I'll be the first one to admit that I am different, completely non-perfect, a little odd, strange or weird at times. But I am sure about a few things, I am happy, I love life, love adventure, enjoy the big and little things and I am more than okay with being me.
So I am going to introduce myself to you, in the form of a bunch of random facts, mixed with my favorite quotes with my own photography from places I have been. Allowing you a little insight into who is the gal behind Runaway Bridal Planner and do you really want to follow her blog.
I am a runner, up until a work injury I received almost 3 years ago I had been working on a goal to run a full marathon in each of the 50 states & D.C. I am currently at 32 completed and I am really looking forward to finishing battling back from this work injury and getting back into it and finishing the last 19, because frankly it's just a fun goal, and I want it badly!
Yes, I have hope I will heal and one thing anyone can say about me is, I am a gal who never gives up on that hope!
My main job, I am a wedding planner/decorator. I went to college for Interior Design and took a little time after to figure how the best way to use my skills and degree. 7 years ago I went out of my comfort zone and purchased an existing wedding decoration company and through the ups and downs have built it up to what it is today. I employ some of the greatest decorating team members ever, we seriously do make an amazing team, we make our clients very happy and have such a fun time doing it! Even on the crazy insane wedding days!
I've run 39 marathons. About 7 half marathon races. I lost track years ago on how many 10k's and 5k's, but I do know the combined number is well over 100. I seriously love all distances, even if my race of choice is 26.2.
In all the marathons and races I have done. I've never had a serious injury from running.
Sure, I have had injuries (like the current work one) that have kept me from running, but all were done while doing other things, because sometimes I forget I need to be careful at work or playing around! (It's true, I forget to think before I act, I'll be the first to admit I have my dumb moments.)
I attribute being a mostly injury free runner to a couple of factors. First, I train old school the way my dad trained me. I believe in putting the weekly training miles in 5-6 days a week and definitely understand the importance of all those long runs!
But mostly think it's because I haven't gotten into any of the newer training trends that have come out on the market for runners over the last 10+ years. In my mind I figure if most marathon runners in the 70's-90's were pretty healthy and injury free, and it seems like newer runners trying all these "new" methods nowadays get injured all the time. I figure the older ways are good enough for me and why change what works for me!
I am the (self proclaimed) worlds greatest aunt. I am an awesome aunt to 8 even more awesome kids and when I am not working I am usually out playing with them. They help keep me young, and I can pass on my love for camping, hiking and running to them.
I ran my first race (1/2 mi.) when I was in the 2nd grade and I remember it in detail to this day. Because I was so mad I came in 2nd and only 1st place got these cool Coke trophy's. When I was upset about it, I remember my dad taught me a valuable lesson. He was proud of my accomplishment but reminded me if I want to do better and I want the trophy's, I could get them but I needed to work harder at it.
He was right, and I thank him and my mom for passing down hard work ethics and goal oriented determination that has helped me have the work philosophy and success in my life that I have had.
I do believe one of the reason's society is so messed up right now is because so many think no matter the effort everyone is equally deserving. But nothing teaches you better long term life lessons than learning to work hard to get what you want and not stopping until you get it. I think that is why I love running so much!
I am weird, If I run the entire way in a marathon and I am talking about the race to others I will say "I ran a marathon." However, if I walked in the race at all (minus a few steps at water stations if its forced because they are crowded. ) I will tell you is "I finished a marathon." I have a story behind this, as to why I am weird this way but it would make everyone roll their eyes. FYI, believe it or not, my mind doesn't generally think this way when others tell me about their races, it's just a personal thing and frankly it doesn't even really matter so I don't know why my mind keeps on this way. Again, like I said above, I am odd sometimes... lots of times, LOL
I am a thrill seeker and I am a little fearless (yet still careful) when it comes to exciting things. These are a few of my crazier adventures; Skydiving, Shark Diving, Kayaking in a portion of the Bermuda triangle, Para Sailing, Cliff Diving, Repelling,Rock Climbing, Caving, Canyoneering, Bungee Jumping. Mountain biking Moab Slickrock and Alaska Glacial landing near Denali.
Sometimes there is nothing better than the adrenaline you get trying something that scares you a little, or something that you know not everyone would be willing to do. (FYI: for skydiving, I made an attempt to pick the highest dive so I could have the longest freefall, just over 60 seconds of freefall from a little over 18,500 feet. So AWESOME! - I recommend a long freefall to anyone wanting to try it!)
I tried an ice bath twice (the NYC Marathon and Little Rock Marathon), I didn't notice it did much for me other than reward my efforts with freezing cold misery.
So I don't do them anymore, instead I have found a mile walk or very easy short run/hike the evening after a marathon helps the healing process and swelling even better or just as good.
I know several runners beg to differ, but I mean I just ran 26.2 and gave it my all, why on earth would I want to sit in a tub of cold water and ice cubes as a reward? No thank you, I would rather reward myself with an ice cold Pepsi and a juicy burger or fat slice of pizza and enjoy rather than freeze to death after my accomplishment.
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Just a few of my medal bling pretties :) |
I grew up in a family that hunted, but somewhere through the years I found I enjoyed shooting them with my camera far more than a weapon and so did most of my family. Now I take my camera with me hiking each time just in case I see something amazing and I have given up hunting (for now)!
