I did go up north a week ago to visit my family for Thanksgiving, it was fun seeing them and one of my nieces grabbed onto my leg begging me not to go back to college. It was cute, I won't lie I love how much she adores me, as I adore her just the same!
I'm still dealing with the headaches, but I received this awesome new Humidifier free to try thanks to participating in the Influenster program. I was skeptical that it would make a difference, however, I have been feeling slightly better.
More importantly, my skin feels SO MUCH BETTER! Seriously, living in the desert is awesome, but how it dries your skin out is not so much awesomeness. I swear I was putting lotion on numerous times a day and hardly felt it made much a difference.
The one they sent me works fabulously and better than I could have hoped. It was one of those miracles in disguise that I was chosen to review it for Influenster and Honeywell. I highly recommend getting a humidifier to help with even the dryness of turning the heat on in your homes.
If your interested in getting a humidifier definitely check this one out, AT THIS LINK
I also got my Christmas tree up! I wasn't going to put one up, but my sister said a girl who has 36+ pine tree's in storage (for the event and wedding company) cannot, not put one up for the holiday. So I gave in and grabbed a smaller one from storage and hit up the dollar store for some ribbon and a bow and pulled out my marshmallow smores camping ornaments. Went with red lights because well, it just sounded pretty and put the tree in a small wheel barrel because it looked like a cute stand!
I've been enjoying running, last week my schedule was a bit lighter to get ready for the heavy loads I would be doing this week and finals next week.
I took a new trail, and literally came within 1/2 mile from crossing the Arizona border, I totally would have gone further but it was getting late in the evening and I wanted to get back home before it got dark out. Definitely going to do this one again and run into AZ, and the gorge which is where per the map at one of the parks said it comes out of. If you know the area, then you know how stunningly gorgeous the gorge is!
I also had to head to Zion National Park for a class project. But finished the project as quick as I could and went out sightseeing and of course hiking!
Probably my favorite weekend there so far. The shuttles are shut down for the season and the amount of people in the park was significantly less.
It was awesome to have less people and actual peace and quiet out on the trail, I loved it!
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy people too. But the new types of crowds on National Park trails are the annoying playing their music as they hike type, and I don't care if it offends anyone I very much dislike those types!
It was beautiful though, light snow on the higher elevation areas within the park. The trails were a little icy when I got up high and to the top, but it was perfect and cool 50-degree hiking day and I am so glad I was able to take advantage of it.
So that's about it, I am onto a week of major group projects, class presentations, very big paper to write and beginning the study process for some finals. Fun stuff!!
Do you use a humidifier in the winter?
Glad the humidifier is helping you! I am happy to see you put up a Christmas tree. I am always sad when people don't have one! I hope the rest of the semester goes well for you. I'm sure it will be a huge relief when it is done!
ReplyDeleteSo glad to hear that the humidifier is helping to provide you with some relief. Here's to a smooth end of the semester and then being able to relax a bit during your break!