
A 5K, Fun Times and a Fabulous Fragrance

How has your week been?
Mine has actually been really great.

I ran my first 5K, in I really can't tell you how many years, but lets say more than 10 years ago.
Literally even a few years back when I was racing consistently it was only Marathons.

I hit up the packet pick up Friday. This was seriously bitter sweet I tell ya!
I loved the opportunity that I was given to participate in this race. (Thanks to Alaska Air for the Sponsorship!!!)
When I went up to the area with the different race sections for bib numbers. Having to pass the marathon runners bib station and not stop was tough. But I got over it (a little) and hit up that 5K table with a big smile.

On a side note, don't you just love those huge chandeliers? This packet pick up was at one of the historic buildings at the Utah State Fair park.

Race morning, last minute decision I grabbed what I call my sports bra/body corset. LOL Yeah, I haven't quite lost all the weight I want yet and it's basically one of those full upper body sports bras, and since mine is like several sizes too small I knew it would suck in all my extra stuff, and make me feel better about wearing a tighter race shirt. (Laugh, it's okay, because I do ha ha.)

I know, I know some people think not loving your body the way it is, is body shaming. Well frankly I don't care what people think.
I knew I would feel a little uncomfortable with the tightness around my upper body from having it all sucked in, but when I looked in the mirror and liked the results better it made me feel better about myself and that's more important for me!

When I walked out to my car and had to scrap the frost off my windows. I decided all the extra layers and including the tight corset, LOL. Was a good choice!

I cranked up seat warmers on high, and turned up the heater and headed out.
I took the drive up into Salt Lake City, and being a local gal (even though I rarely go up to SLC). I wasn't going to pay for parking unless I had no other choice. Drove around the block down the street a bit from the finish and Oh Yeah, found an awesome free parking spot. SCORE!

I got there a bit on the early side, so I just sat in my car and stayed warm until about 15 minutes til race start and then I walked the less than half mile to the start.

There were a lot of runners out there, that years back you probably wouldn't have ever seen getting into the fun of a 5K.

I'll tell ya, when your alone at a race. You are a BEACON for groups to grab because there must be some sign that says, single girl grab her to take our group photo, LOL.
I really don't mind, this used to happen to me a lot at marathons too.

Of course that was until one group that after I said yes, each person in the group hands me their individual phone to take the same picture with.  Seriously, in the age of text and send. They couldn't forward a picture onto each other?? Oh well, I grinned and did it anyway. Then walked into the corral so I could avoid additional amateur photo opps, LOL LOL

The race starting temp was 38 degrees, and when I finished it was still 38 degrees.

In other words absolutely PERFECT running temps! I bet the marathoners were absolutely loving the running conditions!
In case your wondering this event also hosts:
Full Marathon
Half Marathon
10K Skate
26.2 Mile Bike Tour
Kids 1K

The 5K course, super easy basically close as you get to a flat course in Salt Lake.

The race was fun, and very well organized.
Gorgeous spring weather and surroundings, with beautiful snow capped mountain peaks around you, could you ask for a better race/day?

On a funny note: I was a little shocked at how many stop in a 5K just slightly more than a mile into the race to grab a drink and walk. But it was okay by me, I think I passed 100 people at that water stop and only counted 2 passing me a few minutes later.  BONUS!

Truthfully, I was running this purely for fun. I had no plans, other than to run the whole thing and have fun doing it. I also decided not to run with any music, so I could people watch and enjoy the crowds and conversation around me. After all, this is my first race of any kind in over 3 years since I got the work injury that damaged a few tendons in my left foot.

Because "runner" people watching is awesome!!!!!

On a side note, a father and his 4 year old and 6 year old running with him, passed me effortlessly, yeah and beat me. It just made me wish I had thought to bring a young niece to run with, LOL. Next time, I will do just that

I did pass a 92 year old, who called himself "one of the young guys out that day." He made me smile, and just love that some people are able to stay active into their 90's, that is just awesome!!!

On a 2nd side note, after noticing the finishing times in my age group for the 5K, I realized if I had been in marathon shape I could have easily placed or won my age group. Definitely something to consider for the future, and I who knows I just might run it again and try ya never know:)

I had a great time, and while some people enjoy a fastest ever PR, I had a different kind of PR, I had a "My worst Ever 5K time PR", LOL LOL
(Could I of run faster? Possibly, but I decided to use what I like to call my "I can run this pace forever", pace.)