On a side note, I am an excellent shot and as the guys in my hunters safety class back when I was 13 learned as do the few I meet at the ranges now. I am one girl, you definitely don't want to bet against, I rarely miss and always hit my mark!
You can just see me dripping in humble pie now can't you, LOL. But hey, if something about you in life is true, good or bad, you just gotta own it right!
I only display my marathon finisher medals, and first place finisher medals (even as few 1st's as there are.) The rest are in storage boxes or scrapbooks, however, I have also boxed up all first place medals and ribbons from my younger years. There is just a point where too much is too much!
Additionally, I'd also rather not receive finishers medal in shorter races, I would much rather fun runs go back to how they used to be have some fun creative swag I could actually use or a free race picture instead. (I am well aware I am in the minority on this, and that is definitely okay:)
In my perfect world, I would be camping at a different location every other week! Oh, and there would be a considerable amount of hiking and fishing thrown into that! I might as well throw in, that marrying an incredibly gorgeous guy both inside and out would also be a great bonus to bring along to my perfect mountain loving world! (As for the last part, I am working on that:)
I love to read, I have read 45 books this year, however I haven't had time to sit and read since before Labor Day. *insert my sad face* Last year I finished the year with 75 novels read, and I am pretty sure this year I won't come close to that. But I am definitely looking forward to Winter by Marissa Meyer that just came out last week. I have it on hold at the library and hopefully it arrives asap and I will make time to read that one!
Different than many runners (unless you live out west) I HATE flat marathon courses, they are too boring. I actually enjoy hills. ( I know you are either thinking, she's nuts or rock on!)
I also like race courses that take you back into places where you can go miles and miles without seeing anyone other than the other runners. Sometimes I find its nice to allow your own thoughts to motivate you rather than cheer support and the ever annoying "your almost there" shouts.
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However, I am NOT a people pleaser or one who joins in with the crowd. (Unless you hire me for your wedding, and then it may only last one day. LOL)
It's a fairly decent bet that if I am not okay with a conversation or something going on. I will be the one to stand alone against it and by the time I am finished, others will either agree with me or know there is no changing my mind!
The greatest running advice I have ever been given, was given to me by my dad just about every race I have run since I was 7. If you are a runner and he has trained you or talked with you before or even if he comes in contact with you as he is dropping me off at a marathon starting line. (Yes, I get the people person, talk to random stranger thing from him. ) He will share his famous yet excellent words of advice to have the best race possible. "Start out fast, pick it up in the middle and pour it on in the end." Quite great advice to race your best race each time!
So now you know a little bit more about me and I can say if you like what you read above, then you will probably enjoy my blog because I bring in my different passions for life into the subjects I write about and share on here.
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Who is @runwybridlplanr and do I really want to know her? http://goo.gl/r9nlB4 #blogging #camping #running #hiking
Who is @runwybridlplanr and do I really want to know her? http://goo.gl/r9nlB4 #blogging #camping #running #hiking
If you didn't like it, or can't relate, no worries. That is the beauty about life and people, we all like and enjoy different things, and that is actually a great thing! There are so many awesome different types of blogs out there, and I am sure over the past few weeks and tomorrow there will be others you do relate to and want to continue to follow! You can learn more on my About Me page, but I am going to leave you with my mission statement.
My Blog and Life Mission Statement
I believe goals are meant to be made and achieved.
Dreams are meant to be big, bigger and lived.
I truly believe with all my heart, that absolutely anything is possible
if I want it bad enough. But may only be achieved if I am willing to put in
all the hard work necessary to get it! I also believe very little will naturally fall
into my lap if I don't take the initiative to do what it takes to earn it!
I believe I have the ability to learn how to do anything
and the sky is really only the limits I make it.
I don't believe quitting is for losers, because I understand goals may have to change.
However, I do believe quitting on things you are passionate about is a sure way
to miss out on a life of happiness. Even if it takes the rest of your life working to achieve it.
I believe not everything you do should only be about yourself.
Being kind, charitable and showing awareness towards the needs of others
will bring you far more happiness than the biggest dream you can imagine!
Now that you know some Random things about me, share with me something totally random about you!
Oh, and if you want to know where I took any of the above pictures, just ask and I will let you know!
Also, if you are kind enough to leave a comment I use the Disqus comment system, it is pretty simple to use but if you don't have an account will you please leave me a link to your blog, so I can come check out your latest post too?
Hi kristy,
ReplyDeletehow do you find time for all of that?
You are a busy woman ,really great.
Running these days is most getting injurys.
Its always the same the last months here lol.
I like your activities and wish you good luck to finish the last states.
Greetings from germany.
You make me tired just reading that!! A random fact about me...I am afraid of heights. So all of those cliff diving, skydiving adventures? Nope. I would freak out! It is nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you and I connected during the last blog hop! Its been great getting to virtually know you this year, and the fact that you have so many talents and interests really fascinates me. I had no idea how many states you'd already crossed off your 50 state list. Hopefully you'll finally be able to get back out there running sooner than later, and can start tackling those last remaining states!
ReplyDeleteI don't believe in quitting either and yes just about anything is possible. I am with you on the ice baths-not my thing. I know you will bounce back completely from that injury and finish your quest. i love your thrill seeking side :) Thanks again for the hard work you put into the hop!
