's a mind game, like all of running I guess lol lol

  12. Oh how exciting! Congratulations on your engagement!
    That's awesome about the socks, and as I am thinking about it I am agree's so true. They really do make the outside of the sock softer than the inside most often, hmmmm I may try that too:)

  13. Unfortunately I love way too many other things:) While I am not a huge candy lover, I do love pastry type things that more than compensate for the lack of calories with the chocolate, LOL

  14. LOL LOL, Hey my friends love me even more that I don't like chocolate, because they know if they are with me at a party and someone hands me chocolate anything, they get theirs and mine too, LOL
    Glad you liked the post, for some reason last night I just realized it would be more fun to go random than the other post I had planned for today!
    LOL I wish we could do them weekly, but my nights around hop time are already way too late as it is, I think I'd loose my sanity, LOL But on the plus side, we can all keep following and supporting each other after and in some ways that gets to be even better, right!

  15. There is just something about the longer distances, it's like peaceful and things just start feeling better your body is more into it, shorter distances I just have a hard time getting into them too, it's like they are over before I warmed up and got to the enjoy part:)
    I know, it's hard isn't it. I have this tendency to hold back too much early on and that's why I have more energy the second half. I've broken the habit a couple times and those are my better race times. It's a mind think and I am a work in progress, LOL

  16. LOL Now you do:)
    Oh you need a crazy sister or best friend who will dare you to do stupid fun stuff. There is never a dull moment with me and my sisters that is for sure. That and never a time their hubby's aren't rolling their eyes at us:)

  17. I only wish I was better at remembering random facts. Something to work on!

  18. I love your free spirit and adventurism! Every time I read your adventures, or even just the way you share about yourself I feel like I'm already doing something so daring lol because I can feel that part of your personality shining! Thanks for sharing more about you :] I'm glad you have such wonderful people in your life and are pursuing all the things that excite you!

  19. LOL, truthfully I had to text my sister and ask her what weird random things she could think about me to help me come up with all 10 for the post, LOL

  20. That is one of the greatest compliments. Can I just say, when I started this blog I had a hard time throwing my personality into it, it's so hard sharing ones self. But then I realized, there is no way a blog isn't going to work if someone can't see my personality in my writing. Whether they like me or not, LOL LOL I'm really glad I have gotten to know you too, and really glad your back to blogging again!

  21. I am super jealous of that reading word count! I adore reading. What was your most favorite recent book?

  22. I love learning random facts like this ;-) That rock climbing, though, at midnight? Yikes. A random fact about me....I learned how to knit when I was young (maybe 8 years old?), and I'm enough of an art geek that I seldom ever follow a pattern exactly as written. I always tweak it someway/somehow to make it "my own." I'm also pretty good at plagiarizing sweaters I've seen in expensive stores....#shhhh #classifiedinfo #confession

  23. Michelle@Running with AttitudeMarch 8, 2017 at 6:17 PM

    You are a thrill-seeker! That story about the rock climbing was crazy :) Nice to learn more about you!

  24. Love that you are an adventure seeKer! I'm so sorry to hear that your back is still acting up! I hope you get relief soon!

  25. I can't say I'm surprised that you're a thrill seeker - you're also one of the most well-traveled/adventurous people I "know"! I am SHOCKED that you don't like chocolate! I have to lie to myself and pretend I don't like it or I'd have a real problem! And that story about the rock climbing! Wow! You impress and INSPIRE me more and more each day!!!

  26. It's so funny how chocolate is such a thing with people. I do love it but I can go without it too. I love random facts, mostly pop-culture type stuff and information about history. I love meeting someone else who knows random stuff too.

  27. I just know that if we lived closer we would be the best of friends!! I am not a book reader. I probably read 1 or 2 a year. I've been that way my whole life!

  28. I love chocolate :) but I get a sugar tummy ache when it is around...I have no restraint! I have not fully read a book in over a year...a toddler steals my energy daily. I wish we could go camping! I would live in the outdoors if I could.... I feel like a run under 5 miles isn't a run, it is a warm up! I would rather run the longer distances at this point - but check back with me in April to see how my first marathon went :) Thank you for hosting!

  29. In my sophomore year of high school, I committed to reading a book a day--I made it to 283, which is better than nothin', but...I was also taking chemistry at the time, so I blame that! ;P

    Totally with you on the thrill/adventure-seeking! :D I'll eat your chocolate for you!

  30. Wait hate chocolate...wowsers!

    15 novels! Get it!!

    Love the skinny diping dares! That is awesome!! When my girls and I go on our summer trip, we always do a skinny dip in the ocean ;)

    Great family and blessed!

    Yeah daddy for teaching such wonderfull lessons.

    Oh the things we do for the attention of cute boys-lol!!

    Yeah running !

    Ha-I am a random fact person too. People are always so suprised at the random stuff I know.