Not even kidding about that, It was my absolute worst by far. But who really cares, I didn't!
I was out there having fun. I can't even tell you how entertaining it was to listen, watch others.

Not only that, but how motivational it was to hear some talk to their friends and push each other. Many of these 5K runners these days I noticed, this is their first race ever, or first time getting into running. Their reason's why are all different, it's an entirely different experience than running a marathon on so many different levels it's a world I have been away from for a very long time, too long!

Overall, I actually think I walked away from this opportunity with some valuable lesson's learned. One was, I was far more proud for total strangers who didn't even realize I was listening/people watching them. Than I was for anything I had done that day, and I really enjoyed that learning experience!

I even heard the best comment ever from one of the organizers on the speakers as I was leaving.

He said, even if your not out to try and win. We give you 26.2 miles of uninterrupted running, biking or 10K skating through salt lake with zero traffic stops, the only time you'll ever get that in the city.
I smiled because that is a great way to look at any race. Even if you aren't there to compete against anyone but yourself, you really should look at a race as a fun/great opportunity to run with no stoplight limitations, LOL

The Salt Lake City Marathon is a very well organized event.
The finishers area was huge and I tell ya like a runners buffet.

I grabbed a banana for a quick breakfast and a water. Skipped everything else, in my mind I couldn't help thinking about those middle and back of the pack marathon runners who would be coming through several hours later from when I was there.

While I am sure they had plenty, I decided one less 5K runner taking some would leave a bit more for one of the endurance runners who would enjoy it/need it more than me!

Although, I will say I was highly tempted by the freshly cooked pancakes hot off the grill, LOL But those would have put me way over my calorie intake for the day, ha ha.

(They gave nice looking shirts out for the 5K didn't they!)

When I finished I stayed long enough to see the first place half cross the finish. Would have enjoyed staying to see the marathon runners finish, but I didn't want to wait in the cold and knowing me it would just make me bummed I couldn't be one of them.

Back when I used to do 5K's you never saw finisher medals unless you won, or you were a kid. I don't know why but I still think its odd they give them in every race now.

I know, I know I am from a different street race era I guess I gotta get with the times. LOL
Not sure if I will keep it or just donate it to one of those charities that use them at Special Needs sporting events.


My running improved this week, still not where it should be now nearly 2 months in. But I decided to bump things up a bit a few days, and my body responded nicely and actually liked it better than the easier mileage I had been doing in previous weeks. Oddly the extra miles run together didn't even bring any soreness. (Which was kinda a bummer, LOL.)

On the plus side, we are into spring here. Which means snow one day, rain rain and more rain other days with the occasional pop of sunlight on other days. Even the ducks think it's spring, as I saw my first group of ducklings on a run this week. One of my tree's that I call the purple one is in bloom too and thanks to all the rain and snow this week, everything looks so fresh and green, love it!

What else have I been enjoying this week?
Well I participate in the Influenster program, and each month lately I've really been enjoying all the fun new products they send for me to try.

This month I am really enjoying this Ralph Lauren "Tender Romance" fragrance.
The best part about it, it's not just a trial sample they sent, it was a small bottle so it's going to last a while.  Which is awesome because I love the scent!

So that is a little bit about my week.

Have you run a fun race recently?
Are you like me, do you enjoy taking it all in and get a little more enjoyment of listening and watching others, than from your own accomplishments too?

Today, I am linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin today for their Weekly Wrap! If you have a post to link up, and time to participate and visit a few others in the link up, you should totally come link up with them too!



  1. Ahh, the finisher medal for every single race. I also think this is really odd and never hang the medals on my rack unless they are AG awards, half or full marathon medals. For kids, I understand the need for a finisher medal but only sometimes. Glad you got out there and raced even it wasn't a marathon distance that you love so much. You are doing something you love which is the most important thing.

  2. I enjoyed a bit of humor in this post! If it makes you feel good, wear what you want!

    I'm glad you had a good time at the race!