ReplyDeleteKristy, it was so fun getting to know you! You are full of aventure and life and I LOVE that. Your life and blogging motto are inspiring and worth attaining for. Thank you for hosting this wonderful blog hop and for sharing your heart and life with us today!
ReplyDelete45 books? I'm reading my 21st book of the year, and I thought I read a lot! :-p
ReplyDeleteKristy? What? How many marathons? How many books? Holly cow lady! Blogging, wedding, photography, skydiving and more? When, where and how on earth do you do it all? Let's not forget all the blogging. I am exhausted just following you my friend. You have so much life and energy in you. I love it, you are amazeballs and very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for hosting this blog hop, it has been so much fun! Great getting to know you. I have been skydiving too! Talk about an adrenaline rush, right?? Oh my goodness you have run so many marathons, and such a cool goal you have to run one in all 50 states! Sounds like you have a super busy and fun life for sure!
I love this post! You've done so many adventurous things. Just the idea of the shark diving freaks me out. And the sky diving as well.
ReplyDeleteYou are my adventure hero! Wow, the things you have tried are incredible. I've always enjoyed looking at your beautiful pictures of the places you've been. What you said about current training plans certainly makes you wonder, doesn't it? Your Dad is a wise man. I hope you will get back to your goal very soon. You've had to deal with injury way too long. I appreciate you hosting this hop. It's been fun to read all of the different blogs. I'm following quite a few new ones!
ReplyDeleteYou amaze me! I feel like every time I hop over to you I learn something new about you!! Your adventurous streak is one to be admired! Sky diving is not on my bucket list... I'm too scared of heights to even think about doing it! You are the best!!
ReplyDeleteYou are the queen of the spotlight post. I've read so many in the past 2 weeks but this is one of the most informative I've seen. I know you won't have a problem with accepting these accolades, as humble as you are. 😀 I hope you read this in the funny spirit it's written in. Otherwise, forgive and forget it)
ReplyDeleteIt's been a real pleasure to participate in this hop. Well planned, well thought out and well executed. If you bring this level of organization to your business, I am certain you'll do well.
Congrats on all your accomplishments. And keep it up. 32 state marathons done is quite something!
I can't wait to hear about your reaching your goal. Http://runwright.net
I did not you were such a thrill seeker! You are a regular daredevil!!! I learned something new today! Thank you for putting such a nice blog hop together! :)
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness this was an interesting read! I became a subscriber to your page after a blogging tip post of yours caught my eye (I am not sure which social media platform I was on at the time). Since then, I have enjoyed all of your posts that I have read. I have also been having a total blast during this blog hop and so glad you had room for me! Until today, I was unaware of all your running accomplishments. That is just fabulous! I love all that is running. Your wedding planning career sounds both exciting and stressful and obviously you are very good at it. Keeping your business up and running for that long is proof positive...especially these days. I love your work ethic and always appreciate being surrounded by people that run their lives in that manner. It is why you will always succeed in whatever it is you want to do which I am sure will change throughout the years as you are young and ambitious! You are, however, a crazy woman! I get the shooting, I like shooting (at targets) as well. But that skydiving business oh H to the NO! lol Good for you - living life to the fullest!!
ReplyDeleteIt's been great to get to know you a bit better during the hop!
ReplyDeleteI just enjoy adventure, and when you do you just make time! I always say I work hard to play harder:)
Ya, a lot of runners these days do get injured but I have a large circle of friendships of runners of all ages near where I live and we are all old school and not into the newer plans and advice on the running market and oddly we are all almost all runner injury free so I think that says something, so I am not going to change with what is working:)
LOL, you know what is funny I am a daughter of a mother who is deathly afraid of heights like you are, but a daughter of a dad who was a paratrooper, LOL So ya we have made my mom do many things that terrify her, and like you said you'd do she does freak out, but in the end (even if she won't admit it) I am sure she loves doing them, LOL
ReplyDeleteI have really enjoyed getting to know you better too this year Kathryn, I am so glad you joined that original hop so I could discover and get to know you and your blog better. You've become one of the people I call my online friends:) in a non weird way, LOL
ReplyDeleteI get so into so many things, I joke with people that I must have some type of ADD that makes a person never want to settle on a few hobbies/jobs but just keep learning and discovering more, LOL
But thank you, I am really *fingers crossed* hoping that I can finally quit being the broken record and get back to running as I have loved!
Im happy that i joined the bloghop.
ReplyDeleteWith some people i daily hop already.
Thank you for that.
In the future i will buy other Running shoes ,i gues it will be better for my bones ;)
I know, aren't those ice baths just pure misery! Who needs that, LOL
ReplyDeleteDefinitely anything is possible, and and with that thought, who knows what we can tackle and do in life, right!
Oh, and your absolutely welcome I enjoy putting on these hops and love that others enjoy them too!
Thanks, I do love adventure, sometimes a little too much but I guess there are worst things to do with my spare time, LOL
ReplyDeleteIt's been great to get to know you too during the hop, I am glad you are enjoying it!!!
LOL, 21 is quite an awesome number too! I am just a really fast reader, if I do sit down to read a book I can get through 100 pages an hour and if its a great story I get so sucked in its quite common I will finish a book in an afternoon or one sitting, I hate setting a good book aside to do something else, LOL I think that's why I get through so many!
