I'll get the bad news over first:
I went into Physical Therapy on Monday only to find out as luck would have it I have to stop Physical Therapy Temporarily. My Peroneal Tendon has decided to get extremely inflamed, so much so that there is absolutely no way anything (not even the other injury) can heal in it's condition. The inflammation has been putting pressure on my Achilles which now almost feels as painful as it was months ago.
The PT went and visited with my Doctor (Thankfully the Specialists and Surgeons offices are connected on the other side of the building of the Orthopedic Hospital.)
So Monday I was started on a new anti-inflammatory treatment. Called Iontophoresis, in short, basically it's using electrical currents to push the inflammatory meds in direct absorption through my skin directly into the inflamed area.
So, my bad luck doesn't stop there... Because with me, when it rains it pours.
My other foot, that has done so well for the past 10 months picking up all the slack for the other.. The Achilles tendon on my (previously not injured) foot has apparently had enough, and for one week now it is acting up and getting inflamed.
So now for the good news:
To hopefully help the 2nd ankle to avoid further pain/injury, I bought a brand new pair of shoes...
So far this has helped stop it from getting worse. I am very hopeful on this not getting any worse since I can use the lessons learned from the first to help heal the other and the PT have given me instruction to help as well.
Additionally, it's been several days since the Iontophoresis Treatment, and for the first time in months I can actually see a small little bump on the side of my ankle. Which is actually my ankle bone:) Yes, I haven't seen any signs of that bone in over 3 months, Yay it's still there.. ha ha...
It had been so puffy and swollen, the ankle bone had disappeared under it all. So even though the swelling is still there, it has gone done a ton, and I see this as an awesome sign! I think the two more treatments of this they suggest will do wonders for it!
So as for my current life:
So basically all I can do right now is very light stretching. I mean it's so light you wouldn't even know I was stretching... I can do absolutely no exercise except for 20 minutes 3x's a week on a stationary bike, however that is with absolutely no resistance....
I'm also back to wearing the boot all night again, and sometimes during the day. But that doesn't bother me, really:)
* I go in again next Monday for another Iontophoresis Treatment.
* Then again the first Monday in December. After that *fingers crossed* they'll see if I can resume physical therapy again.
Keeping from going crazy (well crazier than normal:):
For the past 10 months I have held it together pretty well. (I don't count the inner head screaming every time I've been dealt a set back:) Although I'd be lying if watching all my family and friends go through fall marathon season hasn't been the most difficult part of not being able to run.
I won't lie, I am not handling this particular set back all that well, I'm quite discouraged to say the least. Every time I take a step its painful again, and every day there is pain means that is a day nothing is healing. There is that quote "This too, shall pass." Well I'm ready for the second half of that quote to take effect!
I believe I know the problem, it's my 2nd job. I mean that is where I injured it originally. I've been so careful not to push or lift anything more than 20 pounds to avoid the injury. But just being on my feet 4-8 hours a day is what is doing it.
I really love this job. I love the people I work with, I love that I make my own schedules and work at the different locations and people that I only want to work with. I love its flexibility, and even the job itself.
But it's become apparent to me, that I may have no chance at healing until I leave this job and go change it for a 2nd job that is a boring desk job....
Which is easier said than done. Because I hate working a computer desk job only second to being injured.
Plus, if I take a desk job, I'll likely have to work set hours, I'll have a boss again... *sigh*
Argggg, after over 3 years of only working for myself this will be a tough, tough change.
Finding one, that will let me do my main job (Wedding's) will be difficult too. But sadly, the economy has hit the wedding industry quite a bit this year, and it's just not enough to only do that right now, I do need a 2nd job. (Especially to help with all my medical bills that accrue by the week!)
Don't Worry, Be Happy:
Okay, so this is my life and new situation. I will continue to put my pretend happy face on!
I've got to do some serious thinking, and I guess job hunting... I'm going to have to swallow my pride and probably do something I am going to hate for a while and try to tell myself I am doing this purely so I can heal and get back to my passion which is running. *smiles*
I've been told by many other's who I have talked to who have had these same types of injures as me, and they have all said 2-3 years it took them to heal and get back to running again. (I don't want to be them, especially since it wasn't even running that caused this all. Sorry for those of you who read my blog who have told me this is how long it took you, I mean no disrespect!)
My PT doesn't agree, she believes it can be sooner for me if I follow the therapy correctly (when I can do the PT again:( but then even they nor the doctor saw this setback coming. But there is still reason to hold onto hope, and that I will do!!!
I keep telling myself, things happen for a reason. Maybe I was going to be running a Marathon this year, and like death or something horrible would have happened... and a higher power wants to keep me around longer... If that would have been case, then I can deal with this for as long as required (though I hope not too much longer.)
So my question, do you have any types of job ideas for me to consider?
Maybe there is something that you know of that I don't, that will keep me off my feet, and not be deathly boring???
I welcome any and all suggestions you have!!! It might just help me get a solution figured out, or at the least get my creative juices flowing!
Additionally, and totally off the subject above. If you haven't already and are interested in joining up for a Fun Holiday Giveaway Blog Hop. Which is a great way to promote your blog, gain new followers and link up with many other blogs. You can visit the link below to learn more. If you're interested I'd love to have you join up with us!!!!