    Random fact about me-I lived in Greece as a child. I don't remember it though but my brother tells me fun stories

    Thanks for sharing!

  31. I love these little tidbits about you. You are a badass - except for the no chocolate part. My daughter is the same way with chocolate. But seriously - skinny dipping, 4 wheeling tricks, rappelling and free climbing, 15 novels. You go!

  32. i don't know about this no chocolate thing! LOL Some of my best posts are the ones that just kind of flowed out last minute. Have a great weekend!

  33. OMG you were so lucky with that rock climbing episode. I am not a risk taker and would have backed out ! However, like you, I prefer to run longer distances and my second half of races are often faster than my first halves. It takes me quite a while to get the machine going !

  34. Oh that's a hard one, I've read some good ones. But The Book of Ivy I think has been my most favorite recent read!

  35. LOL, My family always thought I was weird for not liking it. But then they also liked it because they knew they always got my piece of chocolate if they were with me, LOL

  36. Ya, the rock climbing thing was not one of my smartest moments. But I lived in the desert at the time and midnight was when we did things because by then the temps had cooled down to around 100 or a little below, LOL
    That is awesome, I always wish I knew how to knit well. I'd love to make sweaters. I am a bit jealous of that talent of yours, love you can plagiarize ones you find in stores!

  37. The rock climbing thing, not one of my smartest moments, but thankfully it worked out, LOL

  38. Thanks, my back will never heal I no longer have cartlige to keep the bones from rubbing against each other, unfortunately but I am learning how to live with it and I will be happy once I figure that all out:) Thanks for stopping by!

  39. LOL ya for some reason a lot of people think not liking chocolate makes me weird, but sadly I like way too many other goodies instead:)

  40. Oh I love pop-culture and history facts, I seriously never get enough of it. When I would be bored at working at the library I pick up those kids, 1001 fact books, and love just learning random things, LOL

  41. I have no doubt about that! I'm actually looking forward to joining in on 2 of your states adventures this summer. I have this feeling, we are going to have a blast!

  42. I have a sister like that, she will just eat and eat chocolate mindlessly so she tries not to keep it around. One she tried to surprise her husband and she baked a small cake and ended up eating it all before he go home. She was pregnant, but we tease her about it forever now:)
    April will be your first marathon, so awesome! I definitely will look forward to hearing how it goes!!!

  43. OMG, I am seriously impressed with that 283 books, I would love that!
    I had a job where i used to listen to books on tape and I got through nearly 1 a day on week days. It was a great way to pass the time. But ya in my dream world there would be enough time to do that every day, LOL

  44. That's awesome! I've oddly never been skinny dipping in the ocean, unless you count the time the waves knocked my top off and I didn't notice until someone else pointed it out to me, LOL
    Oh very cool, Greece! Too bad you don't remember it, but hey you at least have the cool story to tell. That is one of those places I wouldn't mind visiting someday.

  45. LOL, I get a lot of hassle on the not liking chocolate thing:)

  46. Oh I was terribly lucky! When I told my parents what I did, my mom about died I am pretty lucky! One of the downsides of being slightly fearless I guess. Older now, not sure if it would happen again that is for sure!
    I think that's the same for me, the longer I run I just get into it more and enjoy the middle and further distances more than the first few miles.

  47. My hubby is trying to talk me into jumping out of a plane. I do like roller coasters but jumping at thousands of feet, i am not sure! Rock climbing does sound very scary, about the same risk lol
    So if chocolate does not do it for you, what sweet treat do you love?
    I was raised alone, but I found out when I was older I had a half sister, I have tried to connect with her, but we have't quite connected, it is odd, I wish we could be closer :)

  48. I really need to get more into audio books--I feel like I'd definitely get a lot more books read (well, you know what I mean) that way! :O

  49. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate either! LOL!!

  50. Great post, Kristy! I may have to copy this format for my spotlight day :) I especially loved the chocolate hater fact - I wouldn't have ever guessed that one! And even funnier that you used your Halloween candy to get siblings to take on your chores. Lol!

  51. I definitely think you should let your hubby talk you into skydiving! It's a lot of fun, I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!
    Truthfully, I think skydiving is much safer than rock climbing, hey they even say going sky diving is safer than taking a road trip, LOL
    Oh I love all kinds of sweets, just not chocolate. Sadly way too many LOL

  52. Ya, another non chocolate lover:) There are very few of us apparently, LOL

  53. Go for it! Actually, I have done 3 of these, and they seem to do better than my other ones so I may even do this again with my spotlight in the next hop too, I'll just have to think of more, LOL
    Oh ya, I was famous for bribing my siblings with chocolate to do anything I wanted them too, LOL I think that's why I hate cleaning now, I wish I had someone to bribe to do it for me, LOL

  54. Hubby is loving this reply - grinning ear to ear!


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