ReplyDeleteI know I apparently have a book reading addiction, marathon addiction and adventure... Well yup I am an addict, LOL but at least it is with healthy stuff, LOL
ReplyDeleteYou are so sweet, I have really enjoyed following your blog this past year too, you are also amazing and I am still jealous of the beautiful part of the country you get to run in each day!
Firstly, I love that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt! That is just absolutely perfect. And can I just say that I am like super jealous of all those fun thrills! I have always wanted to go skydiving but I don't have anyone that would dare go with me... I am honestly a huge scaredy cat haha. But I would love to do so many of those risky thrill seeking things. I just have mini heart attacks at the same time hahaha. I also adore those pictures from weddings. I have always had a love for interior decorating... Finally get my own place with my boyfriend and him giving me free reign over the décor was like Christmas haha. We are currently looking for a home and I cannot wait to decorate that as well! You are so amazing! Keep up all the great work!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, I am glad you have been having fun with the hop and enjoying it!!! Skydiving, YAY! Oh ya, it's a GREAT adrenaline rush, love that feeling!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks I do love the marathon goal, it's been so much fun I am looking forward getting back on it as soon as my body will allow:)
Thank you SO much for organizing this. I never know where to start when looking to expand my blog reading. The "link love" posts are always overwhelming (I can't click on 143 blogs in one day...), and this was just what I needed. I'm bookmarking the link that has all of us so that I can remember everyone I "met" this way. I love reading that, despite your injury, you're still hoping to reach your 50 marathon goal. I've taken a bit of a break from racing, and I have to say, it's nice not panicking that an injury is going to take me down just before a big event...I know I'll get back to it eventually, just like you!
ReplyDeleteThanks Chaitali, you are a traveler so you totally understand the love of seeing what the world has to offer!
ReplyDeleteLOL sometimes the things in life that freak us out the most end up being the things that we enjoy the most:)
what a great post! I LOVE all your beautiful pics (and the quotes are awesome as well). We have a lot in common...too many to discuss (for now). I do agree with you on the finisher medal thing....I really don't want a medal from a short race (unless I'm able to squeak out a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place finish). I have run so many races (13.1's are my favorite), that running the shorter races aren't much of a challenge for me, unless I'm really attempting to PR (but I'm not especially fast, so that's usually a futile effort LOL). Thanks for all your hard work in organizing and overseeing all the details with the Hops.....you are a wealth of valuable information ;-)
ReplyDeleteWow Kristy! 39 marathons is such a huge accomplishment!!! I think the 45 books is too! Your photos of your hikes and travels are so beautiful. Your love of life and the natural world really come through in your posts. And of course, we all want to know you :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, I do love my camera! My dad was a quite good marathon runner and coached many athletes through the years so it was his advice in 2001 I decided to use when I attempted my first marathon and between his friends and my own who all train similarly the same, there have been very few running injuries from any of us, but ya some of the newer methods you just hear injury in every other runner so I don't know if there is really truth to it, but ya I am going to stick to the old school methods:) a lot of bloggers would likely disagree with me, but hey you don't fix what isn't broken, right:)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are having a great time with this hop, and have found some great new blogs to follow. I took a lot of great relationships away from the one I did last February and I hope lots more from this one, it's just fun to meet great new people!
Your too sweet! I just love life and have an odd sense of fearlessness at trying new things:) I've enjoyed getting to know you more during the hop as well, thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I know it was probably a bit too long and long winded, but I started on it before the hop began and finally finished it last week and told myself to quit adding to it at one point, LOL
ReplyDeleteClearly in my humble nature, I obviously have zero problem with your accolades, LOL LOL
No, I am humble to a normal person fairly decent point, but when it's your spotlight day why not just let it go a little, and have fun, right:)
Thank you so much, I really appreciate that compliment about the hop I love doing these and helping other bloggers learn to use the same methods I used when I originally began building my blog, because I know they work. It makes me happy to know others are enjoying it and having a great time meeting others!
LOL, you didn't know that about me, oh my gosh where have I gone wrong? LOL Kidding. Oh ya, I am a bit of an adventure junkie and I was even far worse in my younger years when my fear levels were much much lower than they are now. I just love life and trying new things, even if I only get the chance to do them once:)
ReplyDeleteAnd your welcome, I am glad you are enjoying the hop!
P.S. Looks like we are going to have a pretty great group in our Giveaway hop starting Monday. Looking forward to it, thanks for helping me get the word out on it!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I was a little worried it was a little to long, that is the problem when you create a post several weeks in advance and keep adding to it, LOL
ReplyDeleteI am thrilled you are having a blast during this hop, I have really enjoyed how this one and the one 2 weeks prior turned out it's made me so happy to see all the amazing interaction and networking it's great, and I am so happy others are having a great time with it!
I am the same way, I do like to surround myself with people who have good work ethics and positive outlooks on life.
Yay a fellow target shooter, it's a fun sport isn't it!
LOL, skydiving might not be for everyone, but oh it is an awesome thrill:) I've really been enjoying getting to know you more during this hop too. Looking forward to continuing that even after!!!
