It's been far too long!!!

It's been far too long, I never meant to let my blog go a bit. But with finishing up both my majors, I became overwhelmed and it basically just became too much screen time.
What's changed? Not much, but I told myself a few weeks ago that I wanted to get back into blogging if even only on a part-time basis for now. On the plus side, I have a few classes that are super long, I usually finish earlier so I am thinking I might be able to do a little blogging during that time!

Well, I'll give ya a quick, very quick recap on a few worthy of mentions that have gone on since my last post in October (yikes, so long ago.)

26.2 Finally
I finished my 40th marathon last fall. Running my first full marathon in October since my 5 years of building back from that work injury that kept me from being able to get back into them again for so long, it felt amazing and went pretty well. I kinda regret not ever doing a re-cap on it, but oh well.

Half Marathon
I had an opportunity to run the Laughlin Half Marathon in December so I took it, and while it was not anywhere near one of my best half's, it was still fun and a beautiful course. I also had the opportunity to take the trip with a blogger friend over at Enjoying the Course.

Graduation Approaching
I finished fall semester, and I can hardly believe it but this current semester is my last, I will officially be graduating in May with my double major. It's gone by so quickly, but taking 16-18 credits a semester has been paying off, and it's allowed me to move through the programs faster! Not sure if I've ever fully shared what I am majoring in, but I think I will now. Double majoring in both Recreation and Sport Management and Digital Design.
Now, you can see why blogging just has been nearly impossible to keep up!

Yay me!
I have been working hard, I am still pulling off straight A's and getting those 4.0's and making the President's List each semester. Who knew when I started this, I'd actually want to work extra super hard to get great grades. Especially since I still use words like "extra super hard" ha ha ha...

This semester I am in 5 classes. In order to graduate on time, I was left to take a few classes I wouldn't have normally ever wanted to take. One being Video editing, I literally know nothing about this and it's been a little difficult learning a brand new program along with everything else I am doing, but somehow I'll survive. On a side note, I absolutely hate having to do selfie type videos... just saying ha ha ha.

100 Hike Challenge
Of course, I have been fitting in a lot of hiking, I try very hard to go hiking at least twice a week. It helps that I live literally 5 minutes away from dozens of incredibly scenic trails, and within 40 minutes of National Parks and a few other beautiful areas. I've also taken on the 100 Hike challenge and am going to try to see if I can hit 100 hikes before the end of the year. I'm currently on track as of last week I was at 12 for the year. (Most the images on this post are from this years hiking adventures so far.)

No Winter This Year
Unlike the rest of the country, Mother nature skipped winter here in Utah, it's sad really because we desperately need the water. So we are all hoping for a wet next few months. But with temps in the 50-70 degree range over the past few months, its made it really easy to enjoy the outdoors. I think there were only 2 days this whole winter that was too cold and rainy to want to go out in, and I haven't worn really any of my sweaters. I've even taken up Tennis again and started playing a new sport (new to me) pickleball. It's been fun trying new things!

Lot's more has been going on, but instead of dwelling too much more on the past, I'll look forward to sharing with you the future. I don't know if it will happen, but I'm going to try to blog at least once a week. I also am looking forward to jumping in and seeing what all my previous blogger friends are up to. Sadly, I even let catching up on others blogs slip as well as my own. But sometimes, some things in life are more important than the blog ha ha...

So if you happen to see my post and have a minute leave me a comment and let me know some of the amazing things you've been up to that I have missed and you'd like to share!

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