
Runners Spotlight - Let Me Introduce Courtney

Every runner has a story, that pushes them and drives them to do what they do.  I find it fascinating to learn about others, and in return it also inspires and motivates.  I know I am not the only one who feels this way.  Which is why, runners Spotlights are a weekly series on Thursdays.

This week I'd like to introduce Courtney.
I asked Courtney several questions, to help tell part of her story and introduce you all to her. 

Courtney Blogs at Eat Pray Run, DC

 Looks like you run everything from 5k to half marathon. Do you have a favorite distance?

I just did 2 10k's in a row and really enjoyed that. It’s over in about an hour and very easy to push yourself!

Do you have a favorite race you have done? Why is it your favorite?

I generally enjoy races but I have to say that my favorite recent experience was the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. I was supposed to run with a friend but ending up having to go it alone. After a mile in, I noticed another runner and I were keeping about the same pace. After briefly losing her at the first water stop, we found each other and ran miles 2-10 as a unit. It was awesome! Jaime (my new running better) and I didn’t talk much except to confer about the water stops, which was perfect because I’m not a talker when I run. We took pictures and exchanged info after the race and are now facebook buddies. It was so fun to meet a buddy during a race and conquer it together!

What states have you run races in? Have you run in any in other countries?

I’ve run races in Alabama, Virginia and DC.

If you could run any race in the entire world, which one would you pick and why?

New York Marathon & a Run Disney race. NYC because it’s supposed to be amazing and I love that city. Disney because Disneyworld is the happiest place on Earth and I can’t imagine anything more fun than racing through Disney parks!

Per your blog you love Disney, have you run any of the Disney races yet? Any plans too? If you do, will you be dressing up as a character?

Nope, but they are definitely on my bucket list. I would DEF dress up! That’s half the fun J

I noticed you are a lawyer, I would imagine at times it can be quite a stressful job, do you use running as your stress reliever?

I actually work for a nonprofit and have a very fulfilling and enjoyable job. I’m a rare DC lawyer who loves her job and therefore loves her life!

Saw you were a food lover, what is your favorite pre and post race foods?

I love carbs, so I usually have pizza the night before a race. Post race I typically love a big brunch, but at the last 10k I ran, we were given a little hummus snack pack and an apple and it was so delicious that I just ate that and went home to nap! J

Do you hope to be a lifelong runner?

Absolutely. I love running and the running community and hope to be blessed to do this for the rest of my life.

What inspires you or motivates you?

I’m inspired by all of the people who run despite having busy jobs/families/etc. I’m pretty busy but I know that once you have a family it’s a game
changer. So seeing moms (and dads) out there doing it is awesome and super inspiring. I’m also motivated by vanity (let’s be real here J) – I like being fit and strong.

Noticed you had a fabulous 30 by 30 list! Hope you’ve done or have almost gotten them all in. The one that grabbed my attention was your skydiving one (because I loved doing this). Tell us, have you gone yet? How was it? Or when is it planned for?

I’ve done the vast majority of the items on my list but skydiving hasn’t happened yet. But I still definitely plan on doing it! The list was a fun idea because it made me think about a variety of goals and got me used to the idea of declaring my goals publicly (or at least to friends).

Because I believe life should always have great fun to do lists. Tell us, do you still have, or have any new goals or “must do’s” on your current to do list?

Well…I’ve actually just decided that I’m crazy enough to try and train for a marathon. I’m leaning towards pulling the trigger on the Richmond Marathon, which is in November. That’s a pretty big one – so I’ll be focusing on that goal for the next few months.

Do you have any other hobbies you’d like to share?

I love to play recreational football and absolutely love going out dancing with girlfriends! I also enjoy cooking and like to try new restaurants.

You love Karaoke, what are your favorite songs?

Favorite all time karaoke song is without a doubt, baby got back! It’s always a crowd pleaser. I also love to mix it up and do unexpected songs like Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats.” Karaoke is so fun – I can’t sing but I can totally put on a performance:)

Have to ask, if we saw you out running, would we catch you belting out the tunes as you pound the pavement? 

NO WAY! I can barely talk when I run, and can’t imagine singing while running, haha!

Tell us, when you go “new” blog searching. What types of things grab your interest, what types of blogs do you love to follow?

I look for bloggers that are relatable and whom blog about things I’m interested in (which, these days, is mostly running and food!) If someone has run a race I’m considering, that’s a draw. Also, if they are from DC, I’ll check them out. I read food blogs, running blogs and occasionally travel blogs.

Tell us about your blog, what do you blog about? What can readers expect if they follow your blog?

I blog primarily about running, fitness and food. But within that, I try to be as honest and as transparent as possible. I don’t pretend that it isn’t hard balancing running, work, church, my friends and other commitments. But I do (most of the time) make it work and think others can as well. I try my best to blog 4-5 days a week and occasionally divert and blog about something random, like my love for The Bachelor:)


YOU CAN FOLLOW COURTNEY TODAY VIA Facebook/Twitter or Pinterest

Courtney thank you for being spotlighted, I wish you the best as you get ready and train for your first marathon in Richmond Marathon in November.  I look forward to reading about your journey and how it all goes!  Keep having fun with those fun Karaoke tunes:) :)


  1. Awesome spotlight *waves to Courtney*
    Sounds like you really love your day job. It sounds satisfying.
    Good luck with your training.

  2. Great spotlight - I am huge into Karaoke too! I love reading these spotlights:) I'm a runner, I love reading blogs but I haven't put the time into creating on yet. But reading about others like Courtney makes me really want to get a blog going, just for the fun:)

  3. Courtney sounds amazing and has some really great goals! Thanks for putting her in the spotlight!

    I would love to run that Cherry Blossom race. We were in DC at around that time but the cherry blossoms were late in blooming and I wasn't running yet. I have family up that way (and a brother-in-law who is a runner), so it's something to consider for next year.

  4. I think it would be amazing to be able to run and train in D.C. (I have never been, yet.... One day!) I love the 10k distance too, its just perfect for me and my life and what I have time to train for:)
    Gonna go check out Courtney's blog now, thanks for the spotlight!

  5. Wonderful spotlight : I'm large directly into Karaoke also! I really like reading through these kind of spotlights:) I'm a runner, I like looking at weblogs however i haven't position the time into creating about but. But reading about other people such as Courtney can make myself really need to obtain a blog site heading, simply for the thrill:) rs goldWOW Gold Kaufen


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