Making a Mess, a Writers Challenge and a Possible Marathon Registration

This past week was super busy and I have another busy week ahead of me. I literally can't wait until next Saturday, so I can finally sleep in.

Going into my second week at the new job, it's been more difficult than I'd like to admit getting used to working on a schedule.

Having been my own boss for so many years, I was able to for the most part make my own schedule and adjust however I want or needed each day.

But now I can't do that and lets just say the alarm clock gets hit to the maximum amount of snoozes I can possibly fit in.

I also had a huge wedding over the weekend.
Between working the 9 hours a day at the new job. The spare weekly hours after were filled with getting ready for the wedding.
I'd love to share some pictures, it turned out beautifully and the family and bride were so happy. But they are on my camera and I am less than ambitious to get them downloaded, ha ha.


Thursday night, I had a ton to do. But wasn't in the mood to do any of it. (Story of my life...)

So I attended my local monthly writers meeting instead. I really enjoy attending those I always learn so much and the gals in my group are super talented! The biggest thing I took from this meeting was a challenge. To people watch more, to help make my writing better.
There was a bit more to it than that, but let's just say. All this week at the Dr. Offices I am going to be doing some people watching!

Friday with so much to do, I couldn't help finally getting out for a morning run. I really only had 30 minutes to spare. But it felt so good to get out there and run. I couldn't help it, and finally walked back in my door 2 hours later.

Also noticed they finally let the water into the canals around here. Which means, spring is definitely happening and the snow up higher in the mountains has finally started the melting process. Which is great news, because when the snow melts, the campgrounds can open and camping season can start for me, YAY.  Usually it melts down by early July, and I can't wait!!!


When I returned from my Friday run. I made a stupid decision to go on Facebook and saw a fellow runner had scored an awesome metal United States map to convert to her race state countdown. She mentioned she got it at Michaels. So I immediately without even showering headed to the store to grab what was the last one on the rack. I pretended to multi-task and I picked up thing or two for the wedding too.

I want to show you the project, but I will wait until I get my craft on and convert it over to what I want it to be first. Once I have time to do that, I will definitely be showing it off to you!


Speaking of running. I registered for a fall marathon on the last day of their registration.
It's a lottery and I will find later this week if I get in.
I won't say which, but it is one that falls within the top 10 best in the country, so it's definitely a great choice!!
The only problem now is I need to get in shape for it, ha ha... Just a minor technicality, right :)
I'd like to register for one more, but I may hold off on that for a while it might be more of a last minute thing.


Despite being a busy wedding day Saturday, I only clocked 7 miles on the Fitbit. I attribute this to having awesome help that day that kept me from having to do as much walking around.

It was a sisters wedding set up day, I brought two of mine. We arrived at the location. Cranked up the music, drank a lot of Pepsi and literally danced, sang off tune and laughed our way through the set up.

It was a blast, and it's a good thing we were alone because we get a little fun crazy at times.
Let's just say if anyone showed up and saw, they probably laughed their heads off. Good thing we don't care what others think of us:)

During my short downtime on the wedding day. I hung out at one of my sisters who lived close by. While she sat and pulled weeds out of her garden.
I played with the kids, we were doing sidewalk chalk drawings. I dabbed a few dots on the boys noses of chalk, and before I knew it one thing led to another and they turned out like this.

My sister said it was not an easy chore to scrub off them. I consider I did my job well as an aunt, I mean they had fun, I had fun. My sister, well that is just what she gets for turning her back to do yard work and leaving me alone with the kids. Ha ha ha...

This week is shaping up to be nearly as busy as last but in different ways. I am still trying to figure out the best ways to fit blogging into my new schedule. I didn't get as much in last week as I had hoped. But when first you don't succeed, try try again... right!

So tell me something fun you did this past week.

Today, I am linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin today for their Weekly Wrap! If you have a post to link up, and time to participate and visit a few others in the link up, you should totally come link up with them too!