So my instructor tells us in my advanced Illustrator that we get the opportunity to get in front of the class and teach a new technique to everyone in the form of a tutorial.
He said we can't show anyone anything that we have covered in the class and it needs to be something that isn't exactly easy to do....
WHAT?? I still haven't figured out what all the functions even do, and I haven't used nearly any of them. I use a Windows-based computer, but all the ones in class we use are Mac's and I hate Mac's. I can barely draw simple objects, I haven't even figured out how to round out an object I draw well and I am supposed to get up and teach something technical??? Whatever that means, I mean technical to me is really doing anything after opening the program at this point, LOL
Normally, I like to sign up first on these things, but I signed up for a date in March because I am going to need several months to find out how to learn and teach something "technical" in Illustrator... Oh my, I am not even going to think about it anymore right now!
Okay, so in my Era of Vietnam class, which is actually one of the required classes I need for the Interdisciplinary portion of my degree, otherwise yeah I probably never would have considered it. I am so out of my league in there and it is turning out to be SO different than what I thought it would be.
We do pre-class readings, and then in class so far we listen to music look at paintings and discuss it all more in-depth. (Granted I only caught on after day 3 that this is apparently going to be how he is doing this class.)
Professor: Played about 30 seconds of some "Jazz" music from the early 1900's.
Professor: What did you hear in this music?
Me: (Thinking to myself) A saxophone?
Others: Felt the artist taking me on a journey of his life and his upbringing.
Others: It reminded me of (artist) and (artist) and physical hardships and movements...
*From student to student come these analysis that I have no clue on how they came up with it.*
Me: (Thinking to myself) Is my hearing off, I only heard a saxophone playing the same chords over and over and over...
So this went on for an entire class.
Then the next class date we were looking at different artist pictures from the 1940's
Professor: What do you think the artist is expressing in this?
Me: (Thinking to myself) Nothing it looks like a paintbrush dribbled onto paper.
Others: He's expressing his spontaneity and refusal to conform to public standards.
Others: I see chaos and movement reminding me of blah blah blah
*Again pretty much everyone but me says something so profound and over the top analysis.*
Me: (Thinking) do I need glasses? I still only see paint drippings.
Okay, so you get the picture. I am either the ONLY sane person in the class or I am the ONLY CLUELESS person in the class.
I have purposely not said anything yet in class, which is so not me! But seriously, I have nothing to add that wouldn't be in the form of a first graders type of answer... Granted if I am clueless I probably shouldn't put down a first grader, I'll have to ask my nephew what he thinks of the painting, LOL
Yup, I'm in trouble in this class! It's also okay if your laughing at me and agreeing that I am seriously clueless!
I literally can't figure out how I want to write this up, and it's due tomorrow. I am hoping that this is one of those times if I leave it until the last minute I will get this brilliant idea and all these profound ways to describe it will come out of my brain and flow easily and I'll knock it out like it was nothing a few hours before it is due.
Yup, I'm dreaming again!
That and I'm sitting here writing a blog post when I should be working on it, my priorities are a little wack right now!
So in my photoshop class you know you're surrounded by millennials and an instructor who gets them when we get our 2nd big assignment and he tells us. "Great news, you get to use your selfie skills for your next project, you need 20 of them..."
Now for those of you who know me well from my blog, you know I am the worst at selfies.
It's not that I don't love myself, I do and I can have my vain moments just as good as the next person, probably more so at times than I should admit to, LOL.
Anyhow, one of two things will be happening. I'll either bring pictures of other people tomorrow (which he said we could do if we wanted to. Afterall I have some adorable nieces and nephews.) Or I will attempt to break out the Snapchat filters and see if I can take some better selfies, LOL
Now who wants to guess which route I'll go, LOL
I feel as I have skipped winter here, seriously it's been like 60 degree's each day. Most the college girls haven't skipped a beat wearing their practically nothing's to class (Oh to be young again, LOL)
I'm even sitting at my desk with the doors and windows open today to let the fresh sunny air in!
I hear they had a light bit of snow while I was out of town up north getting several feet of snow, but since I have been back it's been fairly nice other than a little rain here and there.
It's been a funny week, as my sister text me that she had nearly 5 feet of snow from a storm that came Monday, and I live nearly 4 hours down the road and I was sitting in the 60's... I'm not complaining, but seriously I hope I didn't miss my only chance this year to see snow on palm trees.
Additionally, I'm thinking maybe I didn't need to bring all my winter clothes down here after all!
Of course, I am totally jealous of her snow, I am just dreaming about the forts I could have built in her yard with her kids, I mean seriously they would be EPIC!!!
I text my nephew and told him to make me proud, and he said he's already been working on a fort tunnel system that is pretty sweet, LOL
It's officially been a month since I have been out on a run. I know terrible!
When I headed up north for 3 weeks the snow was so deep and very few "capable" people have the decency these days to actually shovel their sidewalks and since it was in the negatives it was too slippery risky to run on the roads.
Then I caught the flu.
Which on the plus side I am at the tail end of it, feeling better each day!
So what I am getting to is, I NEED to get out running this week and get back at it!!! One because I think it will kick out the last part of this flu bug. But second, I have a very exciting R2R2R hike coming up this summer that is going to require me to be in my best marathon shape.
So yeah, those are a few of my recent Day in the Life of a Return College Student stories and it's only beginning week too, LOL
So I'm curious, for those who may want to be honest with me. Do you like these Day in the Life of a Return College Student posts mixed with my Me Monday? Or would you rather me go back to how I used to do things and less college stuff that might be boring you, and more just other weekly stuff?
Wishing you all a fabulous week!!!