You really don't have that many states left do you? I think it is awesome you shark dived! Back when we had cable and shark week came on I always said I wanted to do that! I'd be scared to death but I think the excitement would over come it! Now skydiving, I don't know if I could do!!! What amazing pictures of the wild animals, did you capture all of them? What kind of camera do you have. I have a Nikon D5000. So good to get to know you even more!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous photos!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the hills. They make the run more interesting. I actually joined a running club that is further away from me just because they run off road all year round, and that includes running up muddy hills!
I love your quote about reading. I'm also someone who can get really drawn into a book and have been known to gasp and cry in public due to the book I'm reading.
Kristy, thank you SO much for organizing this.This is my first blog hop and it has been an awesome experience! 39 marathons...wow!...Very inspiring! I love seeing pics of your runs and hikes, so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the 39 marathons! Wow!! I'm very grateful that you hosted the Blog Hop be I got to meet so many new bloggers and you too! I admit, I had been following you on social media but never gotten to know you. I'm so jealous of all the places and all the things you've done! I'll definitely be back to read more about your adventures!
ReplyDeleteI have loved that Eleanor Roosevelt quote for years, your right it's just perfectly said!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I didn't have anyone to go with me either, so I went alone. I mean ya my parents and a sister came to watch but other than that I did it alone. Maybe one day throw the scaredy cat aside and just go for it, it's really a lot of fun and statistically safer than driving in a car:) LOL
That is awesome, decorating a home can be a lot of fun, I hope you find the perfect one and then go for it decorate it exactly like you want it to be:)
When I first started blogging I participated in a lot of link love's and I found so many problems with them, like you said it is impossible to go through all. But I would try to do 2-4 blogs, because that was reasonable, but what I found was so many just post a link there and could care less to network. So I quit doing those, and started doing my own thing, this hop is pretty much exactly how I began building my blog up in the early days, and still do even though I originally did it without a hop, but with a hop more fun!
ReplyDeleteI am really glad you are enjoying it and finding it helpful!!!!
Sometimes we just need a break, right! I didn't want a break, but since it was forced I have been trying to embrace it and learn from it, but I will be honest some days it's pretty hard, but it is what it is, right:) When you're ready I bet you'll get back into it with a bang and a greater love for it:)
Thank you! I know, I remember in my younger years you could enter a 5k or 10k and for a lower price and walk away with some awesome stuff that I could actually use like a hat or scarf or something and it never crossed anyones mind to get a finishers medal. Instead we would stand around after hoping to win trips or cruises in raffles:) I miss those days!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, I am glad you are enjoying the hop, I enjoy doing them to meet others and help bloggers out who may not have been able to find long term followers on their own as easily!
LOL thanks Denise! I do have fun with life, it's so much better to live that way:)
ReplyDeleteNot too many, just before the work injury I had all 19 picked out and many registered for, I was going to pull off all 19 in 2013, but life had different plans. It was hard to cancel them initially, but one day I will be back and finishing the goal now will mean so much more! Funny how life teaches ya that way sometimes!
ReplyDeleteOh you should go shark diving! I would love to go cage free, but at the time I went the currents were really bad so they made us stay in the cage. But even so it was a blast!
Yes, I took each photo and the actual ones look even better than this collage, LOL I turned down the quality when I made the collage of them for file size:)
I wish I had a fancy Nikon like you, I am super jealous right now!
I have a Kodak camera, I'd have to go look at it to know more, but its not one of those super expensive ones, it was a git from my parents 7 years ago (when I bought my wedding company) they knew I needed a little bit better camera to take pictures of my work:) When I travel and take pics hiking I go at times of day that the sun makes things look their best so I have just gotten lucky with a few good shots! But I have a dream to one day afford one of those fancy camera's with all the cool lenses, mine doesn't have those, but I can change the exposure time and a few little things like that on it!
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYay a hill lover:) They really do make a course more interesting! That is awesome, how fun running up muddy hills:)
Oh yes, I love to read and I love that quote! That is awesome, I am the same way, sometimes when I am reading a good book I can totally space out everything else around me and totally throw myself in that world. Just means you and I have great imaginations that make the stories more real! Hope you can find some great books to read this fall/winter!!!
39 marathons? I can't even imagine! Wedding planning sounds like fun but I'll bet it's a ton of work too and I suspect the clients can be tough sometimes. I love your sense of adventure and passion for traveling. Thanks so much for coordinating this blog hop .It's been so much fun and very beneficial too!
ReplyDeletewow, I've definitely learned so much more about you!! you lead a very, very interesting life! kudos to going after your passions and your dreams. Like you i bring a camera everywhere so I can hopefully capture those moments that just don't come around very often.
ReplyDeleteYou are so welcome! I am happy to hear you are enjoying the experience so much!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you, I do love my camera and a bit of adventure that is for sure!
Yes, I dislike the ice bath too! I love that you ran the NYC Marathon, I just did it earlier this month. It was my dream race.
ReplyDeleteI love your photos. I too love venturing out with my camera. It's a part of who I am. And, I'm also a people person, I can talk to just about anyone as well. No fear. LOL
So cool learning so much about you in just one blog post!
Shannon (@GirlsGotSole.com)
Thank you Elizabeth, I am happy are are enjoying your time in the hop and have met some great bloggers, I hope you can find friendships that will last long after!
