This is a list (in progress) of races in Utah that you might want to check out.
Bear Lake Marathon - June - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k & 1k
Bear Lake Marathon Idaho - June - Marathon
Bear Lake Monster Run - September - Half Marathon, 10k & 5k
Big Cottonwood Marathon - September - Marathon & Half Marathon
Butch Cassidy 10k/5k - November
Canyonlands Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon & 5 Mile Run
Crandall Canyon Memorial Run - July - Half, 10k & 5K
Deseret News Marathon - July - Marathon, 10K, 5K Walk
Dog Town Half Marathon - February - Half Marathon, 9k, 5k, 1k
Durty Hurty - March - Half Marathon & 5k
Elk Run - September - 50k & Half Marathon
Escalante Canyons Marathon - October - Marathon
Expedition St. George Relay - December - 50 Miles
Grand Valley Marathon - May - Marathon
Gunnison Spring Runoff - April - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Huntsville Marathon - September - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Huntsville Half - September - Half Marathon & 5k
Hurricane Half Marathon - April - Half Marathon & 5k
Huff to Bluff Marathon - May - Marathon & Half Marathon
Kahtoola Wasatch Winter Bigfoot Snowshoe - January - Marathon, 50k, 25k, 10k & 5k
Lake to Lake Relay - March - 50 miles
Layton Marathon - August - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Little Grand Canyon Marathon - September - Marathon
Mid Mountain Marathon - September - Marathon
Moab Marathon - May - Marathon
Moab's Red Hot Ultra Marathon - February - 55k & 33k
Morgan Valley Marathon - July - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Ogden Marathon - May - Marathon, Half Marathon, 5k
Park City Marathon - August - Marathon & Half Marathon
Park City Pink Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Park City Trail Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Potter Run - October - 5k Run
Provo Canyon Marathon - September - Marathon & Relay
Provo City Marathon - May - Marathon, Half Marathon & 5k
Ragnar Wasatch Back- June - 12 person relay teams (6 person ultra teams)
Red Mountain - April - 50k, 30k & Half Marathon
Red Rock Relay Dixie - March - 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Moab - May - 70 miles 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Park City - October - 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Zion - September - 187 mile 12 person relay teams
Riverton Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon, 5k
Salt Lake City Marathon - April - Marathon, Half Marathon, 5k & Bike
Sand Hollow Marathon - March - Marathon
Shamrock Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon
Skyline Mountain Marathon - August - Marathon & Half Marathon
Snow Canyon Half Marathon - November - Half Marathon
St George Ironman - May - Ironman 70.3
St. George Marathon - October - Marathon
St. George Half Marathon - January - Half Marathon
Moab Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Top of Utah Marathon - September - Marathon, Half Marathon & 5k
Thelma & Louise Half Marathon - June - Half Marathon
The Wild Bunch 50K - October - 50k
Timp Trail Marathon - May - Marathon & Half Marathon
Utah Valley Marathon - June - Marathon, Half Marathon & 10k
Vigor Big Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon - May - Half Marathon & 10k, 5k
Wasatch 100 - September - 100 Mile Endurance Run
Wasatch Back Marathon - June - Marathon & Half Marathon
Zion 100 - April - 100 Miles
Zion Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon
* If you have a race in Utah that you would like listed, just let me know!
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