  3. Congrats on the 5k--I haven't done one for years either. Crazy that they give finisher medals isn't it? I was at a half once where we all got medals and the 5k runners didn't. Oh the complaining!!! Seriously.

    I've had the situation where I've been at a race by myself and been asked to take group photos too. I guess I don't mind because I've done the same thing!

  4. Sounds like a fun race! I love the way that announcers described the race and the positives even if you aren't running it for time :) It is weird that the group of people wanted you to take a photo on each of their phones. I would have headed off to the corrals after that too!

  5. Yay for running your first 5k in a long, long time! Going out there and running a race for fun and not focusing on a finish time is harder than it seems, especially when so many people are out there focused on their pace and finish time. And what a cute story about the 92 year old runner. People like that always make me smile.

  6. First of all - high five for you being considerate of other runners still to come through. Its a lost trait anymore.
    You know, there's always going to be one race that is your worst time - but as long as you had fun & just enjoyed it - that's all that matters anyways.
    That's exactly why I tell my husband I like races - its fun to run roads that are just there for you - no traffic, no stops, no worrying about the path. Something new to se.. new routes & paths... LOVE IT!
    Good job adding to your race list

  7. Congrats on the 5k. Most 5ks here don't give medal except for AG awards. I would have been one of those runners who stop from water during a 5k.

  8. Ah yes, the finisher medal. You're right, back in the day you'd be hard pressed to find one for any race other than a marathon or longer. But hey, it gives the newbies a sense of accomplishment and things like this keep the numbers up. It's all about numbers these days! Thanks to that today's races are definitely more of an event than they used to be (they can pretty much double as trade shows!)

    That said, you may not have received a finisher medal for shorter races back in the day, t-shirts, on the other hand, were dished out to everyone who registered. I enjoyed that!

  9. Congrats!! That is so great you ran a race and had a fun one! I do really like the blue shirt, very pretty color.
    I love the pics, SL looks pretty like every thing you have posted from UT.
    That is great you are still watching that intake and enjoying the weight loss journey, it's hard work, you gotta laugh so you don't go crazy lol the scale made me cringe a little today, but I am still trying to get a few pounds off as well.

  10. How fun that you were able to get out and truly enjoy the 5K! Kudos to you! 38 degrees is not ideal for me, 58 would be closer to it! LOL! Yes it is a cute race shirt- enjoy the rest of the week!

  11. Tricia MissSippiPiddlinMarch 8, 2017 at 6:32 PM

    I'm so glad to see you running in a fun 5k! This did sound like you had a great time! Isn't it all about the fun anyway!?! I love the beautiful picture of the tree in full bloom too! I hope you have a great week!

  12. Sometimes I think running for fun at a race makes for the best races. I love seeing the people, seeing people run their first race, seeing people run their heart out, being healthy, doing something for themselves.

    Don't know how you wore a tight bra. I have had a couple that have practically cut off my breathing. Hate to even think about it.

  13. That's funny you say that, because I don't hang any awards up unless they are first place or I so display my marathon finishers medals.
    Yeah, I am not sure why everyone wants a medal for everything these days, but I guess for a race its become a great money maker for them.
    Thank you, I agree it was a lot of fun and when your doing something you love that makes it more than worth it!!!

  14. Exactly, and I bet I may have been the only one wearing a "self called corset" under my running shirts LOL LOL
    It was fun to try a shorter distance, I will have to remember I enjoyed it and do a few more in the future!

  15. It is crazy they give finishers medals, not sure if I really like the idea. But hey if they need it to bring more participants and make more money I guess all power to them, LOL
    Oh that is funny that the 5k runners were complaining about not getting a medal and the half did, I hate to say it, but we live in a far too entitled society, it's kinda sad that some can't just do something for the thrill of doing it anymore!

    Yeah, I didn't really mind taking the pictures. But it was funny as with the one group I said yes, and then they all just piled their phones onto me. I was like, hmmm how do I hold them all and take a picture with one, LOL Oh well, if it made them happy I was fine to do it!

