
Drastic Decisions and Changes

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I am mainly a wedding decorator by profession, but I do have a 2nd job to fill in the time and help me save up additional funds to finish my 50 states marathon goal.

Last week I mentioned my foot injury at work.  Letting them know I wouldn't be picking up extra shifts starting in a few weeks for while so I could heal.  Mentioning an injury was apparently a big mistake for them.  In short I was told I had to stop working immediately and I am not allowed to come back until I can get a Dr.'s note stating I am healed.  (Guess they were afraid I would file some workers comp claim if the injury got worse from working.. Which I wouldn't...)

Anyhow, I am now forced to take the time I NEED off my foot so it can be healed once and for all.  I have a few things I have to get done in this morning, which require me on my feet (wedding stuff).  But after that, I am picking up the crutches and I will be staying off my injured foot/ankle for at least 2 weeks straight (more if needed), to give the tendinitis and bursitis some time to heal and go away for good.

I am really feeling this is actually all working out for the best, which is why I put the happiness quote above!  I am looking forward to healing and getting back into my passion of running.  Not to mention hopefully in just enough time to still get in shape to run some fall marathons.  Sometimes things happen for a reason (Note the Quote Below).  I am hoping that having to go through this long layoff injury will only bring me better and better things when I can get back into it again!

If you ran last weekend, share with me your great running or race stories.  What are your passions in life?  Have you ever had to take a considerable amount of time away from them for one reason or another?  Lately, I take my motivation from others so I don't dwell to much on my own situation, I love the comments and sharing of stories:)

Don't forgot, Link-Up's only work if you visit the blogs and make sure to take a min and share some love with a comment:)



  1. I've had my fair share of injuries. Not fun! Hope your foot heals quickly

  2. I'm working on the 50 States too :)

    Hope your foot heals soon.

    1. Thank you! Way cool! Good luck on your 50 states goal!

  3. Injuries are no fun. I hope your foot heals soon.


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