Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver

I was a big fan of Lauren Oliver's Delirium series, because of that when she comes out with new material I am always looking forward to reading it.
When I picked up Vanishing Girls, I really had no idea what it was about.  I didn't even read the cover synopsis until just before I started reading it.

Dara and Nick were sisters and best friends.  That was before the accident that scarred Dara and left the two girls on non speaking terms.
Nick has been devastated and she knows she's lost everything, and when she is forced to move back in with her mom and Dara she decides that this is the summer that she is going to make everything all right.

When a nine year old girl vanishes and has the community on edge and searching everywhere for signs of where went and who may have taken her.  The disappearance grabs Nick's attention.  But it isn't until Dara goes missing on her own birthday that Nick starts wondering if the two are connected.

Eventually, this turns into a frantic search and Nick is sure that it's going to take a sisters love to figure it all out.  The only problem is, what Nick is about to figure out, is far more than she ever could have imagined.

I am not going to ruin the ending and twists in this compelling read.  But I will say, when I got to the end, I literally sat back and said to myself, I didn't see that coming.  Seriously, had me wanting to go back and read it all again looking for signs I missed something throughout.
But then I realized I don't think I did, I think Lauren Oliver did an amazing job creating what some have called a psychological thriller.  Or what I call an intriguing mystery of sorts.  Although, I don't think the genre for this would qualify as mystery at all.

For the most part this novel is fairly clean, although if occasional bad language throughout, or talk of teen sex as well as drug and drinking abuse bother you, you may not enjoy this quite as well.
Overall it's a pretty fast read one I enjoyed, and one that I am going to go out on a limb and say, and ending that you too won't suspect.
I actually gave this book 4 stars on my Goodreads review.  Another bonus, this is a stand alone novel:)