
The Journey of Coming Back From Injury

For Fitness Friday
I wanted to share an update on my injury and running comeback:)  

So after the last 4 weeks on crutches. This past week I got back to walking again.  A little more each day, strengthening my foot and ankle with additional exercises and stretches.

My bruised inner foot (the most recent bad luck injury) is feeling at about 95% better.  I am confident this part is over and thankfully I can move on from that pain.

Tendinitis in the Achilles area feels 90% healed.  I rarely notice it, and only when I work on stretching it again (as is needed for the physical therapy portion of the recovery.)  Still need to be careful with it though!

Bursitis - Well this has been a little more of the painful side this week.  I had been able to keep the pain around medium until Wednesday.  When I had a little set back, my ankle was so swollen I had literally a golf ball size bump sticking out of the side of my ankle.  
It took a lot of Naproxin and off and on icing last night and Thursday and I have been able to get the swelling back down and pain back to a medium level.
I did call the Dr again, as I am sick and tired of this all and I am now willing to take the risk and get the steroid injection as well as some additional anti-inflammatory meds in the injection.

I had originally not wanted to go this route, but I got pretty frustrated Wednesday night and decided it's worth the risks and complications at this point!
However, when I called my Dr. and asked if I could come in to get it.  He told me he couldn't do it, and I needed to go see another Specialist.. Arggggg
So I called the Specialist he recommended and I have an appointment on July 1st. (So annoying to have to wait that long!!!)

However, even after over 12 hours of working on my feet Thursday the pain stayed minimal, so I am still hopeful the the flare up was possibly a one time deal???  Who knows at this point!   
I've pretty much given up on assuming anything about this foot/ankle injury situation.  However, I am keeping my appointment in two weeks.  But I am going to continue with my own original plans with recovery.

With that said, my ankle and foot are feeling stronger by the day.  
Next week, the attempt to run again!
I can't be stupid about this.  So if I run and things don't get worse then I will keep running and building that up slowly again.  If I do have pain, or additional swelling I will have to hold off on running until after the next Dr. Appt:(  It's just not worth pushing it!  So that's the plan!

Even though I say I am going to start running next week, let me just say it will be extremely gradual.  Even though I know it will be hard to hold back, it is a must to avoid re-injury!  So my plan is 1/2 mile to 1 mile max per run.. I know that is not much, but I figure a little is better than none!

Aside from Doctors, I have also spoke to many runners both locally and online who have had tendinitis and bursitis issues in a foot.  Some had it for weeks, others months, and some even several years.
I took all their advice and situations to heart.  The tips and suggestions I am taking and proceeding with that I feel fit and will help best in my own recovery.

*  Kinesio Tape - Thanks to a You Tube Videos anyone can be an expert at taping:)  I ordered some (pink of course) that will get here this weekend.

*  Compression Socks - These just make sense for blood flow issues and seem to be a favorite trend by all injured runners with situations similar to my own.

*  Fish Oil - Omega 3's - I read about this on a fellow blogger blog (Thanks Marathon Mom).  I also did a little research of my own on it, and I have been taking this to the recommended dosage each day for almost two weeks now.

*  Ice & Elevation - Well that is should just explain itself:)

*  Naproxin (NSAIDS) - Okay, so I tried to not take this for weeks.  But it's been the only thing keeping the inflammation down, and when I told the doctor I wasn't taking it.  He put me right back on it.

*  Heel lifts - Shoe inserts, just a 1/4" is needed.  I had a tip from a few runners that they shrink down with pressure so to buy the 3/4" ones so that when they receive pressure I will get the 1/4" recommended lift needed.  With these I plan on only using them for a short while and then gradually going back off them.

Now, I did receive several other tips and ideas from people, and I am sure they are all great and work in their own way.  But like a quote I heard on our local news the other day.  
"We can do anything, but we can't do everything."  
Now the meaning is totally different, but it's been in my mind all week and I have been reminding myself of it in everything I do:)  So for recovery I know I could do anything, but not everything is needed.  So I'm picking the top idea's that I believe will work best for me as well as the doctor recommendations and recovery plans!

So that's it!  I am hopeful (I have to be), but if things don't go well I won't lie I will be more than disappointed!  I still believe if I work at this correctly and can get back into it in the next few weeks.  I should be able to gradually build the mileage up and get in a few later fall marathons this year.  So guess I get to see how next week goes:)  Wish me luck!


  1. I'm wishing you luck, lots of it. I do hope you are able to run. Just remember go slow. Doesn't matter how long it takes, just take it easy.

    And that's for the update.

    1. I agree and fully plan on taking it slow:) Thanks Matilda

  2. I'm excited for you that you are healing and get to start back up next week! Just keep repeating...SLOW, SLOW, SLOW!

  3. Keep it positive! Try the stationary bike in your slow recovery to running...if you're like me, only being able to do 1 mile will kill you inside! Take care of yourself now so you can do everything later!

    1. Ya being able to run low mileage is going to be hard, but I'll take it over nothing:) I would like to bring the bike into it, but I need the injury to heal fully first, its motion like that, which has hurt it too much. Thanks!!

  4. Oh, man, none of that sounds like fun - but you seem to have a good attitude about it all! Good luck to you!

  5. good luck with getting back to full swing. I have been lucky enough to avoid the injury bug. I couldn't imagine getting hurt.

    1. Ya, whats funny is I have never been injured from running. This particular injury is from my job, not running:( Which is why I think I can get back into it again, it might even help it now, who knows:) Thanks!

  6. Oh my gosh! I didn't realize you were going through so much. At least you are back to walking a little and you're playing it safe. It is very frustrating when you can't get into the doctors office right away.

    1. I know, specialists kind of suck! I was fortunate enough to get my doctor to call them and get me in within 2 weeks, otherwise it would have taken me over a month... annoying!

  7. Sorry you are still dealing with all this, lingering injuries suck :( Hope this all works and you are healed quick!

    1. They do! I will be so much more careful at work in the future, so I don't have to lay off running again!

  8. So sorry to hear that! Rest and heal!

  9. So sorry - I hope you feel better soon! Injuries are painful - but also just really frustrating!

    1. Yeah its not much fun at all! Thanks I hope it will fully heal soon too!

  10. Injuries are so tough physically and mentally. Keep your chin up and get all the rest you need... it will only make you a stronger runner!!

  11. Like others have said injuries are tough and not running for a runner is even tougher. Be patient and take it slow (I know. Easier said than done). You'll be back in your running shoes soon :)


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