  16. Yeah I liked that he pointed that out. Because I think some forget it's not often you can have city streets closed down and just run the streets as you wish!
    It was funny, I said sure I'll take your picture. Then they each piled their phones in my hands, I was like um I am not sure how to do this and hold them all at the same time, LOL I tucked them under my arm and figured it wasn't my fault if on dropped. But it made them happy so oh well, my good deed for the morning, LOL

  17. I saw your pics and was so excited for you! I bet it felt amazing to be back out there running a race after all those health issues

  18. Oh I was so beyond competition I am really not in great shape so I knew it was going to be all about the fun from the beginning. But I did enjoy watching others, and seeing how much happiness some got from their accomplishment, that was a rewarding thing that I have never paid much attention to, but really made the race enjoyable!
    Oh the 92 year old, he was awesome, not only that but he didn't do to bad either, passed a lot of people who were younger and proved age doesn't define ya! Loved it!

  19. I've been in marathons before, when I've gotten to the finish and things are so picked through or run out it's been disappointing. Frankly it was a 5k, who really needs to pile up their arms full or 10X's more calories than they just burnt, so I was more than happy to leave it in hopes one more back of the pack marathoner gets what they want when they finish!
    So agree with you, it is a lost trait now days!
    Oh ya, having fun and people watching made it awesome, I could of cared less with my time.

  20. I like that most 5K's were you are don't do the finishers medals except for AG. I don't know why, call me old school but I just like races that do that a bit better. But then I guess it brings a few more people to the sport, and if they need one then all power to them, if it keeps them having fun and active:)

  21. I swear even a few years back, I never even got them in halfs, but now apparently its the thing. Oh well, if someone needs a medal to prove they ran, then all power to them:) But I do think your right, it's all about numbers and making money these days in the race industry. Heck if I was a race director I'd probably be out for the extra cash too, LOL

  22. Thanks Karen! Yes, it was a fun race, and I really did have a great time just people watching the other runners and seeing how happy their accomplishments made them. I've never paid much attention to that side of it before, it was nice to just relax and look at others instead of focusing on myself.
    SLC is a pretty city, this race ends at the City County Building, which I just call the clock building, it's a pretty area!
    I am trying really hard on the calorie front, it's not easy and I am not perfect, but every day I can do okay helps!
    FYI, the scale makes me cringe all the time, LOL

  23. LOL, 38 degrees was a little cool for a 5K, but if I had been doing the marathon it would have been so beyond perfect!
    58, hummm you must be from Florida, LOL You probably don't even get below 50 very often, lucky!

  24. Thanks Tricia! It was a lot of fun, I am glad I did it! I never would have though people watching/listening to other runners would be so fun. But seriously listening to a few of them and hearing them push themselves or their friends (first timers) seriously made my dad, reminded me that everyone has a sens of accomplishment in different ways, and you just never know what someone went through to get there. loved it for that!
    Oh ya, I love that purple tree in bloom, I can't wait until my pink tree goes in bloom later this week!

  25. You know, listening to some of the others in the race, hearing them talk about it (first timers) was very inspiring. Sometimes in the longer distances I don't pay much attention to others like that. But here I just relaxed and enjoyed listening and seeing others achieve their goals!
    LOL LOL oh this bra was seriously like 3 sizes too small but it held everything together nicely LOL. It didn't bother me breathing, I would't of done it if it had been a longer race, but luckly once I started running I didn't even notice how tight it felt, it was keeping me warm and that was a bonus. Now getting out of it later that day, well lets just say that was a bit more on the painful side, I might of almost dislocated a shoulder, LOL LOL

  26. It was fun, I was glad I did it.
    Honestly, for me it was nice to be in a race. But listening to some of the others like the first timers around me, was so inspiring. I could of cared less how I did, I was having so much more fun and enjoyment watching others hit first time success. I need to remember to people watch runners in races more often, seriously!

  27. Congrats on your first race in a long while! So glad to hear that everything went ok! Sounds like a great race! Nice shirt and getting a medal for the 5K is awesome! It's a nice one too!

  28. So happy to hear your first race back went well! I am sure it felt so good to be out there and I love how you had no expectations...the best kind of races!

  29. Congrats on your first 5k in a long time! I know exactly how you feel, wishing you could do the full. You will soon! I never stop for water during 5k's. Probably since our bodies are more accustomed to longer runs, we don't need it early on. Ok, tell me more about this corset thing! I need one!

