A few updates and some great hiking views

It's been a few week's since I wrote a Monday post, I am sorry about that. Blogging hasn't been easy for me lately, I just cant seem to find the groove between blogging, school and well how worn out I have been with headaches.

I quick update on the headaches I mentioned. I've been into a specialist twice now. I had a CT scan this past Thursday.
The only good news is the scan ruled out any need for surgery right now.

They are a little baffled by it all, it seems I have all the symptoms of a sinus infection from hell, without the actual symptoms. In other words, I get the headaches and the pressure, but I don't actually have a sinus infection or any type of cold like symptoms that go with it.

Anyhow, we are trying a few new things, to help but it may be something I have to learn to live with for a while and I am having a hard time with that because I am so drained and well it's super hard to concentrate when you have horrible headaches all day. Regardless I am hopeful, so we shall see.

I do try to stay positive on my blog, but I'd be lying to you if I said last week wasn't a rough one for me. However, despite its faults, I had so many other great things happen that it evened out and now I look back on it as little pick me up miracles that I needed to help lift me up and get through the rough patches!

Another positive note: I was about to buy a humidifier to help since it can't really hurt, plus my skin is drying out faster than I can keep up with the lotion and crazy as it is luck was on my side and I am being sent one from Influenster to try out for free. So see even when all seems bad, there are always silver linings!


I am keeping up on my studies. I am slipping a little in one class when I didn't do as well on the last exam, but there is an extra credit assignment they put out that will hopefully bump me back up to an A.

Two of my classes are like group project mania, I have had 3 the past few weeks. One of which is a video we are presenting in my class this morning.
It's funny, we picked an environmental theme, and I'm not even an environmentalist, LOL
But it's all good!
If you've followed my blog awhile you may recognize the pictures. I donated all my own photography so we could make the project easier and faster!


I did get out last weekend. The weather has been absolutely beautiful here, still feels like summer, so why not get out and do some hiking. If you can't tell I am really loving living near Zion National Park, I don't think I will get bored! Although, I do need to find some local friends who are into backcountry distance hiking because there are a few trails that are 15-20 milers that I REALLY want to do next spring!

Speaking of backcountry hiking, I REALLY want to hike the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim next spring, so I'm just putting it out there in case any of my blogger friends are going to be in the area, reach out to me because I am totally game!!!!


I am looking forward to this short week of school, and going back home to visit all my family and friends for the holiday weekend!
I can't wait, and it looks like it's been snowing up north so maybe I'll even get to go play in the snow or something this weekend!

I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday week, and if any of you are traveling I wish you safe travels as well!!!


Although I've let it slip a little, I have for the most part kept it up through all of the worn out patches. Because I think it helps to stay active.
I've had a few really great runs lately, and I love that as I am dropping some of these pounds, my body is getting stronger and stronger. I haven't bothered increasing the mileage much I keep it between 5-7 a day. But I think after the next 10-pound weight drop which I am working hard on, I am going to try to double my weekly mileage and get back up to around 30-40 a week through the winter. I mean after all what good is living in a town where you can enjoy year round running if you're not out there running!
No races planned, just running for me and my sanity right now!

All the above pictures were taken on my hike last weekend. The scenery is gorgeous, the pictures don't do it justice! It's just a good thing it gets darker and colder in the desert at night because I'd have a hard time ever wanting to leave the trails!

Have a great week everyone!

Tell me something fun you did last week or have planned for the holiday.