
Races in Utah

Utah is a great state to run in, we have valley's, mountains, deserts, breathtakingly beautiful canyons and several National Parks.  There is so much beauty here you could never get bored with the scenery.
This is a list (in progress) of races in Utah that you might want to check out.

Antelope Island Buffalo Run - October - 100k & 50k
Bear Lake Marathon - June - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k & 1k
Bear Lake Marathon Idaho - June - Marathon
Bear Lake Monster Run - September - Half Marathon, 10k & 5k
Big Cottonwood Marathon - September - Marathon & Half Marathon
Butch Cassidy 10k/5k - November
Canyonlands Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon & 5 Mile Run
Crandall Canyon Memorial Run - July - Half, 10k & 5K
Deseret News Marathon - July - Marathon, 10K, 5K Walk
Dog Town Half Marathon - February - Half Marathon, 9k, 5k, 1k
Durty Hurty - March - Half Marathon & 5k
Elk Run - September - 50k & Half Marathon
Escalante Canyons Marathon - October - Marathon
Expedition St. George Relay - December - 50 Miles
Grand Valley Marathon - May - Marathon
Gunnison Spring Runoff - April - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Huntsville Marathon - September - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Huntsville Half  - September - Half Marathon & 5k
Hurricane Half Marathon - April - Half Marathon & 5k
Huff to Bluff Marathon - May - Marathon & Half Marathon
Kahtoola Wasatch Winter Bigfoot Snowshoe - January - Marathon, 50k, 25k, 10k & 5k
Lake to Lake Relay - March - 50 miles
Layton Marathon - August - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Little Grand Canyon Marathon - September - Marathon
Mid Mountain Marathon - September - Marathon
Moab Marathon - May - Marathon
Moab's Red Hot Ultra Marathon - February - 55k & 33k
Morgan Valley Marathon - July - Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k, 5k
Ogden Marathon - May - Marathon, Half Marathon, 5k
Park City Marathon - August - Marathon & Half Marathon
Park City Pink Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Park City Trail Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Potter Run - October - 5k Run
Provo Canyon Marathon - September - Marathon & Relay
Provo City Marathon - May - Marathon, Half Marathon & 5k
Ragnar Wasatch Back- June - 12 person relay teams (6 person ultra teams)
Red Mountain - April - 50k, 30k & Half Marathon
Red Rock Relay Dixie - March - 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Moab - May - 70 miles 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Park City - October - 6 person relay teams
Red Rock Relay Zion - September - 187 mile 12 person relay teams
Riverton Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon, 5k
Salt Lake City Marathon - April - Marathon, Half Marathon, 5k & Bike
Sand Hollow Marathon - March - Marathon
Shamrock Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon
Skyline Mountain Marathon - August - Marathon & Half Marathon
Snow Canyon Half Marathon - November - Half Marathon
St George Ironman  - May - Ironman 70.3
St. George Marathon - October - Marathon
St. George Half Marathon - January - Half Marathon
Moab Half Marathon - October - Half Marathon
Top of Utah Marathon - September - Marathon, Half Marathon & 5k
Thelma & Louise Half Marathon - June - Half Marathon
The Wild Bunch 50K - October - 50k
Timp Trail Marathon - May - Marathon & Half Marathon
Utah Valley Marathon - June - Marathon, Half Marathon & 10k
Vigor Big Cottonwood Canyon Half Marathon - May - Half Marathon & 10k, 5k
Wasatch 100 - September - 100 Mile Endurance Run
Wasatch Back Marathon - June - Marathon & Half Marathon
Zion 100 - April - 100 Miles
Zion Half Marathon - March - Half Marathon

* If you have a race in Utah that you would like listed, just let me know!

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