ReplyDeleteSocial media is a great thing, I do the same thing too I follow so many and I love looking at what they are into and never get a chance to get to know them better, that is one of the things I love about doing these hops they are great chances to get to know so many amazing people better!
No need to be jealous, I bet you have been on some amazing adventures of your own and will have so many more coming up in your future!!!
Wedding planning is a lot of fun, I seriously love it. But yes it does have its challenges, oddly the mother of the brides are some of the worst challenges, LOL
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are having fun with the hop, it has been fun hosting it all for you all!
Oh ya, bringing a camera along is the best way to experience life, you just never know when something awesome is going to be right in front of you:) Of course on the times I forget a camera that is sometimes when the really amazing stuff finds me, LOL but that is life!
ReplyDeleteOh that is awesome, didn't you just love it? NYC Marathon will probably always be on my all time top 5 favorite races list, there is just something about it that you don't get in any other marathon, don't you think? (Oh ya those ice baths are jsut miserable!!)
ReplyDeleteYay, another people person, life is so much fun dropping in on conversations with random people about just about anything, isn't it! But ya, I like that, no fear:) LOL
I don't think that I knew you were on a marathon quest! I can't even fathom running 39! Amazing! I think I have mentioned this before but I love all of your stunning photos. It really makes me want to tote my camera along to snag more scenic images from my travels. Thanks again for hosting!
ReplyDeleteMy oh my so much more about I learned reading this!
ReplyDeleteYour passion for thrill is amazing! I want to sky dive, rock climb and bun gee jump but I think too much and chicken out :(
I have been para-sailing and cliff diving though.
Traveling...oh how I love it! I wish I had endless time and resources to travel more. My girlfriends and I try to travel somewhere each summer-helps to keep the cost down too.
Ice baths-no thank you! Pizza and a burger-please and thank you!!
I don't like flat courses either or out and backs but some how I got convinced to sign up for Rehobeth half which is both flat and out and back-what the what!!
Lucky you not getting injured running. Sorry to hear about your work injury-how much longer until you can get back at it?
Great mission statement. Something I need to think about at work out.
Thanks for sharing some more about yourself
WOW! Sooo many marathons and novels read!! Very impressive. Sorry to hear about your injury that is no fun. I am battling a low back injury right now and I am soo over it. I cannot believe you dont like flat race courses haha! I am allll about flat courses. No hills please! :)
ReplyDeleteWow at all your marathons! I don't have a 50 states goal, but I would like to cover the Southern states. I love all your pictures! You're a great photographer. I've never tried ice baths. I'll stick to soaking in my Epsom salts. I don't know if it makes much difference, but it's relaxing anyway. I am no daredevil. I am too chicken to go skydiving or bungee jumping. I have been parasailing twice, but I was younger. I think too much about what could go wrong now. I love your blog and life mission statement.
ReplyDeleteKristy, it was nice getting to know you via your bog. I know you in person to be the sweetest, and I admire you so much--and so much more now :) I love your mission statement. Love everything about it. It shows me you are strong, you are a hard worker, you are committed, and have compassion. Thanks for inviting me to view your blog. I will return often :)
ReplyDeleteSusan @susanknight.blogspot.com
There you are in your about me at the top in pink! It's funny because even though I'm personally not a fan of pink it seems to flood my workout clothes and gear!
ReplyDeleteYour dad sounds amazing! You sound like you have some great roots underneath you and you've truly worked hard and pursued your dreams and goals! Thanks for sharing about you and all your favorite quotes! I love quotes! And really enjoyed every single one on your post today! I really like Dave Ramsey's quote that was much similar to one you shared!
“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.”
I actually like medals because I but I agree for those more fun runs I would prefer swag! Maybe I'll feel the same when I get into longer distances! But right now my 5ks feel like marathons :P and I'm always giving it my all!
I'd love to hear more about those old training techniques for running! I'm just starting out with running and hope to be like you and avoid running injuries! That's amazing! I've always been so weary of running because all the issues I see many people have!
Kristy, I really appreciate the time that you put into writing this. It was great to learn so much about you. One thing that you didn't mention is your finely tuned management and organization skills. The blog hop was fantastic and those skills certainly came out during it.
ReplyDeleteMy medals are all over the place. I try to organize them into ziplocks every year but I am always finding one loose here and there - in a back pack, a laundry basket, at the bottom of a donation pile. It amazes me how they seem to clone themselves and teleport to different locations in the house.
Thanks for organizing the blog hop. It's been a lot of fun.
Wow, you are fascinating!! Amazing photography, I love it. Your life seems to be one big adventure. Your number of marathons is so inspiring! And anyone in the wedding business is impressive to me, I have attended 6 weddings around the world this year, and the work that goes into each and every one of them has amazed me.
ReplyDeleteLoved learning about you, and a big thank you for organising all of this!
Meg x
Ya, I started the quest back in 2011, I would have finished all the states in 2013 if it wasn't for the work injury. But one day...
ReplyDeleteThank you, and yes you definitely should tote your camera along, everywhere!!!
Maybe one day, you'll just go for it and not chicken out, sky diving is awesome if you have a desire, definitely give it a try sometime!
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome about the para-sailing and cliff diving, did you get to do them in some great places?