  30. Awesome that you ran and enjoyed your first 5K in a decade! I was in SLC in vacation and fell in love. Can't wait to go back someday! Utah is so beautiful!

  31. Congrats on your 5k! I'm glad to hear you had a fun time at the race - I think it's great you enjoyed yourself and found inspiration from the others around you. I also totes laughed when I read the bit about the sports bra/corset. I'm totally the same although usually more with shorts - I can't stand it if my shorts create any type of muffin top. As a result I usually end up with ones that shimmy down my hips :)

  32. Welcome back to running!! Congrats on your race. Sounds like a great day.

  33. Glad you enjoyed the race! I find medals for 5k and 10k odd too. Most of them around here still don't give them out but the large races do. I'm totally in that place where I am running for joy now and I take even greater joy watching others achieve and exceed their goals.

  34. Thanks. Yeah it was fun, one of those things that I had no plans on doing and when the opportunity came up I was like, why the heck not and it ended up being quite fun!

  35. It was fun to get out there in the race world again, and since it was all for fun it kinda made it even well more fun, LOL

  36. Thanks Katie!
    Yes, eventually I'll get back to the full.
    Yeah, in training I don't even drink water most the time even on 10 mile runs until I finish, so I'm pretty accustomed to not needing water for shorter distances.
    LOL well it's not really a corset, but it felt like it. Champion makes a sports bra that is like a tank. It's tight from bust to belly. I bought one years back when I was thin, it's a size small and I am a large now. So putting it on since it's way to small for me, well lets just say everything gets sucked in real tight and smooths out my love handles and other fat, LOL I wouldn't use it for a marathon but a short race, I hardly noticed the tightness when I started running and was glad I wore it!

  37. Oh I hope you can come back to SLC sometime. It's a pretty city, and we really do have a gorgeous state if you enjoy the outdoors!

  38. Thanks, yeah I had a fun time!
    Oh ya, I felt no guilt at wearing a bra/corset to make me feel better about myself, LOL Why not and I laughed at myself for doing it too :)
    I'm picky about my running shorts too, I seriously hate shopping for them the right pair of shorts is similar to a great of running shoes.

  39. Yeah, I am not sure about the whole medals for 5k's, I think I am too old school but hey if it makes someone else happy or interested in getting active then I guess why not.
    Watching others achieve goals is a great feeling. I was glad I left any headphones at home so I could just listen to others and people watch or spy on them, LOL and hear their accomplishments!

  40. I find it odd to get a 5k finisher's medal too. It's hard to imagine anyone needing fluid at mile one and especially at that temperature. But, to each his own. I know if must have felt good to be back in a race, even though it wasn't your typical marathon. That is a very nice shirt! Love the color. Will you do another 5k soon? Thanks for linking with us Kristy!

  41. I guess the race field is changing, and giving out medals in every race must be a new thing. but like you said, to each his own!
    It did feel good to be at a race, even though it just gave me a considerable itch to run a marathon soon, LOL
    Probably won't do another 5K soon, I'm hoping to run a few marathons this fall and I'll save my money to enter those! (Well unless another sponsored race, which in that case I probably would!)

  42. The Ralph Lauren Romance is one of my favorite all-time scents so I'll have to check out this new spin on it. That Influenster program sounds awesome.
    Congrats on your 5K time. Cool medal too.

  43. Great job on your race and that your running is going so well, that is awesome!! I had to laugh at needing water at the 1 mile marker, but hey, whatever works for someone, right? I can't recall ever getting medals for 5ks, just trace shirts, but who knows?

  44. Hooray for perfect racing temperatures! And holy WHAT. That's so awesome that there was a 92yo out there! I hope to be that active if I make it to my 90's! (Although my exercise of choice would still be lifting weights. <3 I wanna be a badass granny without the actual kids/grandkids, haha.) I'm glad you had a lot of fun! I think that's honestly the most important part--that you enjoyed yourself and had a great experience, which it definitely sounds like you did! :]

  45. I wish I will still running at 92, good on them.

  46. I have never seen finisher medals for a 5k except at a Disney race. The shirt you received is really pretty. Hurray for racing and having fun. I think that is amazing a 92 ran a 5k and did you see that at the Penn Relays this weekend a 100 year old woman ran the 100 yard dash. So impressive.


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