Ya, another no ice baths and pizza or a burger instead, LOL so much nicer to reward ourselves after right!
That is awesome you have friends to get together to travel with each summer, that would be a blast. I have a friend who occasionally we take a cruise together, but most the time when I travel I just go alone:)
I haven't done the Rehoboth Half, but I did run the Rehoboth Beach Marathon, and ya it was a little flat, but thankfully it turned a lot of corners, LOL when we got into the state park I think there were a few rolling hills, but even though it was flat I did like the trail run section:) Have fun in your race, even if it's flat hopefully you'll love it anyway!
Honestly, this work injury has been one of those things that has been a back and forth for 3 years. I got up to running 8-11 miles every day earlier this spring and then a few flare ups. I get flare ups every 3 weeks, it's annoying. But since my last over 2 months ago I have taken it very easy so I am hoping the extended rest will make a difference, I am starting to get back into walking/running again right, so fingers crossed:)
Lower back pains are the worst! I hope you can get over it soon!
ReplyDeleteLOL, ya I hate flat courses, I mean I am from Utah and lets face it, there isn't anywhere flat to run so you just learn to love it, and then when you get to a flat course it's like, will this ever end, LOL Everyones different though, right!
Oh you totally should! I loved running in the southern states so much, I have all of them done except N. Carolina and Kentucky (If that one even is a southern state, LOL) There are some great races down south and for some reason I just love the people there too!
ReplyDeleteI've heard of some using Epsom salts, totally makes sense they would work, and I bet so much more relaxing than ice!
Thanks for stopping by!
Oh Susan, that is so sweet of you to say, your kind words just totally brightened my day!!!! You too are a total sweetheart and I have enjoyed getting to know you. I just wish I could attend more of those meetings, maybe next year:)
ReplyDeleteI was lucky, I was raised by great parents, and I did get my love for running from my dad. Though he was a much better runner and quite a bit faster than me, but that's okay, LOL
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard that Dave Ramsey quote, I agree I do like it!!!!!
I think most of us give it our all's, I wan't meaning I dislike medals, it's just especially the smaller ones or fun runs, I would just rather get a chance at a raffle or a free fun picture or something:)
There is really not much to the old training techniques for running, I can sum it up pretty short; for marathon training 6-10 miles a day 4-5 days a week, with one long run of 16-18 or up to 20 on the weekend, and one rest day a week. But of course building up to it slowly 6 months of actively running 5-6 miles 5 days a week, before gradually building the mileage up. The biggest key is never work on building distance during the same weeks as you are working on speed, that is one mistake a lot of people make and one of the biggest reasons some runners get injured, you have to keep them seperate entirely.
That's pretty much it, just getting out there and getting in the mileage building up the body for actual distance running and not short cutting it. If I cross train, it's like a hike or something and usually that is after a shorter run or something. But ya, that is pretty much it, nothing like the hundreds of pages you can read in books I hear these days on newer methods for runners who want to run less but still pull off the races. And nothing against those, I know they work for a lot of people and get many more out the door, they just aren't for me, I kinda go with the, if it's not broke then why fix it, even with training, lol lol
Honestly, I think most injuries are preventable I wouldn't worry about getting injured.
Thank you! I did enjoy putting this one together, I had a lot of fun putting all my favorite quotes together and picking things in my life that went along with them:)
ReplyDeleteOh, and you are a far to kind, but thank you again! I am glad you enjoyed the hop and your comments are so sweet and much appreciated!
That is awesome you sound like my sister. Just today I asked her if she wanted a medal rack since she is starting to rack up so many from all the half marathons she is doing, and she says, nah I have just been throwing them in drawers and stuff right now, LOL Honestly, if I hadn't packed most of mine up and threw them into a couple of old running shoe boxes I have a feeling mine would be all over too, LOL Actually, thinking about it I am not even sure exactly where I put those shoe boxes now that I think about it, the shed or closet maybe??? LOL LOL
Oh thank you, I do enjoy taking the camera around there is a lot of beauty in this would!
ReplyDelete6 weddings around the world? Oh my gosh how cool!!!
They are a ton of work, but oddly I like to be overworked and stressed I swear things turn out even better when I am, LOL LOL Except for when a crazy overly annoying mother of the bride is following me around, now that I can always do without, LOL LOL
You are welcome, it's been my pleasure to do so for you all!
HOLY COW I can't even imagine running ONE marathon, and you've done THAT many?!! That's crazy! I'm excited to run my second half-marathon next year haha. Hoping to plan a wedding next year as well, but that one hasn't been scheduled yet. ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for putting together this blog hop! I have enjoyed meeting and reading about so many bloggers. It was way more fun than I thought it would be!
I love this, and it was perfect timing for me since I found you through the holiday blog hop! I'm glad to have found your blog and I'll be along for the ride now...
ReplyDeleteAwesome post! How have I not stumbled across you before?!? Impressed at your marathons, love your photos. I, too, enjoy the hills (although more so on a bike than running).
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome, which Half Marathon did you pick?
ReplyDeleteAnd a wedding too, that is even more awesome! Congrats to you on that, my best tip for anyone planning a wedding is: do not go into debt for it, it's not worth it!
I'm glad you have enjoyed the hop, and had fun with it!!!
Oh thank you, the greatest thing about the hop is finding new friends!
ReplyDeleteOh thank you! I am glad you did find me, there are so many awesome bloggers out there, I am looking forward to connecting and checking yours out too!
ReplyDeleteYay, another hill lover:) Biking up a hill is awesome too, I will be the first to admit I've hopped off my bike on a few hills to push it up instead though, LOL)
Well, Kristy - I've enjoyed your blog hops, as you know. But this post has opened up a whole new insight into who you are, and I'm so impressed! You've done a lot of great things, and you truly live your life with passion and no-holds-barred! I am very unlike you in a lot of ways (for example, no WAY you'd get me to jump out of a plane!), but you're also really inspiring. Plus, the energy and effort you put into these blog hops, for a whole bunch of strangers-turned-friends, just shows how much you care about what you do. Thanks again for doing this, and for allowing me to be a part of it! Keep up the awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips! Looking forward to making some big progress in my running. :D And I'll be adding your dads quotes to my motivational race mantras!
ReplyDeleteIt is great to learn even more about you Kristy! Love that you are so adventurous! I don't think I could sky dive. I'm not a fan of free falling so you are awesome for doing it for 60 seconds! You dad sounds pretty cool and love that he gives you advice and has helped with your running since you were so little. You have a great mission statement!
ReplyDeleteThis was a great post for getting to know you better! One of my favorite race awards was a coffee mug that I received for placing in a 5K in Pensacola many years ago. I use it a lot and it reminds me of our fun trip to Florida.
ReplyDeleteThanks Bradley!
ReplyDeleteI do like to have fun, and enjoy life, I am glad you enjoyed the post!
I am so happy you have success during these hops, I don't mind putting the time in it's kind of like my fun way to giving back to the blogging world who has been so kind to me and given me so much! (Oh and you never know, never say no, you never know when someone may talk you into jumping out of a plane, LOL)
It was an awesome 60 seconds, although it went by too fast, LOL
ReplyDeleteHe's a pretty great dad, great coach too! I'd be a much better runner if I listened to him more often!
LOL, one day you'll be done with school and get a chance at traveling, and you'll love it!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! See that is the kind of stuff I wish all 5k's would do, things we can use! I would totally use a mug if given one!!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so much fun! I have to admit I am a stranger talker too. People I know always get annoyed with me because I stop and talk to new people. They react like if they are in a hurry, I should be too, but I like to talk to people and hear their stories. If people don't have time to wait for me, I let them walk off. I never like to walk of in the middle of a conversation, it hurts people's feelings and causes ubrupt closure. It just feels bad when anyone does it, it won't be me leaving people with that feeling.
ReplyDeleteI am an experience girl. I want to learn, feel, and have something to take with me on my journey. That's why I love running and events. I get to be apart of something and it enriches my life.
I am the run injured girl! It seems like every time I run, something new hurts. I have no training other then self pacing, breathing techniques, and trying to keep my stride in check. I wish I had a parent that was into fitness to motivate me. My mother did spark the love of group fitness in me, going to jazzercize as a kid. Other than that I played baseball and volleyball and got injured there too. Ugh my sensitive body. With a heart murmur, I have always had to pace myself, found out the hard way in high school on the track. Passed straight out during my first mile run. Needless to say, I never ran again until I was 31. When a passion for freedom and control over my own health led me to train c25k.
I had so much fun learning about you and am so happy I joined this hop!
I knew you were adventurous but wow! I am impressed! Shark Diving?!!
ReplyDeleteFantastic post Kristy and I certainly learned more things about you from it. I also love to read, but rarely have enough time with running, golf taking care of the dog, house etc. Too many excuses too. I have gotten injured running, but the injuries have involved a dog bite, Zumba class, TRX class and really things that had nothing to do with actual running. I also had no idea you ran almost every day. Have you run a marathon in NC yet? We have a great one here in Wilmington, but since you don't like flat courses that might rule it out for you.
ReplyDeleteYay, another people person, stranger talker:) Hey there is nothing wrong with it, totally makes life more fun that way, right!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry you get a lot of running injuries.Hope you can break away from the injuries, that is no fun at all!!!
But I think that is so awesome, you have battled from a condition that probably would have detoured many. And taken over it with a new passion, that is awesome!
I am glad you joined up in the hop too Carleeh!!!
LOL, yeah Shark diving was seriously fun! Definitely worth trying if you ever get the chance!
ReplyDeleteYou are so like me then, getting injured doing everything but running, LOL I did get a dog bite too once, scared the heck out of me I still haven't ran down that street and it's been years since it happened. I have a friend who gets injured doing zumba and yoga like every few weeks, and I always say to her, then why do you keep doing it. But then I realize, I do the same stupid things sometimes with other things and get injured so sometimes we just do it to ourselves, right:)
ReplyDeleteI have not run in NC yet, that is pretty much the only Southern state I have left. I will have to look into the Wilmington one, I remember on my race calendar I had picked one that was either in late Nov. or Dec but not sure what towns it was in. However, that was 3 years ago when I picked all the races I wanted to do, a lot has changed and I bet I change my mind again when I can get back into them. I still run flat courses though, even if I don't like them, they are kind of inevitable in many states:)